Releases: folio-org/mod-inventory
Releases · folio-org/mod-inventory
20.2.3 2024-04-25
- MODINV-1022 Circulation History in Item record removed when Item is marked Missing/Long missing/ Unavailable
20.2.2 2024-04-22
- MODINV-1009 Circulation History in Item record removed when Item is marked Missing/Long missing/ Unavailable
- MODINV-1012 Invalid values (as it is) created in JSON when value is not matching accepted options provided in Instance field mapping for Nature of Content term
20.1.11 2024-04-19
- MODINV-1015 Update data-import-processing-core to v4.1.5 to enable fix MODDICORE-402
20.2.1 2024-04-12
- MODINV-1001 Fix sorting for Items on Instance details page
- MODINV-999"PMSystem" displayed as source in "quickmarc" view when record was created by "Non-matches" action of job profile
- MODINV-1003 The result table is not displayed in the file details log
- MODINV-997 Keep order of MARC fields while Creating/Deriving/Editing MARC records
20.1.10 2024-03-27
- MODINV-987 Allow to retrieve ITEM universally during HOLDINGS update
20.2.0 2024-03-20
- Inventory cannot process Holdings with virtual fields (MODINV-941)
- Set instance record as deleted (MODINV-883)
- Remove step of initial saving of incoming records to SRS MODSOURMAN-1022
- Apply 005 logic before saving MARC Bib in SRS MODINV-921
- Remove extra fields from 'holdings/move' mechanism MODINV-948
- Allow to link local instance to shared instance MODINV-901
- OOM issue in mod-inventory (MODINV-944) (MODINV-982)
- Make configurable params for instance sharing MODINV-964
- Create Kafka topics instead of relying on auto create in mod-inventory MODINV-957
- Remove post-processing for Instance Update action MODINV-922
- The import of file is completed with errors MODINV-968
- Move Marc-Bib matching event handler to inventory MODINV-935
- The duplicate record is created after updating action MODINV-969
- Upgrade vertx to 4.5.4 MODDICORE-398
- Add 999 validation for instance creation MODDATAIMP-1001
- Adjust Match event handlers to take into account multiple search results from previous match MODINV-936
- SPIKE: Remove duplicated action DI_INVENTORY_INSTANCE_CREATED from Kafka event MODINV-782
- Allow to retrieve ITEM universally during HOLDINGS update MODINV-987
- Support same title being part of many (100+) bound-withs MODINV-839
- Provide event payload with incomingRecordId for logs MODSOURMAN-1141
- Correct tenantId for retrieving record while instance updating MODINV-972
- Implement Modify MARC Bib handler in mod-inventory MODINV-967
- MARC bib record with only required fields cannot be imported MODINV-951
- Call delete endpoint in SRS when Instance is marked for deletion MODINV-961
- Incorrect tenantId installed in received DI_ERROR message MODINV-952
- Remove jsonld-java dependency fixing commons-io 2.5 CVE MODINV-965
- Fix exception when deciding to update Field 005 FAT-9178
- Extra Item for Orders Created during multiple import MODINV-928
- Adjust non-match by POL/VRN logic to not throw an exception MODINV-953
- Add new field "Display summary" for the item schema MODINV-959
- Add missed module permissions MODINV-901
- Fix exception when updating field 005 FAT-9178
- Remove extra fields from 'holdings/move' mechanism MODINV-948
- Move 001+003->035 logic to inventory and save SRS MARC by an HTTP request MODINV-849
- Preload orders not only with status Open MODINV-876
- Add subscription on DI_SRS_MARC_BIB_RECORD_UPDATED event about marc-bib update MODSOURMAN-1106
- Consortial: Local HRID gets added as 035 when instance is shared MODINV-918
- Consortial: non-MARC data not saved when local source = MARC instance is promoted MODINV-960
20.1.9 2024-03-01
- Close Kafka Producers MODINV-944
- Update data-import-processing-core to v4.1.4 MODDICORE-394
20.1.8 2024-02-09
- Consortial: correct tenantId for DI_ERROR message is set MODINV-952
- Make configurable params for instance sharing MODINV-950
20.1.7 2024-01-18
- Consortial: non-MARC data not saved when local source = MARC instance is promoted (MODINV-929)
20.1.6 2023-12-08
- MARC source shared instance overlay fails occasionally (MODINV-937)