Copyright (C) 2018-2019 The Open Library Foundation
This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the file "LICENSE" for more information.
Mod-Service-Interaction is a FOLIO Backend Module for cross-app connectivity.
Mod-Service-Interaction is currently just storage for the dashboard, but since it handles things such as making multi-interface okapi calls and consolidating the returned values, this module represents an opportunity for other such operations, particularly in an ERM context, to have a home in future.
Developers looking to access the services exposed by mod-service-interaction can find more information in the following documentation: See the documentation
This is the main starter repository for the Grails-based OLF - ERM backend modules.
A sample k8s deployment and service resource description can be found in the scripts directory
Most importantly, the module requires a number of ENV settings which are different to the RMB defaults
- OKAPI_SERVICE_PORT - port number for okapi
- OKAPI_SERVICE_HOST - host for okapi - in K8S [namespace.]hostname or just hostname if you are running the pod in the same namespace as okapi
See project ERM at the FOLIO issue tracker.
Other modules are described, with further FOLIO Developer documentation at
grails -Dgrails.env=vagrant-db run-app
Most developers will run some variant of the following commands the first time through
Start the vagrant image up from the project root
vagrant destroy
vagrant up
Sometimes okapi does not start cleanly in the vagrant image - you can check this with
vagrant ssh
then once logged in
docker ps
should list running images - if no processes are listed, you will need to restart okapi (In the vagrant image) with
sudo su - root
service okapi stop
service okapi start
Finish the part off with
tail -f /var/log/folio/okapi/okapi.log
Build and run mod-mod-service-int stand alone
cd service
grails war
Register the module
cd scripts ./
Run up a stripes platform containing ui-dashboard
platform-erm does not yet contain ui-dashboard, it will soon.
This section is run in a local setup, not from any particular checked out project, YMMV
cd ../platform/stripes/platform-erm
stripes serve ./stripes.config.js --has-all-perms
You should get back
Waiting for webpack to build... Listening at http://localhost:3000
and then be able to access the app