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Release v7.1.0 (#255) #386

Release v7.1.0 (#255)

Release v7.1.0 (#255) #386

GitHub Actions / BigTest Unit Test Results succeeded Mar 20, 2024 in 0s

All 17 tests pass in 0s

17 tests  ±0   17 ✔️ ±0   0s ⏱️ ±0s
  1 suites ±0     0 💤 ±0 
  1 files   ±0     0 ±0 

Results for commit 23b5d88. ± Comparison against earlier commit 5202a8a.


Check notice on line 0 in .github

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / BigTest Unit Test Results

17 tests found

There are 17 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
Raw output
Chrome_122_0_0_0_(Linux_x86_64).UI-plugin-find-user ‑ UI-plugin-find-user Multiselection of users Opening the modal displays "save" button
Chrome_122_0_0_0_(Linux_x86_64).UI-plugin-find-user ‑ UI-plugin-find-user Multiselection of users Opening the modal displays rows with checkboxes
Chrome_122_0_0_0_(Linux_x86_64).UI-plugin-find-user ‑ UI-plugin-find-user Multiselection of users Opening the modal selecting multiple users returns selected users
Chrome_122_0_0_0_(Linux_x86_64).UI-plugin-find-user ‑ UI-plugin-find-user Multiselection of users Opening the modal unselect users returns selected users after unselect a user
Chrome_122_0_0_0_(Linux_x86_64).UI-plugin-find-user ‑ UI-plugin-find-user initialSelectedUsers should return one initial selected user
Chrome_122_0_0_0_(Linux_x86_64).UI-plugin-find-user ‑ UI-plugin-find-user rendering click the button checking show inactive filter pulls a result set
Chrome_122_0_0_0_(Linux_x86_64).UI-plugin-find-user ‑ UI-plugin-find-user rendering click the button checking show inactive filter resetting the filter and search clears the value in the search field
Chrome_122_0_0_0_(Linux_x86_64).UI-plugin-find-user ‑ UI-plugin-find-user rendering click the button checking show inactive filter resetting the filter and search displays "No Results" message
Chrome_122_0_0_0_(Linux_x86_64).UI-plugin-find-user ‑ UI-plugin-find-user rendering click the button checking show inactive filter resetting the filter and search unchecks the filter checkboxes
Chrome_122_0_0_0_(Linux_x86_64).UI-plugin-find-user ‑ UI-plugin-find-user rendering click the button filling in the searchField activates the reset button
Chrome_122_0_0_0_(Linux_x86_64).UI-plugin-find-user ‑ UI-plugin-find-user rendering click the button filling in the searchField activates the search button
Chrome_122_0_0_0_(Linux_x86_64).UI-plugin-find-user ‑ UI-plugin-find-user rendering click the button filling in the searchField submitting the search returns a set of results
Chrome_122_0_0_0_(Linux_x86_64).UI-plugin-find-user ‑ UI-plugin-find-user rendering click the button filling in the searchField submitting the search selecting a user calls the selectUser callback
Chrome_122_0_0_0_(Linux_x86_64).UI-plugin-find-user ‑ UI-plugin-find-user rendering click the button filling in the searchField submitting the search selecting a user hides the modal
Chrome_122_0_0_0_(Linux_x86_64).UI-plugin-find-user ‑ UI-plugin-find-user rendering click the button opens a modal
Chrome_122_0_0_0_(Linux_x86_64).UI-plugin-find-user ‑ UI-plugin-find-user rendering renders button
Chrome_122_0_0_0_(Linux_x86_64).UsersShape PropTypes ‑ UsersShape PropTypes should validate correctly for valid prop