Releases: folio-org/ui-users
Releases · folio-org/ui-users
- Add missed
permissions. Refs UIU-3291.
- Update permissions for mod-patron. Ref UIU-3259.
- Update permission after BE permission changes. Refs UIU-3288.
in all its queries. Refs UIU-3279.- Leverage API supported sorting of columns on pre-registrations records list. Refs UIU-3249.
- Show all patron notice print jobs (not just ten random ones), in correct order. Fixes UIU-3269.
- Review and cleanup Module Descriptors for ui-users. Refs UIU-3214.
- Change users interface to "16.3". Refs UIU-3275.
- If keycloak user record doesn't exist, create it before resetting password. Refs UIU-3236.
- Conditionally use delete method of the
interface is present in UserRecordContainer. Refs UIU-3234. - Fix user edit without "Auth-Users" capability sets. Refs UIU-3243.
- Process more item tokens in due date print. Refs UIU-3239.
v11.0.0 Ramsons
- UX consistency: Use Save & close button label stripes-component translation key. Refs UIU-3078.
- Fix two "triangle down" icons in select element of "Copy existing fee/fine owner table entries" modal. Refs UIU-2929.
- Fix incorrect translation key having count-disagreements in Pay fees/fines modal in Fees/Fines Page. Refs UIU-1097.
- Reading Room Access accordion in User record - Basic Layout. Refs UIU-3096.
- Trim input values and delete properties with empty string when user record save. Refs UIU-2049.
- Update username field validation to trim leading and trailing spaces. Refs UIU-3099.
- Fix "Total paid amount" value that set as "$NaN" on "Refund fee/fine" modal. Refs UIU-3094.
- Validate image url provided as external url for user profile picture. Refs UIU-3080.
- Import and use ProfilePicture Component from stripes/smart-components. Refs UIU-3104.
- Show Roles assigned to users. Refs UIU-3110.
- Add edit user roles accordion on edit role modal view. Refs UIU-3021.
- Wire up with API ability to assign/unassign user roles in UserForm. Refs UIU-3124.
- Fix filter issues in user roles modal. Refs UIU-3124.
- Suppress Settings > Users > Permission sets when roles interface is present. Refs UIU-3105.
- Sort user roles alphabetically in EditUserRoles and UserRolesModal components. Refs UIU-3145.
- Rename isDCBItem function name to isDcbItem. Refs UIU-3020.
- BREAKING Add new okapi interface reading-room-patron-permission. Create new permission 'Users: Can view reading room access'. Refs UIU-3116.
- Create new permission 'Users: Can view, and edit reading room access'. Refs UIU-3117.
- Include DCB in 'User Type' search filter group. Refs UIU-3016.
- Displaying Default Reading Room Access in User Records. Refs UIU-3114.
- Implement Reading Room Access functionality in user profile edit. Refs UIU-3115.
- Add HTML page titles for each page in Users Settings. Refs UIU-2935.
- Make dependency on mod-reading-rooms optional. Refs UIU-3146.
- Make Reading Room Filter case insensitive. Refs UIU-3150.
- Improve UX of Reading Room Access accordion selection box in user profile edit. Refs UIU-3151.
- Set Users date format in all date input fields as per Session Locale Settings. Refs UIU-2879.
- Make unblocked fee-fine actions if item is claimed returned and loan is closed. Refs UIU-3125.
- Add the possibility to use "pay" and "waive" fee/fine permissions separately. Refs UIU-3109.
- Use showing/hiding approach for fee/fine action buttons. Refs UIU-3156.
- Support sorting for each column in the Reading Room Access accordion in User Profile Edit. Refs UIU-3132.
- Add the 'Preferred email communication' field in the Contact information accordion of the user profile. Refs UIU-3152.
- Add the 'Print Library Card' action in the Action Menu of User app. Refs UIU-3159.
- Export user details for library card printing. Refs UIU-3163.
- Export profile picture for library card printing. Refs UIU-3160.
- Bump up users okapi interface to 16.2. Refs UIU-3170.
- Fix wrong format of user expiration date in User Edit. Refs UIU-3169.
- Filter options on user input in "Preferred email communications" field in User Edit. Refs UIU-3173.
- Export user details CSV file enhancements. Refs UIU-3175.
- Improve User Profile Picture quality. Refs UIU-3177.
- Update expiration date format in export user details. Refs UIU-3174.
- Success message toast for user details export for library card printing. Refs UIU-3171.
- The interface used for adding patron/staff notes to loans is now optional, and the relevant code guarded with . Fixes UIU-3182.
- Fix date selection in "Expiration Date" Field after clearing expiration date field. Refs UIU-3176.
- Populate the 'Address Type' Field in UserEdit and UserInfo Screen on user creation via edge module. Refs UIU-3180.
- Mark check box column header as non interactive. Refs UIU-2940.
- Populate 'State/Prov./Region', 'Zip/Postal Code', 'Country' Fields on user creation via edge module. Refs UIU-3188.
- Fix issue when slash character in item barcode creates 404 error when adding fee/fine at check in. Refs UIU-3193.
- Fix skipped test cases in LoanDetails.test.js and OwnerSettings.test.js. Refs UIU-3085.
- Leverage users-keycloak interface endpoints for user data when available.
- Fix problem with Reset password email sent , application points to bl-users endpoint, even if users-keycloak interface provided. Refs UIU-3031.
- Add users-keycloak permissions. Refs UIU-3068.
- Omit permissions accordions and queries when roles interface is present. Refs UIU-3061, UIU-3062.
- Retrieve user's central-tenant permission from users-keycloak endpoints when available. Refs UIU-3054.
- Revert conditional use of the users-keycloak interface in UserRecordContainer. Refs UIU-3102.
- Open loans: Print Due date receipt for single open loans. Refs UIU-3208.
- Open loans: Print Due date receipt for multiple open loans. Refs UIU-3209.
- Update notes to v4.0. Refs UIU-3229.
- Loan details: Print Due date receipt. Refs UIU-3210.
- Open loans: isDcbItem() must tolerate sparse data. Refs UIU-3230.
- BREAKING Add new okapi interface staging-users. Add action button for searching patrons pre registration records. Refs UIU-3219.
- Display patrons pre registration records results. Refs UIU-3222
- Create new permission 'Users: Can view patron preregistration data'. Refs UIU-3221.
- Omit assignedRoleIds field on edit user. Refs UIU-3233.
- Review existing FOLIO user records on duplicates view. Refs UIU-3224.
- Create new permission 'Users: Can merge patron preregistration data'. Refs UIU-3237.
- Confirmation dialog when JIT AuthUser creation is required. Refs UIU-3192.
- "borrower.patronGroup" print patron group's name based on id. Refs UIU-3228.
- Rename permission names of permissions "Users: Can view reading room access" and "Users: Can view, and edit reading room access".
- Create new user record from preregistration data when no matching folio user is found. Refs UIU-3223.
- Update permission name after Review and cleanup Module Descriptor for ui-checkout. Refs UIU-3216.
- Integrate action to merge preregistration patron record with existing user record. Refs UIU-3225.
- Update translations for pre registrations value. Refs UIU-3241.
- Display a message to a user without permission on the “Patron preregistration record results” page. Refs UIU-3242.
- Display preregistration data appropriately. Refs UIU-3247.
UIU-3184 - Use keywords CQL field for keyword user search.