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Roll Formulas

github-actions[bot] edited this page Nov 1, 2023 · 11 revisions

Up to date as of 2.3

To explore the data model within Foundry to find the properties detailed below, here are a few approaches:

• Select a token, then open up the dev tools (F12 on Win; ⌥⌘I on Mac), and paste this into the Console (or save it as a Script macro in your hotbar): console.log(canvas.tokens.controlled[0].actor.getRollData());

• Or: Install the "Autocomplete Inline Properties" module, to be able to just start typing in a supported field and have the available properties pop up (not all systems supported yet).

• Or: Right-click an actor in the sidebar and choose Export Data, which will get you a JSON file you can browse through. (This won’t contain any values that are derived at roll-time.)

Actor Properties


@abilities.str - Strength

@abilities.dex - Dexterity

@abilities.con - Constitution - Intelligence

@abilities.wis - Wisdom

@abilities.cha - Charisma

Note: Replace the * in the following formulas with the three-letter code from above.

@abilities.*.value - Ability score

@abilities.*.mod - Base ability modifier

@abilities.*.dc - Feature DC based on this ability, equals 8 + modifier

@abilities.*.bonuses.check - Formula for ability-specific check bonuses (applies to generic ability checks and saves that use this ability)

@abilities.*.checkBonus - Flat ability check bonus, combining ability-specific bonuses with global check bonuses

@abilities.*.checkProf - Ability check proficiency details

@abilities.*.save - Flat ability save modifier (without any dice bonuses)

@abilities.* - Formula for ability-specific saving throw bonuses

@abilities.*.saveBonus - Flat ability save bonus, combining ability-specific bonuses with global save bonuses

@abilities.*.saveProf - Ability save proficiency details


Armor Class - Calculation mode that its used for determining - Custom formula that will be used to determine if calc is set to custom - Value that will be used as final value if flat calculation is set, or as base with natural calculation - Base value of equipped armor or 10 if no armor is worn - Actor's dexterity modifier capped by any max dexterity allowed by equipped armor - Base AC, result of the selected AC formula - AC bonus provided by an equipped shield - Additional bonuses to AC provided by spells or magic items - Any cover effects for the actor, must be set by active effects or modules - Final AC value, result of adding ac.base + ac.shield + ac.bonus + ac.cover


@attributes.attunement.value - Number of currently attuned items

@attributes.attunement.max - Maximum number of attunement slots

Death Saves

@attributes.death.success & .failure - Death save successes & failures


Hit Points

@attributes.hp.min & .max - Minimum & maximum hit points (not including any changes from temporary max)

@attributes.hp.value - Current hit points (not including temp)

@attributes.hp.temp - Temporary hit points

@attributes.hp.tempmax - Temporary changes to max hit points


@attributes.init.mod - Actor's base initiative modifier - Initiative proficiency details

@attributes.init.bonus - Any extra arbitrary bonus (active effects or the initiative config window) - Final initiative modifier


@attributes.movement.burrow -

@attributes.movement.climb - -

@attributes.movement.swim -

@attributes.movement.walk -

@attributes.movement.units -

@attributes.movement.hover -


@attributes.senses.blindsight -

@attributes.senses.darkvision -

@attributes.senses.tremorsense -

@attributes.senses.truesight -

@attributes.senses.units -

@attributes.senses.special -

Other Attributes

@attributes.exhaustion - Current exhaustion level

@attributes.hd - Currently available hit dice

@attributes.inspiration - Whether the actor has inspiration - Base, numerical proficiency value (does not reflect options like Proficiency Dice)

@attributes.spellcasting - Spellcasting ability (three-letter code, not the modifier)

@attributes.spelldc - Spell save DC based on the selected spellcasting ability

@attributes.spellmod - Base ability modifier for the actor's selected spellcasting ability



@bonuses.abilities.check - Global ability check bonuses (added to base ability checks and skills checks) - Global ability save bonuses

@bonuses.abilities.skill - Global skill check bonuses


@bonuses.msak - Melee spell attack

@bonuses.mwak - Melee weapon attack

@bonuses.rsak - Ranged spell attack

@bonuses.rwak - Ranged weapon attack

Note: Replace the * in the following formulas with the four-letter code from above.

@bonuses.*.attack - Global bonus to attack rolls

@bonuses.*.damage - Global bonus to damage rolls


@bonuses.spell.dc - Global bonus to spell save DC


Note: Replace the * in the following formulas with identifier specified on the class item.

@classes.*.levels -

@classes.*.hitDice -

@classes.*.hitDiceUsed -

@classes.*.isOriginalClass -

@classes.*.spellcasting.progression -

@classes.*.spellcasting.ability -


@bonuses.currency.pp, .gp, .sp, .ep, .cp - Amount of each type of current held by actor


@details.level - Overall character level

@details.xp.value - Actor's total XP earned

@details.xp.min & .max - XP range for the actor's current level

@details.xp.pct - Progress towards the next level


@prof - Actor proficiency

@prof.term - Either flat proficiency value or dice, depending on whether "Proficiency Dice" settings is set in system settings

@prof.flat - Flat proficiency value, regardless of settings

@prof.dice - Dice-based proficiency value, regardless of settings


@resources.primary, .secondary, .tertiary - Three resource slots

Note: Replace the * in the following formulas with one of the slots above.

@resources.*.value -

@resources.*.max -

@resources.*.sr -

@resources.*.lr -

@resources.*.label -



@skills.acr - Acrobatics

@skills.ani - Animal Handling

@skills.arc - Arcana

@skills.ath - Athletics

@skills.dec - Deception

@skills.his - History

@skills.ins - Insight

@skills.itm - Intimidation

@skills.inv - Investigation - Medicine

@skills.nat - Nature

@skills.prc - Perception

@skills.prf - Performance

@skills.per - Persuasion

@skills.rel - Religion

@skills.stl - Slight of Hand

@skills.ste - Stealth

@skills.sur - Survival

Note: Replace the * in the following formulas with the three-letter code from above.

@skills.*.ability - Three letter code for the ability associated with this skill by default

@skills.*.mod - Ability modifier from the default ability

@skills.*.prof - Skill proficiency details

@skills.*.bonuses.check - Bonus formula for this skill's modifier

@skills.*.bonus - Flat skill check bonus, combining skill-specific bonus, ability check bonus, and global skill bonus

@skills.*.total - Total skill check modifier (without any dice bonuses)

@skills.*.bonuses.passive - Bonus formula for this skill's passive score (cannot contain dice)

@skills.*.passive - Passive skill value equalling 10 + total + bonuses.passive


@spells.spell1, .spell2, .spell3, etc. - Normal spell slot levels

@spells.pact - Pact slots

Note: Replace the * in the following formulas with one of the spell slots above.

@spells.*.value - The currently available slots at this level

@spells.*.max - Maximum number of slots at this level

@spells.*.override - This value overrides the calculated max slots

@spells.*.level - Spell slot level (for pact slots only)


@traits.size - Actor size