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Alexander Refsum Jensenius edited this page Apr 15, 2020 · 26 revisions

This wiki is for documenting the MoMoCapture app that is being developed in the fourMs Lab at University of Oslo. It was originally developed for MusicLab events, but is also used for other data collection procedures.

Recorded data

The recorded data are packaged into a zip-file with two CSV files:

  • deviceID.deviceMotion.csv
  • deviceID.geoLocation.csv

The CSV file containing motion data consists of columns with the following variables:

  • timestamp: the epoch timestamp (can be converted online or in your programming language of choice)
  • time: a time marker from the device, which resets to zero when the hardware initializes and is incremented over time (may not be particularly useful...).
  • x: accelerometer data in the X direction
  • y: accelerometer data in the Y direction
  • z: accelerometer data in the Z direction
  • alpha:
  • beta:
  • gamma:

The CSV file containing GPS data consists of the following columns:

  • time: the epoch timestamp (can be converted online or in your programming language of choice)
  • lat: the GPS latitude, ranging from 0 to 90 (can be converted online)
  • long: the GPS longitude, ranging from 0 to 180.
  • accuracy: the accuracy of the GPS measurement
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