TypeScript 1.7+ annotations (decorators) for AngularJS 1.5
angular-typescript provides annotation like decorators:
@at.service(moduleName: string, serviceName: string)
@at.inject(dependencyOne: string, ...dependencies?: string[])
@at.controller(moduleName: string, controllerName: string)
@at.directive(moduleName: string, directiveName: string, directiveConfig?: angular.IDirective)
@at.resource(moduleName: string, resourceClassName: string)
@at.provider(moduleName: string, providerName: string)
@at.filter(moduleName: string, filterName: string)
@at.filter(moduleName: string, filterName: string)
@at.component(moduleName: string, componentName: string, componentConfig?: angular.IComponentOptions)
@at.valueObj(moduleName: string, valueName: string)
@at.valueProp(moduleName: string, valueName?: string)
@at.valueFunc(moduleName: string, valueName?: string)
@at.constantObj(moduleName: string, valueName: string)
@at.constantProp(moduleName: string, valueName?: string)
@at.constantFunc(moduleName: string, valueName?: string)
Purpose of those decorators is to remove some ugly boilerplate from AngularJS applications written in TypeScript and in the same time promoting use a programming model as close as possible to AngularJS 2
Now one have to:
class SomeService {
constructor() {
// do stuff $http and $parse
public someMethod(anArg: number): boolean {
// do some stuff
angular.module('ngModuleName').service('someService', SomeService);
Using angular-typescript it will look like:
@service('ngModuleName', 'someService')
class SomeService {
constructor() {
// do stuff
public someMethod(anArg: number): boolean {
// do some stuff
@service('ngModuleName', 'someServiceName')
class SomeService {
@inject('$http') $http: angular.IHttpService,
@inject('$parse') private $$parse: angular.IParseService
) {
// do stuff with $http and $$parse;
public someMethod(anArg: number): boolean {
// do some stuff with this.$$parse
@service('ngModuleName', 'someServiceName')
@inject('$http', '$parse')
class SomeService {
$http: angular.IHttpService,
private $$parse: angular.IParseService
) {
// do stuff with $http and $$parse;
public someMethod(anArg: number): boolean {
// do some stuff with this.$$parse();
@controller('ngModuleName', 'SomeController')
class SomeController {
@inject('$scope') $scope: angular.IScope,
@inject('$parse') private $$parse: angular.IParseService
) {
// do stuff with $scope and $$parse;
public someMethod(anArg: number): boolean {
// do some stuff with this.$$parse();
@at.component(moduleName, 'featureTest', {
template: () => '<span>{{ $ctrl.test }}</span>'
export class Feature1Component implements at.IComponent {
public test = 'Feature1Component';
public static template: angular.IComponentTemplateFn = () => {
return '<span>{{ $ctrl.name }}</span>';
constructor(private log: angular.ILogService) {
log.debug('Feature1 constructor');
public $onInit(): void {
this.log.debug('Feature1 $onInit');
mport ngModuleName from './example.module';
'use strict';
const ngFilterName = 'example';
@at.filter(ngModuleName, ngFilterName)
export default class ExampleFilter implements at.IFilter {
constructor(private log: angular.ILogService) {
log.debug(['ngFilter', ngFilterName, 'loaded'].join(' '));
public transform = (input: string | Array<any>): number => !input ? 0 : input.length;
import ngModuleName from './example.module';
'use strict';
// the provider will be available as 'sampleProvider'
// the created service will be available as 'sample'
const ngProviderName = 'sample';
interface IExampleProvider extends angular.IServiceProvider {
makeNoise(value: boolean): void;
@at.provider(ngModuleName, ngProviderName)
export class ExampleProvider implements IExampleProvider {
private notify = true;
constructor() {
this.notify = true;
public makeNoise(value: boolean): void {
this.notify = value;
// $get must be declared as method, not as function property (eg. `$get = () => new Service();`)
public $get(log: angular.ILogService) {
return new ExampleProviderService(log, this.notify);
export default class ExampleProviderService {
constructor(private log: angular.ILogService, private notify: boolean) {
let s = ['ngProvider', ngProviderName, 'has loaded an', 'ExampleProviderService'].join(' ');
if (notify)
import ngModuleName from './message.module';
'use strict';
const ngDirectiveName = 'tsfnMessageSection';
@at.directive(ngModuleName, ngDirectiveName, {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {},
bindToController: {
title: '@',
theme: '@',
messages: '='
templateUrl: 'message/message-section.directive.html'
export default class MessagesSectionDirective {
It encapsulates magic powers of angular $resource. $resource configs are gathered from static class members.
@resource('test', 'UserResource')
@inject('$http', '$parse')
class UserResource extends at.Resource {
public static url: string = '/fake/url';
public name: string;
public age: number;
private $$http: angular.IHttpService;
private $$parse: angular.IParseService;
constructor(model?: ITestModel) {
if (model) {
this.name = model.name;
this.age = model.age;
public getLabel(): string {
return `${ this.name }-${ String(this.age) }`;