All notable changes to the Sourceful Energy Telegram Bot will be documented in this file.
- Removed AUTH_TOKEN requirement as it's not needed for API access
- Fixed message formatting for MarkdownV2 in all bot responses
- Improved startup message handling
- Updated environment templates for better consistency
- Fixed database directory handling in Docker setup
- User-configurable threshold for gateway status checks
- Version tracking and display
- Bot restart notifications to users
- Improved help messages with dynamic threshold display
- Default status check threshold from 1 minute to 5 minutes
- Help message now shows user's current threshold setting
- Gateway statistics command (/stats)
- Improved status message formatting
- Better error handling for timestamps
- Status messages now show power production
- Improved DER information display
- Real-time gateway status monitoring
- Instant notifications for state changes
- Basic subscription management
- Docker support
- Switched to SQLite for data persistence
- Improved error handling
- Initial bot implementation
- Basic command structure
- Gateway status checking
- Subscription system