Welcome to the HDDMNN Tutorial. Execute the instructions below to follow the tutorial in your own google colab notebook. Slides for the theory part are in the file hddm_nn_tutorial_slides.pdf.
Open an empty google colab notebook (e.g. go to colab.research.google.com and click on new notebook)
from google.colab import drive; drive.mount('/content/gdrive')
%cd gdrive/'My Drive'/
!git clone https://github.com/AlexanderFengler/hddmnn_tutorial
Close this colab and navigate to the hddmnn_tutorial folder in your google drive.
Select the file hddmnn_tutorial.ipynb and run it in a new colab notebook
In the upper left menu click on Runtime, then Change runtime type and select GPU as hardware accelerator
You are ready to follow the tutorial now...