Release 1.2.7
- Add beforeUploadPastedImage event.
- Buttons are not simpleTags. Improve cleaning allowedAttrs.
- Clean HTML that is set inside textarea before adding it to the element.
- Add doNotJoinTags option.
- Colors plugin was improved.
- Add linkAttributes option.
- Improve imageAltSet, imageFloatedLeft, imageFloatedNone and imageFloatedRight events.
- Add entities plugin.
- Add response to the fileUploaded event.
- Add afterImageUpload and afterFileUpload events.
- Replace node.children with node.childNodes.
- Improve imageResize and imageResizeEnd events.
- Add saveParam.
- Allow to type in RTL or LTR according to the keyboard type.
- Improve Danish translation.
- Improve pasting.
- Add afterPasteCleanup event.
- Text inside link is not sanitized anymore
- Add iconClasses option.
- Add useFileName option.
- Add Estonian translation.
- Bug fixing
- allowStyle and allowScript were not working sometimes.
- Empty
was added at the end of table.
- Allow tables inside lists.
- Spaces inside lists were replaced with HTML entity.
- Drag event was not bubbled up.
- SHIFT+ENTER error in IE11 on Win8.
- Tag order was changed after cleaning.
- The cleanifier was not working with certian html.
- Focus when there was another selection was throwing an error.
- Linking an individual image wasn't working properly.
- Do not override box-sizing for all elements inside the editable area.
- Taking iframe child nodes was raising an exception.
- Pasting raw HTML was not working.
- Combining paragraphs was creating inline style markup in Chrome.
- Format blocks were not applied to more than one line.
- HTML object/embed tag couldn't be inserted in empty editor.
- HTML comments were messing up the source code.
- Append image/link popup to scrollable container.
- Inline editor was going out of focus when the whole div is selected.
- Video toolbar was showing all formatting options in inline mode.
- Fullscreen was not working properly scrolling down with toolbar fluid.
- Pasting images with imageUpload disabled was freezing the UI.
- jQuery proxy was applied incorect in few places.
- insertHTML for pre was removing the line breaks.
- beforeImageUpload wasn't triggered in IE9.
- onBlur event wasn't triggered all the time.
- Image upload doesn't react correctly to HTTP status 413 and 422.
- CopyPaste Text from Word was throwing and error sometimes.
- Images with contenteditable attribute set to false were editable.
- imageUploadToS3 should not always have a callback
- Deleting image next to each other when there is no text in block tag.
- Right-click paste option missing for empty editor.
- Cross browser plain paste.
- Hitting enter in blockquote was not leaving it.
- Pasting in Bootstrap modal was not working in IE.
- Hitting enter at the bottom of the editor was not scrolling down.
- Disable should now allow scrolling.