To prevent Zeitwerk from trying to autoload classes from the app/packs
folder, it's necesary to register these paths for each module and for the application using the method Decidim.register_assets_path
on initializers. This is explained in the webpacker migration guides for applications and modules), and was implemented in #8449.
As per #8233, by default all participants must confirm their email account to sign in. Implementors can change this setting as a initializer configuration:
Decidim.configure do |config|
config.unconfirmed_access_for = 2.days
- #8012 Participatory space to comments, to fix the statistics. Use
rake decidim_comments:update_participatory_process_in_comments
to migrate existing comments to the new structure.
Please check release/0.25-stable for previous changes.
PR #8250 Replaces the default base64 editor images attachment with the use of ActiveStorage attachments. Also adds a task to parse all editor contents and replace existing base64 images with attachments. The task parses all the attributes which can be edited from admin using the WYSIWYG editor. The task requires an argument with the email of an admin used to create EditorImage instances. To run this task execute:
rails decidim:active_storage_migrations:migrate_inline_images_to_active_storage[admin_email]