A collection of python tools for astronomy.
This package collects general purpose functions that are used in several projects of mine (e.g. Planetary Nebula Luminosity Function or Stellar associations powering HII regions). Most of them are build on existing astropy
or scipy
functions and add certain functionality / shortcuts to make my work easier.
regions: handle regions in images (either masks or outlines) and re-project them to other images.
plot: help function to create corner plots ...
to install this package
python setup.py develop
conda install numpy
conda install matplotlib
conda install astropy
conda install scipy
conda install -c conda-forge regions
conda install scikit-image
conda install -c astropy reproject
used in other projects
pip install pyneb
conda install photutils -c astropy
Also useful
conda install -c conda-forge jupyter_contrib_nbextensions
conda install -c conda-forge jupyter_nbextensions_configurator
import astrotools as tools