Docs › OAuth
Using the different OAuth providers requires a bit of preparations, usually to create an OAuth application for that provider.
The login portal should be the easiest option for local development. It allows you to use fake user accounts, but is only available with NODE_ENV=development
participant BS as Browser storage
actor User
participant BW as Browser window
participant App as App server
participant OAuth as OAuth server
rect rgb(255,240,240)
note right of BS: Our login page
User->>BW: Go to
BW->>+App: GET /
App->>-BW: HTML page with Vue app
activate BW
BW->>+App: POST /api/auth/providers
App->>-BW: JSON providers list
BW->>+BS: Generate random state and save for later
note over BS: sessionStorage:<br>state, redirectPath
BW->>-User: Show Links to OAuth providers
User->>BW: Click login link
rect rgb(240,255,240)
note right of User: Login page of the OAuth provider
BW->>+OAuth: GET /login
OAuth->>-BW: HTML login form
activate BW
BW->>User: Show login form
User->>BW: Enter login credentials
BW->>+OAuth: POST login credentials
deactivate BW
OAuth->>-BW: Redirect to
rect rgb(240,240,255)
note right of BS: Get JWT token
BW->>+App: GET /login
App->>-BW: HTML login page
activate BW
BW->>BS: Check if state matches
BS->>BW: On match: continue<br>Else: Show error with link for user to try again
deactivate BS
BW->>+App: POST /api/auth/userinfo
App->>+OAuth: POST Token endpoint
OAuth->>-App: ID token, access token
App->>App: Check if user exists in DB
App->>+OAuth: POST Userinfo endpoint
OAuth->>-App: Userinfo
App->>-BW: Userinfo, Tokens
alt new user, not yet in DB
BW->>User: Show form to create user
User->>BW: Fill in name and username
BW->>+App: POST /api/auth/userinfo/register
App->>+OAuth: POST Userinfo endpoint
OAuth->>-App: Userinfo
App->>App: Put new user in DB
App->>BW: Userinfo
BW->>+BS: save ID token (JWT), OAuth type and issuer
note over BS: localStorage:<br>id_token,<br>oauth_type, oauth_issuer
rect rgb(255,255,230)
note right of BS: Make authenticated API request
BW->>BS: Get JWT token
BS->>BW: Token
BW->>+App: GET /api/post/create<br>(JWT token in Authorization header)
App->>App: Check JWT token and refresh if needed
alt not authenticated
App->>BW: HTTP redirect to<br>goto ②
else no permission
App->>BW: Return error
else else
App->>-BW: Return response
deactivate BW
deactivate BS