$ wget http://www.statmt.org/europarl/v7/europarl.tgz
$ tar xf europarl.tgz
$ git clone https://github.com/furlongm/europarl-parser
$ ./europarl-parser.sh -p
$ ./europarl-parser.sh -c
$ ./europarl-parser.sh -c -f txt/en/ep-2010-07-07.txt
$ ./europarl-parser.sh -c -l es
Processed files will end up in europarl/txt/lang/processed
http://www.statmt.org/europarl/ European Parliament Proceedings Parallel Corpus The Europarl parallel corpus is extracted from the proceedings of the European Parliament.
http://www.ecpc.uji.es/ ECPC: European Comparable and Parallel Corpora XML DTD for europarl corpus provided by ECPC
http://modnlp.sourceforge.net/ MODNLP: Modular Suite of NLP Tools The output files can be processed by MODNLP (and converted to ARFF)
http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/ml/weka/ Weka: Data Mining Software in Java The ARFF files can be imported into Weka for analysis
- xsl file - when President etc is encountered in a NAME tag remove it and add it to POST tag
- currently only removes phrases in english
- currently only recognises WRITING in english (by finding "riting" in AFFILIATION tag
- instead of removing certain phrases, add an OMIT tag
- remove bogus elements from NAME tag
- fix xsl transform so a second 'indentation' xsl is not needed
- party affiliation can be described using the english or french abbreviation. add code to use one or the other. wikipedia typically has both abbreviations listed for each party.
- replace Greek keyboard UTF-8 characters (currently handled modnlp)
- fix "has been taken over by" in NAME tag