First of all, thank you for helping out!
Please refer to the internal documentation to understand how React Screenshot Test works.
Here is a quick guide to contribute to the library.
Fork and clone the repo to your local machine.
Create a new branch from
with a meaningful name for a new feature or an issue you want to work on:git checkout -b your-branch-name
Install packages by running:
yarn install
If you've added a code that should be tested, ensure the test suite still passes and update snapshots.
# Run all unit tests. yarn unit-test -u # Run screenshot tests locally. yarn screenshot-test-local -u
Please make sure your code is well-tested. Feel free to add new tests and sample code.
Ensure your code lints without errors.
yarn lint
Ensure build passes.
yarn build
Push your branch:
git push -u origin your-branch-name
Submit a pull request to the upstream react-screenshot-test repository.
Choose a descriptive title and describe your changes briefly.
Please follow the coding style of the project. React Screenshot Test uses eslint and prettier. If possible, enable their respective plugins in your editor to get real-time feedback.
Linting can be run manually with the following command: yarn lint
By contributing your code to the react-screenshot-test GitHub repository, you agree to license your contribution under the MIT license.