This tool can be used to validate a list containing trees' or plants' scientific names. Please see the manual (Manual_Species_Validation_Tool_date.PDF) for more information how set up and use the tool.
The input data as CSV format file should contain
columns with the following names (headers): code, scientific_name
(Note: 'code' is optional)
The data imported to the Species Validation tool are subject to a series of processing and checks. The various databases are used to validate the inputted species names, and these are accessed either Online and Offline, as follows:
8) GTS - Global Tree Search [offline]. (Used to check name occurrences in this DB, not actually to validate names)
The result table shows the information about the species. This table contains several fields, as "code" (input),"scientific_name" (input),"Authors","Status","Accepted_Taxon", "iucnRL_scientific_name","iucnRL_Accepted_Taxon","iucnRL_Alternative","family"...... etc.