A minimal flask extension that provides compatibility with the opensearch python client.
First run opensearch in a docker container. If you are working with an AWS Opensearch instance, skip this step.
docker run --name opensearch -p 9200:9200 -p 9600:9600 -e discovery.type=single-node opensearchproject/opensearch:1.0.0
Now in your python code, create a flask application and initialize the extension:
from flask import Flask
from flask_opensearch import FlaskOpenSearch
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config["OPENSEARCH_HOST"] = "localhost"
app.config["OPENSEARCH_USER"] = "admin"
app.config["OPENSEARCH_PASSWORD"] = "admin"
opensearch = FlaskOpenSearch(
The keyword parameters to the FlaskOpenSearch
constructor other than app
are as documented in the opensearch-py documentation.
The opensearch
object now behaves like an opensearch-py client. For example, we can create an index, insert a document, and search for it.
# Normally this code would appear in a view function, where an app context is already pushed.
with app.app_context():
# Check that the client can connect to the opensearch instance.
connected = opensearch.ping()
print(connected) # True
# Create an index.
res_1 = opensearch.create_index("test")
# {'acknowledged': True, 'shards_acknowledged': True, 'index': 'test-index'}
# Insert a document
res_2 = opensearch.index(
'title': 'Moneyball',
'director': 'Bennett Miller',
'year': '2011'
# {'_index': 'test-index',
# '_type': '_doc',
# '_id': '1',
# '_version': 1,
# 'result': 'created',
# 'forced_refresh': True,
# '_shards': {'total': 2, 'successful': 1, 'failed': 0},
# '_seq_no': 0,
# '_primary_term': 1,
# }
# search the index
res_3 = opensearch.search(
"size": 5,
"query": {
'multi_match': {
'query': "miller",
'fields': ['title^2', 'director']
# {'took': 156,
# 'timed_out': False,
# '_shards': {'total': 3, 'successful': 3, 'skipped': 0, 'failed': 0},
# 'hits': {'total': {'value': 1, 'relation': 'eq'},
# 'max_score': 0.2876821,
# 'hits': [{'_index': 'test-index',
# '_type': '_doc',
# '_id': '1',
# '_score': 0.2876821,
# '_source': {'title': 'Moneyball',
# 'director': 'Bennett Miller',
# 'year': '2011'}}]}}
# delete the document
res_4 = opensearch.delete(
# {'_index': 'test-index',
# '_type': '_doc',
# '_id': '1',
# '_version': 2,
# 'result': 'deleted',
# '_shards': {'total': 2, 'successful': 1, 'failed': 0},
# '_seq_no': 1,
# '_primary_term': 1}
# delete the index
res_5 = opensearch.indices.delete(
print(res_5) # {'acknowledged': True}
If you are running a local docker environment, you can clean it up with:
docker container stop opensearch
docker container rm opensearch
To set up a development environment, you need to install Docker and Docker-Compose. Please see https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop for installation instructions.
Once you have Docker and Docker-Compose installed, you can create a development environment by running the following commands:
# Create a new development environment with Docker-Compose and run the tests
docker compose up --build
If you have already build the docker images and just want to run the tests, you can run the following command:
docker compose exec testenv tox
When you are done developing, you can stop the development environment by running:
docker compose down