Run the testrunner with a helm template containing testruns
Run the testrunner with a helm template containing testruns
testrunner run-gardener-template [flags]
--component-descriptor-path string Path to the component descriptor (BOM) of the current landscape.
--concourse-onError-dir string On error dir which is used by Concourse.
--es-config-name string The elasticsearch secret-server config name. (default "sap_internal")
--fail-on-error Testrunners exits with 1 if one testruns failed. (default true)
--gardener-current-revision string Set current revision of gardener. This will result in the helm value {{ .Values.gardener.current.revision }}
--gardener-current-version string Set current version of gardener. This will result in the helm value {{ .Values.gardener.current.version }}
--gardener-upgraded-revision string Set current revision of gardener. This will result in the helm value {{ .Values.gardener.upgraded.revision }}
--gardener-upgraded-version string Set current version of gardener. This will result in the helm value {{ .Values.gardener.upgraded.version }}
-h, --help help for run-gardener-template
--interval int Poll interval in seconds of the testrunner to poll for the testrun status. (default 20)
--landscape string Current gardener landscape.
-n, --namespace string Namesapce where the testrun should be deployed. (default "default")
--output-dir-path string The filepath where the summary should be written to. (default "./testout")
--s3-endpoint string S3 endpoint of the testmachinery cluster.
--s3-ssl S3 has SSL enabled.
--set string setValues additional helm values
--testrun-prefix string Testrun name prefix which is used to generate a unique testrun name. (default "default-")
--testruns-chart-path string Path to the testruns chart.
--timeout int Timout in seconds of the testrunner to wait for the complete testrun to finish. (default 3600)
--tm-kubeconfig-path string Path to the testmachinery cluster kubeconfig
--upgraded-component-descriptor-path string Path to the component descriptor (BOM) of the new landscape.
-f, --values stringArray yaml value files to override template values
--cli logger runs as cli logger. enables cli logging
--dev enable development logging which result in console encoding, enabled stacktrace and enabled caller
--disable-caller disable the caller of logs (default true)
--disable-stacktrace disable the stacktrace of error logs (default true)
--disable-timestamp disable timestamp output (default true)
--dry-run Dry run will print the rendered template
-v, --verbosity int number for the log level verbosity (default 1)
- testrunner - Testrunner for Test Machinery