Computational Thinking is the term used to describe what it means to think like a computer. It's all about using the specific and unique capabilities of computers - including their strengths and weaknesses - to solve problems.
In computer programming, the word problem just means a challenge or issue that isn't solved yet.
- Decomposition is the process of breaking a BIG problem or challenge down into smaller and smaller ones, until all the problems are small enough to easily solve.
- Abstraction goal is to omit specific details and to focus on the general pattern
- Pattern Recognition is looking at all the smaller problems and see if they have any commonalities or if you can use similar methods to solve them
- Algorithm Writing is writing a series of instructions that explain how to solve a problem
- At stage 1 we have you, the human being, thinking big, complex thoughts;
- At stage 2, we have you, the human, learning how to think like a computer; This is called computational thinking!
- At stage 3, we have you, the human, learning to translate that thinking into a computer programming language like JavaScript;
- At stage 4, we have a computer program that translates JavaScript into 0's and 1's;
- And finally, at stage 5, we have the computer receiving the message as 0's and 1's.