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^ Thank you for being here, and thanks to the conference organizers for having me today. This is a talk on managing errors in functional applications, based on my personal experience writing Scala apps for the last few years. I hope you enjoy it.
^ Before we dig in, I will introduce myself very quickly:
My name is Guillaume Bogard. I'm a Scala Developer @Linkvalue.
I love functional programming, roller-coasters, and Age of Empires.
You can follow me on Twitter @bogardguillaume and on
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^ 1 : Monads have a type constructor from A to M[A] 2 : All monads have a flatMap method that can chain computations. Composition is key part of what monads are. Model computation that depends on the result of a previous computation 3 : The why : Monads are used to enrich a computation with an additional effect. You need M[A] when A alone is not enough. The effects are reflected in the type signature of the value which means they're known by the compiler and must be explicitly dealt with
A Monad M[A]
is an immutable data structure used to describe the computation of one or more values of type A
- Values of type
can be turned into monadic valuesM[A]
- Monads can chain subsequent computations (i.e solve big problems out of smaller problems)
- They describe some functional effect:
describes optionality,Either
describes failure ...
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^ Referentially transparent values mean we can define then in any order, pass them around, compose them, without any fear of unwanted execution
^ Encode as much as possible in types. Make side effects obvious. Signatures as contracts
s are programs as values.def getUser(id: String): IO[User]
They turn impure programs into referentially transparent values.
They reveal the presence of sneaky side effects 🐍
They compose :
def getFavoritePet(user: User): IO[Pet] val marksFavoritePet: IO[Pet] = getUser("Mark") flatMap getFavoritePet
Cats effect allows to raise Throwable
s inside the IO
context, propagate them across all the IO
chain, and recover them later.
val failedIO: IO[Int] = IO.raiseError(new Exception("Boom"))
case e => IO {
logger.error("Something went wrong", e)
}).unsafeRunSync() // => 42
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^ I could create a program by composing several specialized IOs together
I want to authenticate a user using a name and a password. I need to return the user's information.
- I need to find the user information (maybe from a database)
- Check that the password is valid by comparing hashes
- I need to check that the user subscription is valid (maybe through a billing service)
- And the user must not be banned from our service
[.code-highlight: 1-5] [.code-highlight: 6-10] [.code-highlight: 12-18] [.code-highlight: all]
case object WrongUserName extends RuntimeException("No user with that name")
case object WrongPassword extends RuntimeException("Wrong password")
case class ExpiredSubscription(expirationDate: Date) extends
RuntimeException("Expired subscription")
case object BannedUser extends RuntimeException("User is banned")
def findUserByName(username: String): IO[User] = ???
def checkPassword(user: User, password: String): IO[Unit] = ???
def checkSubscription(user: User): IO[Unit] = ???
def checkUserStatus(user: User): IO[Unit] = ???
def authenticate(userName: String, password: String): IO[User] =
for {
user <- findUserByName(userName)
_ <- checkPassword(user, password)
_ <- checkSubscription(user)
_ <- checkUserStatus(user)
} yield user
[.code-highlight: all] [.code-highlight: 5-13] [.code-highlight: all]
authenticate("john.doe", "")
.flatMap(user => IO {
println(s"Success! $user")
case WrongUserName => IO { /* Do stuff ... */ }
case WrongPassword => IO { /* Do stuff ... */ }
case ExpiredSubscription(date) => IO { /* Do stuff ... */ }
case BannedUser => IO { /* Do stuff ... */ }
case _ => IO {
println("Another exception was caught !")
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^ Once the IO is ran, raised exceptions behave exactly like standard exceptions, meaning it will crash the jvm if not caught
- ❌ Exceptions are invisible
- ❌ One can forget to recover them
- ❌ They must be explicitly documented
- ❌ They can be ambiguous :
s only raise and recoverThrowable
s. They don't distinguish betweenjava.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
at compile-time.
- ❌ You get no proper exhaustivity check
^ Exceptions don't appear in the signature, yet can have dramatic impact on the program. Need to check for @throws in the scaladoc part, or even worse : read the implementation Should not have to do that since functions signatures are contracts
def authenticate(userName: String, password: String): IO[User]
The method's signature doesn't convey anything about possible error cases.
Unhandled errors will be propagated across the whole application once the IO is ran like good ol' Java when you forget to try/catch
Requires more reading and more testing.
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Domain errors are documented edge cases that can happen as part of the user experience. e.g.: The user hasn't paid their subscription
Exceptions should be reserved for unexpected, purely technical failures. e.g.: The database server is unreachable.
^ One could also say : don't expose domain errors to your developers : no unnecessary logs etc.
Exceptions should be propagated to the upper levels of the app and actively monitored.
[.code-highlight: 1-6] [.code-highlight: 8-12]
sealed trait AuthenticationError
case object WrongUserName extends AuthenticationError
case object WrongPassword extends AuthenticationError
case class ExpiredSubscription(expirationDate: Date)
extends AuthenticationError
case object BannedUser extends AuthenticationError
// Then our method could look like this :
def authenticate(
userName: String,
password: String
): IO[Either[AuthenticationError, User]]
[.build-lists: true]
def authenticate(
userName: String,
password: String
): IO[Either[AuthenticationError, User]]
- ✅ Side effects are obvious
- ✅ Domain errors are visible and cannot be forgotten
- ✅ Technical errors can still be raised and recovered
- ✅ No need to check the documentation for unhandled edge cases
- ✅ We have clearly distinct error families
❌ This does not compile
def findUserByName(username: String): IO[Either[AuthenticationError, User]] = ???
def checkPassword(user: User, password: String): IO[Either[AuthenticationError, Unit]] = ???
def checkSubscription(user: User): IO[Either[AuthenticationError, Unit]] = ???
def checkUserStatus(user: User): IO[Either[AuthenticationError, Unit]] = ???
def authenticate(userName: String, password: String): IO[Either[AuthenticationError, User]] =
for {
user <- findUserByName(userName)
_ <- checkPassword(user, password)
_ <- checkSubscription(user)
_ <- checkUserStatus(user)
} yield user
def authenticate(userName: String, password: String): IO[Either[AuthenticationError, User]] =
case Right(user) => checkPassword(user, password).flatMap({
case Right(_) => checkSubscription(user).flatMap({
case Right(_) => checkUserStatus(user).map( => user))
case Left(err) => IO.pure(Left(err))
case Left(err) => IO.pure(Left(err))
case Left(err) => IO.pure(Left(err))
Error handling shouldn't be this painful.
^ In cats, monad transformers include EitherT, OptionT, EitherT, ReaderT (an alias for Kleisli)
E.g : OptionT[F, A]
creates a new monad which adds the effect of absence to a monad F.
They are type constructors that take a monad as an argument and return a monad.
EitherT[F, L, R]
is a light wrapper around F[Either[A, B]]
that makes it easy to compose Either
s and F
s together.
It has bidirectional transformation from/to F[Either[A, B]]
via the apply
and value
methods respectively.
val a: IO[Either[AuthenticationError, User]] = ???
val b: EitherT[IO, AuthenticationError, User] = EitherT(a)
[.code-highlight: 1-4] [.code-highlight: 6-12] [.code-highlight: all]
def findUserByName(username: String): EitherT[IO, AuthenticationError, User] = ???
def checkPassword(user: User, password: String): EitherT[IO, AuthenticationError, Unit] = ???
def checkSubscription(user: User): EitherT[IO, AuthenticationError, Unit] = ???
def checkUserStatus(user: User): EitherT[IO, AuthenticationError, Unit] = ???
def authenticate(userName: String, password: String): EitherT[IO, AuthenticationError, User] =
for {
user <- findUserByName(userName)
_ <- checkPassword(user, password)
_ <- checkSubscription(user)
_ <- checkUserStatus(user)
} yield user
will short-circuit computation on the first encountered error, a pattern sometimes called Railway-oriented programming 🚂
^ Instead of exposing EitherT in the signatures, you can also choose to lift IO[Either[A, B]] when you actually need to perform the composition
def findUserByName(username: String): IO[Either[AuthenticationError, User]] = ???
def checkPassword(user: User, password: String): IO[Either[AuthenticationError, Unit]] = ???
def checkSubscription(user: User): IO[Either[AuthenticationError, Unit]] = ???
def checkUserStatus(user: User): IO[Either[AuthenticationError, Unit]] = ???
def authenticate(userName: String, password: String): EitherT[IO, AuthenticationError, User] =
for {
user <- EitherT(findUserByName(userName))
_ <- EitherT(checkPassword(user, password))
_ <- EitherT(checkSubscription(user))
_ <- EitherT(checkUserStatus(user))
} yield user
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We've met all of our goals :
- ✅ Side effects are visible
- ✅
s and errors can be composed, railway style - ✅ We still get the benefit of having two distinct error channels :
- Exceptions thrown inside the IO for purely technical failures
- The Left of the
for business-related errors
This way we can fail fast on technical failures and easily provide good feedback to the user for business edge cases.
^ we could stop there, since we have met all of our goals, but there are a couple more challenges that Cats MTL can help us address
- What about nested transformers ? What if I want to model mutable state and potential absence for example ?
- What about type inference and expressivity ?
- Monad transformers requires many type annotations to work properly. The more you nest, the worst inference gets!
// Retrieves document from a super secure data store
def getDocument: IO[SecretDocument] = ???
type Count = Int
val readSecretDocument: User => EitherT[IO, String, SecretDocument] = {
val state: StateT[ReaderT[IO, User, *], Count, Either[String, SecretDocument]] =
StateT[ReaderT[IO, User, *], Int, Either[String, SecretDocument]](currentAttemptsCount =>
ReaderT[IO, User, (Count, Either[String, SecretDocument])](user =>
if (currentAttemptsCount >= 3) IO.pure((currentAttemptsCount, Left("Max attemps exceeded")))
else if (user.isAdmin) => (currentAttemptsCount, Right(doc)))
else IO.pure((currentAttemptsCount + 1, Left("Access denied")))
Me neither.
When we need to combine effects (e.g short-circuiting AND mutable state), monad transformers alone only get us so far.
Scala's inference system can't keep up with nested monad transformers stack, requiring a ridiculous amount of boilerplate to get simple things done.
Remember that Monad transformers add some effect to a monad, e.g. :
encodes the effect of short-circuiting on errorReaderT
) encode the effect of accessing a read-only value from a context, and producing a value from it
^ Let's say we want to write a function that reads a secret document, and fail if the user doesn't have the required permission read it. I could do it like this. Few things to note here :
- I have abstracted over the monad type, that's why you see F instead of IO
- I have used a context-bound to tell the compile that this particular f is an applicative
- It isn't necessary
- FunctorRaise wants you to provide the type of your errors, meaning you can raise any type of errors you want, hence our ADT
- You can add as many effects as you want to the F monad, just add the implicit parameter for the mtl type class you want to implement
def readSecretDocument[F[_] : Applicative](user: User)
(implicit F: FunctorRaise[F, String]): F[SecretDocument] =
if (user.isAdmin) SecretDocument().pure[F]
else F.raise("Access Denied!")
We've turned our EitherT
into a generic F[_]
Applicative. All we know about this F[_]
is that there is an instance of FunctorRaise
defined for it.
We'll need to provide a concrete implementation of F
to run the program.
def getDocumentContent[F[_] : Applicative](user: User)
(implicit A: ApplicativeHandle[F, String]): F[String] =
.handle[String](_ => "Default content")
extends FunctorRaise
with the ability to handle errors.
By adding a context bound on ApplicativeError
, we can raise Exception
s in our IOs, and segregate technical failures from domain errors 🙌
def findUserByName[F[_]](name: String)
(implicit AE: ApplicativeError[F, Throwable]) = {
AE.raiseError(new RuntimeException("Database not reachable!"))
[.code-highlight: 1-6] [.code-highlight: 8-15] [.code-highlight: all]
def checkPassword[F[_]](user: User, password: String)
(implicit F: FunctorRaise[F, AuthenticationError]): F[Unit] =
def checkSubscription[F[_]](user: User): F[User] = ???
def checkUserStatus[F[_]](user: User): F[User] = ???
def authenticate[F[_]](userName: String, password: String)
(implicit F: FunctorRaise[F, AuthenticationError], AE: ApplicativeError[F, Throwable]): F[User] =
for {
user <- findUserByName[F](userName)
_ <- checkPassword[F](user, password)
_ <- checkSubscription[F](user)
_ <- checkUserStatus[F](user)
} yield user
It's time to provide a concrete implementation for the type classes we used.
object Main extends App {
type F[A] = EitherT[IO, AuthenticationError, A]
authenticate[F]("john.doe", "123456")
- Shit happens, we need to handle it carefully
- Don't let technical details mess up your domain
- Monad transformers let you add effects to existing monads, to create more badass monads
- Cats MTL gives you this without the syntax headache
- Challenge your approach, there are plenty of error management strategies out there! Cats MTL is cool, but you might not need it
- Have fun!
[.footer: @bogardguillaume -]