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Scala 3 / NextJS Starter

All Contributors

This is a Scala 3, Next.js and Tailwind template featuring:

  • a next.js web application using Scala 3 and @japgolly's awesome scalajs-react
  • Full Tailwind v2 configuration with autoprefixer, purge-css and cssnano
  • a NextApp sbt plugin that lets you add more Next.js sub-projects if you need them
  • a server sbt project for your server-side logic, preconfigured with sbt-revolver
  • a shared sbt project for sharing bits of code between your next.js app and your back end (awesome for sharing Tapir endpoints for example)


Install node dependencies:

cd front && npm install

Alternatively, you can run it directly from sbt, from the root repository:

sbt npmInstall

This is provided as a convenience by the NextApp plugin. However, running external commands from sbt appears to be significantly slower than running them from a terminal, at least on my laptop :(


Launch the Next.js dev server

cd front && npm run dev

Again, if you'd like to run everything from sbt, the NextApp plugin provides several sbt commands:

  • startNextServer to start the dev server in the background. Does nothing if the server is already running.
  • stopNextServer to stop the dev server
  • show nextServerIsRunning to check if the dev server is running

Build the Javascript from Scala.js (and watch for changes):

In another terminal:

sbt ~fastLinkJS

Production build

1) Build the Javascript from Scala.js (with full optimization):

sbt fullLinkJS

2) Build the Next.js app

cd front && npm run build

Or, from sbt:

sbt nextBuild


Why next.js?

Next.js does a lot of things right out-of-the-box, this means that most applications won't need a custom and complex Webpack config. With this setup, you get these things for free:

  • Fast Refresh
  • Static generation and server-side rendering of pages
  • Easy routing
  • CSS modules (see an example of this in Homepage)

Sure, you could turn to a more elaborate setup, using GraalVM for SSR, if you needed to, and unlock more freedom, but this setup should be enough for many use cases.

How do I add a new page to my Next.js app?

You cannot write Scala code in the pages/ folder. Scala sources are meant to go in the src/ folder, and Scala.js outputs ES6 modules in a single directory (target/js).

To add a new page, you need to create a scalajs-react component somewhere in your Scala code, export it, for example like this:

// Will export a "Component" value in the "@scalajs/Homepage" module
@JSExportTopLevel("Component", "Homepage")
val HomePageJS = Homepage.toJsComponent.raw

Then, you can create a .js file in pages/ and re-export your Scala component:

export {Component as default} from '../target/js/Homepage';

Take a look at scalajs-react's documentation on interoperability for more info.

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Guillaume Bogard

💻 📖

Andrew Valencik


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!