This app would have not been possible without the amazing open source community. Below is the list of all amazing opensource artifacts used in the app.
Awesome App Icon Designed by Pravesh Airan
- Coin Lottie Animation by Jojo Lafrite
- Graph Lottie Animation by Paramesh Vadivel
- Secure Lottie Animation by Lottie files
- Bell by Aisyah from the Noun Project
- Eye by Travis Yunis from the Noun Project
- Eye Close by Jenya K from the Noun Project
- Gear by Saifurrijal from the Noun Project
- Search by Dima Kolchan from the Noun Project
- Binocular by David from the Noun Project from the Noun Project
- Coin and Market Data from CryptoCompare
- News Data from CryptoPanic
- Other price ticker from CoinGecko
- Architecture components from Google
- Firebase from Google
- LeakCanary from Square
- Retrofit from Square
- OkHTTP from Square
- Picasso from Square
- Timber from Jake Wharton
- Gson from Google
- Spark from Robinhood
- AdapterDelegates from Hannes Dorfmann
- Lottie from Airbnb
- Currency-Picker from Midori Koçak
- Stetho from Facebook
- BottomNavigationViewEx from Ittianyu
- Picasso-Transformations from Daichi Furiya
- PageIndicatorView from Roman Danylyk
- MaterialDateTimePicker from Wdullaer
- KtLint from Stanley Shyiko
- Kotlinter from Jeremy Mailen