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Mihail edited this page Sep 21, 2016 · 7 revisions

Build tips

Building all samples

There is a gradle project at the repo's root. Since the projects are independent gradle's parallel module builds are enabled; speeds up the process nicely.

./gradlew assembleDebug would build all the samples we have ./gradlew installDebug would install all the samples to the connected phone

There is no gradle task for removing all samples from the phone unfortunately but while in the GearVRf-Demos directory you can run this: grep -r package --include="AndroidManifest.xml"|grep -oE '"org.gearvrf.*'|xargs -n 1 adb uninstall. Should remove all but the accessibility sample.

Copying Oculus signature files

Define OCULUS_SIGS_DIRECTORY in your global and specify a path where you have stored your Oculus signature files (oculussig_*). All the signature files in the specified directory will be automatically copied to the sample's assets subdirectory and included in the apk.

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