copyright | lastupdated | keywords | subcollection | ||
2021-03-30 |
kubernetes, iks, ingress, alb, health, prometheus |
containers |
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{: #ingress_health}
Customize logging and set up monitoring to help you troubleshoot issues and improve the performance of your Ingress configuration. {: shortdesc}
This information is for ALBs that run the custom {{}} Ingress image. As of 01 December 2020, the custom {{}} Ingress image is deprecated and becomes unsupported 01 June 2021. To use the community Kubernetes implementation of Ingress, see Setting up community Kubernetes Ingress. {: deprecated}
{: #ingress_logs}
If you want to troubleshoot your Ingress or monitor Ingress activity, you can review the Ingress logs. {: shortdesc}
Logs are automatically collected for your Ingress ALBs. To view the ALB logs, choose between two options.
- Create a logging configuration for the Ingress service in your cluster.
- Check the logs from the CLI. Note: You must have at least the Reader {{}} IAM service access role for the
Get the ID of a pod for an ALB.
kubectl get pods -n kube-system | grep alb
{: pre}
Open the logs for that ALB pod.
kubectl logs <ALB_pod_ID> nginx-ingress -n kube-system
{: pre}
The default Ingress log content is formatted in JSON and displays common fields that describe the connection session between a client and your app. An example log with the default fields looks like the following:
{"time_date": "2018-08-21T17:33:19+00:00", "client": "", "host": "", "scheme": "http", "request_method": "GET", "request_uri": "/", "request_id": "c2bcce90cf2a3853694da9f52f5b72e6", "status": 200, "upstream_addr": "", "upstream_status": 200, "request_time": 0.005, "upstream_response_time": 0.005, "upstream_connect_time": 0.000, "upstream_header_time": 0.005}
{: screen}
Field in the default Ingress log format | Value |
"time_date": "$time_iso8601" | The local time in the ISO 8601 standard format when the log is written. |
"client": "$remote_addr" | The IP address of the request package that the client sent to your app. This IP can change based on the following situations:When a client request to your app is sent to your cluster, the request is routed to a pod for the load balancer service that exposes the ALB. If no app pod exists on the same worker node as the load balancer service pod, the load balancer forwards the request to an app pod on a different worker node. The source IP address of the request package is changed to the public IP address of the worker node where the app pod is running.If source IP preservation is enabled, the original IP address of the client request to your app is recorded instead. |
"host": "$http_host" | The host, or subdomain, that your apps are accessible through. This subdomain is configured in the Ingress resource files for your ALBs. |
"scheme": "$scheme" | The kind of request: HTTP or HTTPS. |
"request_method": "$request_method" | The method of the request call to the back-end app, such as GET or POST. |
"request_uri": "$uri" | The original request URI to your app path. ALBs process the paths that apps listen on as prefixes. When an ALB receives a request from a client to an app, the ALB checks the Ingress resource for a path (as a prefix) that matches the path in the request URI. |
"request_id": "$request_id" | A unique request identifier generated from 16 random bytes. |
"status": $status | The status code for the connection session.
"upstream_addr": "$upstream_addr" | The IP address and port or the path to the UNIX-domain socket of the upstream server. If several servers are contacted during request processing, their addresses are separated by commas: ",, unix:/tmp/sock". If the request is redirected internally from one server group to another, then the server addresses from different groups are separated by colons: ",, unix:/tmp/sock :,". If the ALB can't select a server, the name of the server group is logged instead. |
"upstream_status": $upstream_status | The status code of the response obtained from the upstream server for the back-end app, such as standard HTTP response codes. Status codes of several responses are separated by commas and colons like addresses in the $upstream_addr variable. If the ALB can't select a server, the 502 (Bad Gateway) status code is logged. |
"request_time": $request_time | The request processing time, which is measured in seconds with a milliseconds resolution. This time starts when the ALB reads the client request's first bytes and stops when the ALB sends the response's last bytes to the client. The log is written immediately after the request processing time stops. |
"upstream_response_time": $upstream_response_time | The time that it takes the ALB to receive the response from the upstream server for the back-end app, which is measured in seconds with a milliseconds resolution. Times of several responses are separated by commas and colons. |
"upstream_connect_time": $upstream_connect_time | The time that it takes the ALB to establish a connection with the upstream server for the back-end app, which is measured in seconds with a milliseconds resolution. If TLS/SSL is enabled in your Ingress resource configuration, this time includes time spent on the handshake. Times of several connections are separated by commas and colons. |
"upstream_header_time": $upstream_header_time | The time that it takes the ALB to receive the response header from the upstream server for the back-end app, which is measured in seconds with a milliseconds resolution. Times of several connections are separated by commas and colons. |
{: caption="Understanding fields in the default Ingress log format" caption-side="top"} |
{: #ingress_log_format}
You can customize the content and format of logs that are collected for the Ingress ALB. {: shortdesc}
By default, Ingress logs are formatted in JSON and display common log fields. However, you can also create a custom log format by choosing which log components are forwarded and how the components are arranged in the log output
Before you begin, ensure that you have the Writer or Manager {{}} IAM service access role for the kube-system
Edit the configuration file for the
configmap resource.kubectl edit cm ibm-cloud-provider-ingress-cm -n kube-system
{: pre}
Add a
section. Add thelog-format
field and optionally, thelog-format-escape-json
field.apiVersion: v1 data: log-format: '{<key1>: <log_variable1>, <key2>: <log_variable2>, <key3>: <log_variable3>}' log-format-escape-json: "true" kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: ibm-cloud-provider-ingress-cm namespace: kube-system
{: codeblock}
Understanding the log-format configuration Parameter Description `log-format` Replace `<key>` with the name for the log component and `<log_variable>` with a variable for the log component that you want to collect in log entries. You can include text and punctuation that you want the log entry to contain, such as quotation marks around string values and commas to separate log components. For example, formatting a component like `request: "$request"` generates the following in a log entry: `request: "GET / HTTP/1.1"` . For a list of all the variables you can use, see the [NGINX variable index](
To log an additional header such as x-custom-ID, add the following key-value pair to the custom log content:customID: $http_x_custom_id
Hyphens (`-`) are converted to underscores (`_`) and `$http_` must be added as a prefix to the custom header name.`log-format-escape-json` Optional: By default, logs are generated in text format. To generate logs in JSON format, add the `log-format-escape-json` field and use value `true`. For example, your log format might contain the following variables:
apiVersion: v1 data: log-format: '{remote_address: $remote_addr, remote_user: "$remote_user", time_date: [$time_local], request: "$request", status: $status, http_referer: "$http_referer", http_user_agent: "$http_user_agent", request_id: $request_id}' kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: ibm-cloud-provider-ingress-cm namespace: kube-system
{: screen}
A log entry according to this format looks like the following example:
remote_address:, remote_user: "dbmanager", time_date: [30/Mar/2018:18:52:17 +0000], request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", status: 401, http_referer: "-", http_user_agent: "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0", request_id: a02b2dea9cf06344a25611c1d7ad72db
{: screen}
To create a custom log format that is based on the default format for ALB logs, modify the following section as needed and add it to your configmap:
apiVersion: v1 data: log-format: '{"time_date": "$time_iso8601", "client": "$remote_addr", "host": "$http_host", "scheme": "$scheme", "request_method": "$request_method", "request_uri": "$uri", "request_id": "$request_id", "status": $status, "upstream_addr": "$upstream_addr", "upstream_status": $upstream_status, "request_time": $request_time, "upstream_response_time": $upstream_response_time, "upstream_connect_time": $upstream_connect_time, "upstream_header_time": $upstream_header_time}' log-format-escape-json: "true" kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: ibm-cloud-provider-ingress-cm namespace: kube-system
{: codeblock}
Save the configuration file.
Verify that the configmap changes were applied.
kubectl get cm ibm-cloud-provider-ingress-cm -n kube-system -o yaml
{: pre}
To view the Ingress ALB logs, choose between two options.
- Create a logging configuration for the Ingress service in your cluster.
- Check the logs from the CLI.
Get the ID of a pod for an ALB.
kubectl get pods -n kube-system | grep alb
{: pre}
Open the logs for that ALB pod. Verify that logs follow the updated format.
kubectl logs <ALB_pod_ID> nginx-ingress -n kube-system
{: pre}
{: #ingress_monitoring}
Monitor your ALBs by deploying a metrics exporter and Prometheus agent into your cluster. {: shortdesc}
The ALB metrics exporter uses the NGINX directive, vhost_traffic_status_zone
, to collect metrics data from the /status/format/json
endpoint on each Ingress ALB pod. The metrics exporter automatically reformats each data field in the JSON file into a metric that is readable by Prometheus. Then, a Prometheus agent picks up the metrics that are produced by the exporter and makes the metrics visible on a Prometheus dashboard.
{: #metrics-exporter}
Install the metrics exporter Helm chart to monitor an ALB in your cluster. {: shortdesc}
The ALB metrics exporter pods must deploy to the same worker nodes that your ALBs are deployed to. If your ALBs run on edge worker nodes, and those edge nodes are tainted to prevent other workload deployments, the metrics exporter pods cannot be scheduled. You must remove the taints by running kubectl taint node <node_name> dedicated:NoSchedule- dedicated:NoExecute-
or using the ibmcloud ks worker-pool taint rm
{: note}
Important: Follow the instructions to install the Helm client on your local machine and add the {{}} Helm repositories.
Install the
Helm chart to your cluster. This Helm chart deploys an ALB metrics exporter and creates analb-metrics-service-account
service account in thekube-system
namespace. Replace<zone>
with the zone where the ALB exists and<alb_ID>
with the ID of the ALB that you want to collect metrics for. To view the IDs for the ALBs in your cluster, runibmcloud ks ingress alb ls --cluster <cluster_name>
helm install iks-charts/ibmcloud-alb-metrics-exporter --set metricsNameSpace=kube-system --set name=alb-<zone>-metrics-exporter --set albId=<alb_ID> --set albZone=<zone>
{: pre}
- Check the chart deployment status. When the chart is ready, the STATUS field near the beginning of the output has a value of
helm status ibmcloud-alb-metrics-exporter
{: pre}
- Verify that the
pods are running.
kubectl get pods -n kube-system -o wide
Example output:
alb-metrics-exporter-868fddf777-d49l5 1/1 Running 0 19s
alb-metrics-exporter-868fddf777-pf7x5 1/1 Running 0 19s
Repeat steps 2 - 4 for each ALB in your cluster.
Optional: Install the Prometheus agent to pick up the metrics that are produced by the exporter and make the metrics visible on a Prometheus dashboard.
{: #prometheus-agent}
After you install the metrics exporter, you can install the Prometheus agent Helm chart to pick up the metrics that are produced by the exporter and make the metrics visible on a Prometheus dashboard. {: shortdesc}
Download the
file for the metrics exporter Helm chart from -
Navigate to the Prometheus subfolder.
cd ibmcloud-alb-metrics-exporter-1.0.7.tar/ibmcloud-alb-metrics-exporter/subcharts/prometheus
{: pre}
- Install the Prometheus Helm chart to your cluster. Replace <ingress_subdomain> with the Ingress subdomain for your cluster. The URL for the Prometheus dashboard is a combination of the default Prometheus subdomain,
, and your Ingress subdomain, for exampleprom-dash.mycluster-<hash>
. To find the Ingress subdomain for your cluster, runibmcloud ks cluster get --cluster <cluster_name>
helm install . --set name=prometheus --set nameSpace=kube-system --set hostName=prom-dash.<ingress_subdomain>
{: pre}
Check the chart deployment status. When the chart is ready, the STATUS field near the beginning of the output has a value of
.helm status prometheus
{: pre}
Verify that the
pod is running.kubectl get pods -n kube-system -o wide
Example output:
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE alb-metrics-exporter-868fddf777-d49l5 1/1 Running 0 19s alb-metrics-exporter-868fddf777-pf7x5 1/1 Running 0 19s prometheus-9fbcc8bc7-2wvbk 1/1 Running 0 1m
In a browser, enter the URL for the Prometheus dashboard. This hostname has the format
. The Prometheus dashboard for your ALB opens. -
Review more information about the ALB, server, and upstream metrics listed in the dashboard.
{: #alb_metrics}
The alb-metrics-exporter
automatically reformats each data field in the JSON file into a metric that is readable by Prometheus. ALB metrics collect data on the connections and responses the ALB is handling.
{: shortdesc}
ALB metrics are in the format kube_system_<ALB-ID>_<METRIC-NAME> <VALUE>
. For example, if an ALB receives 23 responses with 2xx-level status codes, the metric is formatted as kube_system_public_crf02710f54fcc40889c301bfd6d5b77fe_alb1_totalHandledRequest {.. metric="2xx"} 23
where metric
is the prometheus label.
The following table lists the supported ALB metric names with the metric labels in the format <ALB_metric_name>_<metric_label>
Metric | Description |
connections_reading |
The total number of reading client connections. |
connections_accepted |
The total number of accepted client connections. |
connections_active |
The total number of active client connections. |
connections_handled |
The total number of handled client connections. |
connections_requests |
The total number of requested client connections. |
connections_waiting |
The total number of waiting client connections. |
connections_writing |
The total number of writing client connections. |
totalHandledRequest_1xx |
The number of responses with status codes 1xx. |
totalHandledRequest_2xx |
The number of responses with status codes 2xx. |
totalHandledRequest_3xx |
The number of responses with status codes 3xx. |
totalHandledRequest_4xx |
The number of responses with status codes 4xx. |
totalHandledRequest_5xx |
The number of responses with status codes 5xx. |
totalHandledRequest_total |
The total number of client requests received from clients. |
{: caption="Supported ALB metrics" caption-side="top"} |
{: #server_metrics}
The alb-metrics-exporter
automatically reformats each data field in the JSON file into a metric that is readable by Prometheus. Server metrics collect data on the subdomain that are defined in an Ingress resource; for example,
{: shortdesc}
Server metrics are in the format kube_system_server_<ALB-ID>_<SUB-TYPE>_<SERVER-NAME>_<METRIC-NAME> <VALUE>
are formatted as labels. For example, albId="dev_demostg1_us-south_containers_appdomain_cloud",metric="out"
For example, if the server sent a total of 22319 bytes to clients, the metric is formatted as:
kube_system_server_public_cra6a6eb9e897e41c4a5e58f957b417aec_alb1_bytes{albId="dev_demostg1_us-south_containers_appdomain_cloud",app="alb-metrics-exporter",instance="",job="kubernetes-pods",kubernetes_namespace="kube-system",kubernetes_pod_name="alb-metrics-exporter-7d495d785c-8wfw4",metric="out",pod_template_hash="3805183417"} 22319
{: screen}
Metric field | Description |
<ALB-ID> |
The ALB ID. In the previous example, the ALB ID is public\_cra6a6eb9e897e41c4a5e58f957b417aec\_alb1 . |
The subtype of metric. Each subtype corresponds to one or more metric names. |
bytes and processing\_time correspond to metrics in and out .cache corresponds to metrics bypass , expired , hit , miss , revalidated , scare , stale , and updating .requests corresponds to metrics requestMsec , 1xx , 2xx , 3xx , 4xx , 5xx , and total .In the previous example, the subtype is bytes . |
The name of the server that is defined in the Ingress resource. To maintain compatibility with Prometheus, periods (. ) are replaced by underscores (\_) . In the previous example, the server name is dev_demostg1_stg_us_south_containers_appdomain_cloud . |
The name of the collected metric type. For a list of metric names, see the following table for supported server metrics. In the previous example, the metric name is out . |
The value of the collected metric. In the previous example, the value is 22319 . |
{: caption="Understanding the server metric format" caption-side="top"} |
The following table lists the supported server metric names.
Metric | Description |
in |
The total number of bytes received from clients. |
out |
The total number of bytes sent to clients. |
bypass |
The number of times that a cacheable item was fetched from the origin server because it has not met the threshold for being in the cache (for example, number of requests). |
expired |
The number of times that an item was found in the cache but was not selected because it was expired. |
hit |
The number of times that a valid item was selected from the cache. |
miss |
The number of times that no valid cache item was found in the cache and the server fetched the item from the origin server. |
revalidated |
The number of times that an expired item in the cache was revalidated. |
scarce |
The number of times the cache removed seldom-used or low-priority items to free up scarce memory. |
stale |
The number of times that an expired item was in found in the cache, but because another request caused the server to fetch the item from the origin server, the item was selected from the cache. |
updating |
The number of times that stale content was updated. |
requestMsec |
The average of request processing times in milliseconds. |
1xx |
The number of responses with status codes 1xx. |
2xx |
The number of responses with status codes 2xx. |
3xx |
The number of responses with status codes 3xx. |
4xx |
The number of responses with status codes 4xx. |
5xx |
The number of responses with status codes 5xx. |
total |
The total number of responses with status codes. |
{: caption="Supported server metrics" caption-side="top"} |
{: #upstream_metrics}
The alb-metrics-exporter
automatically reformats each data field in the JSON file into a metric that is readable by Prometheus. Upstream metrics collect data on the back-end service that is defined in an Ingress resource.
{: shortdesc}
Upstream metrics are formatted in two ways.
- Type 1 includes the upstream service name.
- Type 2 includes the upstream service name and a specific upstream pod IP address.
{: #type_one}
Upstream type 1 metrics are in the format kube_system_upstream_<ALB-ID>_<SUB-TYPE>_<UPSTREAM-NAME>_<METRIC-NAME> <VALUE>
{: shortdesc}
are formatted as labels. For example, albId="default-cafe-ingress-dev_demostg1_us-south_containers_appdomain_cloud-coffee-svc",metric="in"
For example, if the upstream service received a total of 1227 bytes from the ALB, the metric is formatted as:
kube_system_upstream_public_cra6a6eb9e897e41c4a5e58f957b417aec_alb1_bytes{albId="default-cafe-ingress-dev_demostg1_us-south_containers_appdomain_cloud-coffee-svc",app="alb-metrics-exporter",instance="",job="kubernetes-pods",kubernetes_namespace="kube-system",kubernetes_pod_name="alb-metrics-exporter-7d495d785c-8wfw4",metric="in",pod_template_hash="3805183417"} 1227
{: screen}
Metric field | Description |
<ALB-ID> |
The ALB ID. In the previous example, the ALB ID is public\_crf02710f54fcc40889c301bfd6d5b77fe\_alb1 . |
The subtype of metric. Supported values are bytes , processing\_time , and requests . In the previous example, the subtype is bytes . |
The name of the upstream service that is defined in the Ingress resource. To maintain compatibility with Prometheus, periods (. ) are replaced by underscores (\_) . In the previous example, the upstream name is default-cafe-ingress-dev_demostg1_us-south_containers_appdomain_cloud-coffee-svc . |
The name of the collected metric type. For a list of metric names, see the following table for supported upstream type 1 metrics. In the previous example, the metric name is in . |
The value of the collected metric. In the previous example, the value is 1227 . |
{: caption="Understanding fields in the default Ingress log format" caption-side="top"} |
The following table lists the supported upstream type 1 metric names.
Metric | Description |
in |
The total number of bytes received from the ALB server. |
out |
The total number of bytes sent to the ALB server. |
1xx |
The number of responses with status codes 1xx. |
2xx |
The number of responses with status codes 2xx. |
3xx |
The number of responses with status codes 3xx. |
4xx |
The number of responses with status codes 4xx. |
5xx |
The number of responses with status codes 5xx. |
total |
The total number of responses with status codes. |
{: caption="Understanding the upstream type 1 metric format" caption-side="top"} |
{: #type_two}
Upstream type 2 metrics are in the format kube_system_upstream_<ALB-ID>_<METRIC-NAME>_<UPSTREAM-NAME>_<POD-IP> <VALUE>
{: shortdesc}
are formatted as labels. For example, albId="default-cafe-ingress-dev_dev_demostg1_us-south_containers_appdomain_cloud-tea-svc",backend="172_30_75_6_80"
For example, if the upstream service has an average request processing time (including upstream) of 40 milliseconds, the metric is formatted as:
kube_system_upstream_public_cra6a6eb9e897e41c4a5e58f957b417aec_alb1_requestMsec{albId="default-cafe-ingress-dev_dev_demostg1_us-south_containers_appdomain_cloud-tea-svc",app="alb-metrics-exporter",backend="172_30_75_6_80",instance="",job="kubernetes-pods",kubernetes_namespace="kube-system",kubernetes_pod_name="alb-metrics-exporter-7d495d785c-swkls",pod_template_hash="3805183417"} 40
{: screen}
Metric field | Description |
<ALB-ID> |
The ALB ID. In the previous example, the ALB ID is public\_cra6a6eb9e897e41c4a5e58f957b417aec\_alb1 . |
The name of the upstream service that is defined in the Ingress resource. To maintain compatibility with Prometheus, periods (. ) are replaced by underscores (\_ ). In the previous example, the upstream name is demostg1\_stg\_us\_south\_containers\_appdomain\_cloud\_tea\_svc . |
<POD\_IP> |
The IP address and port of a specific upstream service pod. To maintain compatibility with Prometheus, periods (. ) and colons (: ) are replaced by underscores (_) . In the previous example, the upstream pod IP is 172_30_75_6_80 . |
The name of the collected metric type. For a list of metric names, see the following table for Supported upstream type 2 metrics. In the previous example, the metric name is requestMsec . |
The value of the collected metric. In the previous example, the value is 40 . |
{: caption="Understanding the upstream type 2 metric format" caption-side="top"} |
The following table lists the supported upstream type 2 metric names.
Metric | Description |
requestMsec |
The average of request processing times, including upstream, in milliseconds. |
responseMsec |
The average of only upstream response processing times in milliseconds. |
{: caption="Supported upstream type 2 metrics" caption-side="top"} |
{: #vts_zone_size}
Shared memory zones are defined so that worker processes can share information such as cache, session persistence, and rate limits. A shared memory zone, called the virtual host traffic status zone, is set up for Ingress to collect metrics data for an ALB. {: shortdesc}
In the ibm-cloud-provider-ingress-cm
Ingress configmap, the vts-status-zone-size
field sets the size of the shared memory zone for metrics data collection. By default, vts-status-zone-size
is set to 10m
. If you have a large environment that requires more memory for metrics collection, you can override the default to instead use a larger value by following these steps.
Before you begin, ensure that you have the Writer or Manager {{}} IAM service access role for the kube-system
Edit the configuration file for the
configmap resource.kubectl edit cm ibm-cloud-provider-ingress-cm -n kube-system
{: pre}
Change the value of
to a larger value.apiVersion: v1 data: vts-status-zone-size: "10m" kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: ibm-cloud-provider-ingress-cm namespace: kube-system
{: codeblock}
Save the configuration file.
Verify that the configmap changes were applied.
kubectl get cm ibm-cloud-provider-ingress-cm -n kube-system -o yaml
{: pre}