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File metadata and controls

1328 lines (1080 loc) · 81.7 KB
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2014, 2021
kubernetes, iks,

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Storing data on software-defined storage (SDS) with Portworx

{: #portworx}

Portworx{: external} is a highly available software-defined storage solution that you can use to manage local persistent storage for your containerized databases and other stateful apps, or to share data between pods across multiple zones. {: shortdesc}

Supported infrastructure provider:

  • Classic infrastructure provider icon Classic
  • VPC infrastructure provider icon VPC

About Portworx

{: about-portworx}

Review frequently asked questions to learn more about Portworx and how Portworx provides highly available persistent storage management for your containerized apps. {: shortdesc}

What is software-defined storage (SDS)?

{: #about-px-sds}

An SDS solution abstracts storage devices of various types, sizes, or from different vendors that are attached to the worker nodes in your cluster. Worker nodes with available storage on hard disks are added as a node to a storage cluster. In this cluster, the physical storage is virtualized and presented as a virtual storage pool to the user. The storage cluster is managed by the SDS software. If data must be stored on the storage cluster, the SDS software decides where to store the data for highest availability. Your virtual storage comes with a common set of capabilities and services that you can leverage without caring about the actual underlying storage architecture.

How does Portworx work?

{: #about-px-work}

Portworx aggregates available storage that is attached to your worker nodes and creates a unified persistent storage layer for containerized databases or other stateful apps that you want to run in the cluster. By using volume replication of each container-level volume across multiple worker nodes, Portworx ensures data persistence and data accessibility across zones.

Portworx also comes with additional features that you can use for your stateful apps, such as volume snapshots, volume encryption, isolation, and an integrated Storage Orchestrator for Kubernetes (Stork) to ensure optimal placement of volumes in the cluster. For more information, see the Portworx documentation{: external}.

What worker node flavor in {{}} is the right one for Portworx?

{: #about-px-flavors}

The worker node flavor that you need depends on the infrastructure provider that you use. If you have a classic cluster, {{}} provides bare metal worker node flavors that are optimized for software-defined storage (SDS) usage. These flavors also come with one or more raw, unformatted, and unmounted local disks that you can use for your Portworx storage layer. In classic clusters, Portworx offers the best performance when you use SDS worker node machines that come with 10 Gbps network speed.

In VPC clusters, make sure to select a virtual server flavor that meets the minimum hardware requirements for Portworx{: external}. The flavor that you choose must have a network speed of 10 Gpbs or more for optimal performance. None of the VPC flavors are set up with raw and unformatted block storage devices. To successfully install and run Portworx, you must manually attach block storage devices to each of your worker nodes first.

What if I want to run Portworx in a classic cluster with non-SDS worker nodes?

{: #about-px-non-sds}

You can install Portworx on non-SDS worker node flavors, but you might not get the performance benefits that your app requires. Non-SDS worker nodes can be virtual or bare metal. If you want to use virtual machines, use a worker node flavor of b3c.16x64 or better. Virtual machines with a flavor of b3c.4x16 or u3c.2x4 do not provide the required resources for Portworx to work properly. Bare metal machines come with sufficient compute resources and network speed for Portworx, but you must add raw, unformatted, and unmounted block storage before you can use these machines.

For classic clusters, virtual machines have only 1000 Mbps of networking speed, which is not sufficient to run production workloads with Portworx. Instead, provision Portworx on bare metal machines for the best performance. {: important}

If your classic cluster has deprecated x1c or older Ubuntu 16 x2c worker node flavors, update your cluster to have Ubuntu 18 x3c worker nodes. {: tip}

How can I make sure that my data is stored highly available?

{: #about-px-ha}

You need at least three worker nodes in your Portworx cluster so that Portworx can replicate your data across nodes. By replicating your data across worker nodes, Portworx can ensure that your stateful app can be rescheduled to a different worker node in case of a failure without losing data. For even higher availability, use a multizone cluster and replicate your volumes across worker nodes in 3 or more zones.

What volume topology offers the best performance for my pods?

{: #about-px-topology}

One of the biggest challenges when you run stateful apps in a cluster is to make sure that your container can be rescheduled onto another host if the container or the entire host fails. In Docker, when a container must be rescheduled onto a different host, the volume does not move to the new host. Portworx can be configured to run hyper-converged to ensure that your compute resources and the storage are always placed onto the same worker node. When your app must be rescheduled, Portworx moves your app to a worker node where one of your volume replicas resides to ensure local-disk access speed and best performance for your stateful app. Running hyper-converged offers the best performance for your pods, but requires storage to be available on all worker nodes in your cluster.

You can also choose to use only a subset of worker nodes for your Portworx storage layer. For example, you might have a worker pool with SDS worker nodes that come with local raw block storage, and another worker pool with virtual worker nodes that do not come with local storage. When you install Portworx, a Portworx pod is scheduled onto every worker node in your cluster as part of a daemon set. Because your SDS worker nodes have local storage, these worker nodes are included into the Portworx storage layer only. Your virtual worker nodes are not included as a storage node because of the missing local storage. However, when you deploy an app pod to your virtual worker node, this pod can still access data that is physically stored on an SDS worker node by using the Portworx daemon set pod. This setup is referred to as storage-heavy and offers slightly slower performance than the hyper-converged setup because the virtual worker node must talk to the SDS worker node over the private network to access the data.

{{}} does not support the Portworx experimental InitializerConfiguration admission controller. {: note}

What's next?

{: #about-px-next}

All set? Let's start with creating a cluster with an SDS worker pool of at least three worker nodes. If you want to include non-SDS worker nodes into your Portworx cluster, add raw block storage to each worker node. After your cluster is prepared, install Portworx in your cluster and create your first hyper-converged storage cluster.

Planning your Portworx setup

{: #portworx_planning}

Before you create your cluster and install Portworx, review the following planning steps. {: shortdesc}

  1. Review the Portworx limitations.
  2. Create a multizone cluster.
    1. Infrastructure provider: If you use classic infrastructure, you must choose a bare metal flavor for the worker nodes. For classic clusters, virtual machines have only 1000 Mbps of networking speed, which is not sufficient to run production workloads with Portworx. Instead, provision Portworx on bare metal machines for the best performance.
    2. Worker node flavor: Choose an SDS or bare metal flavor. If you want to use virtual machines, use a worker node with 16 vCPU and 64 GB memory or more, such as b3c.16x64. Virtual machines with a flavor of b3c.4x16 or u3c.2x4 do not provide the required resources for Portworx to work properly.
    3. Minimum number of workers: Two worker nodes per zone across three zones, for a minimum total of six worker nodes.
  3. VPC and non-SDS classic worker nodes only: Create raw, unformatted, and unmounted block storage.
  4. For production workloads, create an external Databases for etcd instance for your Portworx metadata key-value store.
  5. Set up encryption.
  6. Install or migrate to Helm version 3.
  7. Install Portworx.

Creating raw, unformatted, and unmounted block storage for VPC and non-SDS classic worker nodes

{: #create_block_storage}

If you want to build your Portworx storage layer on non-SDS worker nodes in your classic cluster or VPC worker nodes, you must add raw, unformatted, and unmounted block storage to your worker nodes first. {: shortdesc}

Raw block storage cannot be provisioned by using Kubernetes persistent volume claims (PVCs) as the block storage device is automatically formatted by {{}}. Instead, you can use the {{}} Block Volume Attacher plug-in in classic clusters or the VPC console, CLI, or API in VPC clusters to add block storage to your worker nodes.

Portworx supports block storage only. Worker nodes that mount file or object storage cannot be used for the Portworx storage layer. {: note}

Keep in mind that the networking of non-SDS worker nodes in classic clusters is not optimized for Portworx and might not offer the performance benefits that your app requires. {: note}

Classic infrastructure provider icon Classic clusters:

  1. Install the {{}} Block Volume Attacher plug-in.
  2. To add block storage with a different configuration, add block storage to a subset of worker nodes only, or to have more control over the provisioning process, manually add block storage. For highly available data storage, Portworx requires at least 3 worker nodes with raw and unformatted block storage.
  3. Attach the block storage to your worker nodes.
  4. Continue with your Portworx setup by Setting up a key-value store for Portworx metadata.

VPC infrastructure provider icon VPC clusters:

  1. Follow the steps to create the {{}} instances and attach these to each worker node that you want to add to the Portworx storage layer. For highly available data storage, Portworx requires at least 3 worker nodes with raw and unformatted block storage.
  2. Continue with your Portworx setup by Setting up a key-value store for Portworx metadata.

Setting up a key-value store for Portworx metadata

{: #portworx_database}

Decide on the key-value store that you want to use to store Portworx metadata. {: shortdesc}

Before you begin, review the Planning your Portworx setup section {: important}

The Portworx key-value store serves as the single source of truth for your Portworx cluster. If the key-value store is not available, then you cannot work with your Portworx cluster to access or store your data. Existing data is not changed or removed when the Portworx database is unavailable.

To set up your key-value store, choose between the following options:

Using the Portworx KVDB

{: #portworx-kvdb}

Automatically set up a key-value database (KVDB) during the Portworx installation that uses the space on the additional local disks that are attached to your worker nodes. {: shortdesc}

You can keep the Portworx metadata inside your cluster and store them along with the operational data that you plan to store with Portworx by using the internal key-value database (KVDB) that is included in Portworx. For general information about the internal Portworx KVDB, see the Portworx documentation{: external}.

To set up the internal Portworx KDVB, follow the steps in Installing Portworx in your cluster.

If you plan to use the internal KVDB, make sure that your cluster has a minimum of 3 worker nodes with additional local block storage so that the KVDB can be set up for high availability. Your data is automatically replicated across these 3 worker nodes and you can choose to scale this deployment to replicate data across up to 25 worker nodes. {: note}

Setting up a Databases for etcd service instance

{: #databases-for-etcd}

If you want to use an external database service for your Portworx cluster metadata and keep the metadata separate from the operational data that you plan to store with Portworx, set up a Databases for etcd service instance in your cluster. {: shortdesc}

Databases for etcd is a managed etcd service that securely stores and replicates your data across three storage instances to provide high availability and resiliency for your data. For more information, see the Databases for etcd getting started tutorial. Your Databases for etcd storage automatically scales in size if required and you are charged for the amount storage that you use.

  1. Make sure that you have the Administrator platform access role in {{}} Identity and Access Management (IAM) for the Databases for etcd service.

  2. Provision your Databases for etcd service instance.

    1. Open the Databases for etcd catalog page
    2. Enter a name for your service instance, such as px-etcd.
    3. Select the region where you want to deploy your service instance. For optimal performance, choose the region that your cluster is in.
    4. Select the same resource group that your cluster is in.
    5. Use the following settings for the initial memory and disk allocation:
      • Initial memory allocation: 8GB/member (24GB total)
      • Initial disk allocation: 128GB/member (384GB total)
      • Initial CPU allocation: 3 dedicated cores/member (9 cores total)
      • Database version: 3.3
    6. Decide if you want to use the default {{}} service instance or your own.
    7. Review the pricing plan.
    8. Click Create to start setting up your service instance. The setup might take a few minutes to complete.
  3. Create service credentials for your Databases for etcd service instance.

    1. In the navigation on the service details page, click Service Credentials.
    2. Click New credentials.
    3. Enter a name for your service credentials and click Add.
  4. {: #databases_credentials}Retrieve your service credentials and certificate.

    1. From the navigation on the service details page, select Service credentials.

    2. Find the credentials that you want to use, and from the Actions column in the service credentials table, click View credentials.

    3. Find the grp.authentication section of your service credentials and note the username and password.

      Example output for username and password:

      "grpc": {
      "authentication": {
        "method": "direct",
        "password": "123a4567ab89cde09876vaa543a2bc2a10a123456bcd123456f0a7895aab1de",
        "username": "ibm_cloud_1abd2e3f_g12h_3bc4_1234_5a6bc7890ab"

      {: screen}

    4. Find the composed section of your service credentials and note the etcd --endpoints. You need this information when you install Portworx.

      Example output for --endpoints:


      {: screen}

    5. Find the certificate section of your service credentials and note the certificate_base64.

      Example output for certificate:

      "certificate": {

      {: screen}

  5. Encode your username and password to base64.

    echo -n "<username_or_password>" | base64

    {: pre}

  6. Create a Kubernetes secret for your certificate.

    1. Create a configuration file for your secret.

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Secret
        name: px-etcd-certs
        namespace: kube-system
      type: Opaque
        ca.pem: <certificate_base64>
        username: <username_base64>
        password: <password_base64>

      {: codeblock}

    2. Create the secret in your cluster.

      kubectl apply -f secret.yaml

      {: pre}

  7. Choose if you want to set up encryption for your volumes with {{}}. If you don't want to set up {{}} encryption for your volumes, continue with installing Portworx in your cluster.

Setting up volume encryption

{: #encrypt_volumes}

To protect your data in a Portworx volume, you can encrypt your cluster's volumes with {{}} or {{}}. {: shortdesc}

{{}} helps you to provision encrypted keys that are secured by FIPS 140-2 Level 2 certified cloud-based hardware security modules (HSMs). You can use these keys to securely protect your data from unauthorized users. You can choose between using one encryption key to encrypt all your volumes in a cluster or using one encryption key for each volume. Portworx uses this key to encrypt data at rest and during transit when data is sent to a different worker node. For more information, see Volume encryption{: external}. For higher security, set up per-volume encryption.

If you don't want to use {{}} or {{}} root keys to encrypt your volumes, you can select Kubernetes Secret as your Portworx secret store type during the Portworx installation. This setting gives you the option to store your own custom encryption key in a Kubernetes secret after you install Portworx. For more information, see the Portworx documentation{: external}. {: tip}

Review the following information:

Portworx per-volume encryption workflow

{: #px_encryption}

The following image illustrates the encryption workflow in Portworx when you set up per-volume encryption. {: shortdesc}

Encrypting Portworx volumes

  1. The user creates a PVC with a Portworx storage class and requests the storage to be encrypted.
  2. Portworx invokes the {{}} or {{}} API WrapCreateDEK to create a passphrase by using the customer root key (CRK) that is stored in the Portworx secret.
  3. The {{}} or {{}} service instance generates a 256-bit passphrase and wraps the passphrase in the DEK. The DEK is returned to the Portworx cluster.
  4. The Portworx cluster uses the passphrase to encrypt the volume.
  5. The Portworx cluster stores the DEK in plain text in the Portworx etcd database, associates the volume ID with the DEK, and removes the passphrase from its memory.

Portworx per-volume decryption workflow

{: #decryption}

The following image illustrates the decryption workflow in Portworx when you set up per-volume encryption.

Decrypting Portworx volumes

  1. Kubernetes sends a request to decrypt an encrypted volume.
  2. Portworx requests the DEK for the volume from the Portworx etcd database.
  3. The Portworx etcd looks up the DEK and returns the DEK to the Portworx cluster.
  4. The Portworx cluster calls the {{}} or {{}} API UnWrapDEK by providing the DEK and the root key (CRK) that is stored in the Portworx secret.
  5. {{}} or {{}} unwraps the DEK to extract the passphrase and returns the passphrase to the Portworx cluster.
  6. The Portworx cluster uses the passphrase to decrypt the volume. After the volume is decrypted, the passphrase is removed from the Portworx cluster.

Enabling per-volume encryption for your Portworx volumes

{: #setup_encryption}

Follow these steps to set up encryption for your Portworx volumes. {: shortdesc}

  1. Make sure that you are assigned the Editor platform access role and the Writer service access role in {{}} Identity and Access Management for the KMS provider that you want to use.

  2. Create a service instance of the KMS provider that you want to use. Note the name of the service instance that you created.

  3. Create a root key. Note the ID of the root key that you created.

  4. Retrieve the GUID of the service instance that you created.

    ibmcloud resource service-instance <service_instance_name_or_ID>

    {: pre}

    Example output:

    Retrieving service instance <name> in resource group default under account IBM as <user>...
    Name:                  <name>   
    ID:                    crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/1ab123ab3c456789cde1f1234ab1cd123:a1a2b345-1d12-12ab-a12a-1abc2d3e1234::   
    GUID:                  a1a2b345-1d12-12ab-a12a-1abc2d3e1234

    {: screen}

  5. Create a service ID for your account.

  6. Assign your service ID permissions to your {{}} or {{}} service instance.

  7. Create an API key for your service ID. This API key is used by Portworx to access the {{}} or {{}} API.

  8. If you are using {{}}, retrieve the API endpoint. If you are using {{}}, retrieve the Key Management endpoint URL:

    If you enter an incorrect endpoint for the KMS that you are using, Portworx gives an error similar to the following: kp.Error: correlation_id='673bb68a-be17-4720-9ae1-85baf109924e', msg='Unauthorized: The user does not have access to the specified resource'". Ensure that you retrieve the correct endpoint for the KMS that you use. {: note}

Creating a secret to store the KMS credentials

{: px_create_km_secret}

Before you begin: Set up encryption

  1. Encode the credentials that you retrieved in the previous section to base64 and note all the base64 encoded values. Repeat this command for each parameter to retrieve the base64 encoded value.

    echo -n "<value>" | base64

    {: pre}

  2. Create a namespace in your cluster that is called portworx.

    kubectl create ns portworx

    {: pre}

  3. Create a Kubernetes secret that is named px-ibm in the portworx namespace of your cluster to store your {{}} information.

    1. Create a configuration file for your Kubernetes secret with the following content.

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Secret
        name: px-ibm
        namespace: portworx
      type: Opaque
        IBM_SERVICE_API_KEY: <base64_apikey>
        IBM_INSTANCE_ID: <base64_guid>
        IBM_CUSTOMER_ROOT_KEY: <base64_rootkey>
        IBM_BASE_URL: <base64_endpoint>

      {: codeblock}

      Understanding the YAML file components
      Parameter Description Enter px-ibm as the name for your Kubernetes secret. If you use a different name, Portworx does not recognize the secret during installation.
      data.IBM_SERVICE_API_KEY Enter the base64 encoded {{}} or {{}} API key that you retrieved earlier.
      data.IBM_INSTANCE_ID Enter the base64 encoded service instance GUID that you retrieved earlier.
      data.IBM_CUSTOMER_ROOT_KEY Enter the base64 encoded root key that you retrieved earlier.
      • {{}}: Enter the base64 encoded API endpoint of your service instance.
      • {{}}: Enter the base64 encoded Key Management public endpoint.
      1. Create the secret in the portworx namespace of your cluster.

        kubectl apply -f secret.yaml

        {: pre}

      2. Verify that the secret is created successfully.

        kubectl get secrets -n portworx

        {: pre}

    2. If you set up encryption before your installed Portworx, you can now install Portworx in your cluster. To add encryption to your cluster after you installed Portworx, update the Portworx daemon set to add "-secret_type" and "ibm-kp" as additional arguments to the Portworx container definition.

      1. Update the Portworx daemon set.

        kubectl edit daemonset portworx -n kube-system

        {: pre}

        Example updated daemon set:

         - args:
         - -c
         - testclusterid
         - -s
         - /dev/sdb
         - -x
         - kubernetes
         - -secret_type
         - ibm-kp
         name: portworx

        {: codeblock}

        After you edit the daemon set, the Portworx pods are restarted and automatically update the config.json file on the worker node to reflect that change.

      2. List the Portworx pods in your kube-system namespace.

        kubectl get pods -n kube-system | grep portworx

        {: pre}

      3. Log in to one of your Portworx pods.

        kubectl exec -it <pod_name> -it -n kube-system

        {: pre}

      4. Navigate in to the pwx directory.

        cd etc/pwx

        {: pre}

      5. Review the config.json file to verify that "secret_type": "ibm-kp" is added to the secret section of your CLI output.

        cat config.json

        {: pre}

        Example output:

        "alertingurl": "",
        "clusterid": "px-kp-test",
        "dataiface": "",
        "kvdb": [
        "mgtiface": "",
        "password": "ABCDEFGHIJK",
        "scheduler": "kubernetes",
        "secret": {
          "cluster_secret_key": "",
          "secret_type": "ibm-kp"
        "storage": {
          "devices": [
          "journal_dev": "",
          "max_storage_nodes_per_zone": 0,
          "system_metadata_dev": ""
        "username": "root",
        "version": "1.0"

        {: screen}

      6. Exit the pod.

    Check out how to encrypt the secrets in your cluster, including the secret where you stored your {{}} CRK for your Portworx storage cluster. {: tip}

    Installing Portworx in your cluster

    {: #install_portworx}

    Provision a Portworx service instance from the {{}} catalog. After you create the service instance, the latest Portworx enterprise edition (px-enterprise) is installed on your cluster by using Helm. In addition, Stork{: external} is also installed on your {{}} cluster. Stork is the Portworx storage scheduler. With Stork, you can co-locate pods with their data and create and restore snapshots of Portworx volumes. {: shortdesc}

    Looking for instructions about how to update or remove Portworx? See Updating Portworx and Removing Portworx. {: tip}

    Before you begin:

    To install Portworx:

    1. Follow the instructions to install the Helm version 3 client on your local machine.

    2. Open the Portworx service from the {{}} catalog{: external} and complete the fields as follows:

      1. Select the region where your {{}} cluster is located.
      2. Review the Portworx pricing information.
      3. Enter a name for your Portworx service instance.
      4. Select the resource group that your cluster is in.
      5. In the Tag field, enter the name of the cluster where you want to install Portworx. After you create the Portworx service instance, you cannot see the cluster that you installed Portworx into. To find the cluster more easily later, make sure that you enter the cluster name and any additional information as tags.
      6. Enter an {{}} API key to retrieve the list of clusters that you have access to. If you don't have an API key, see Managing user API keys. After you enter the API key, the Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster name field appears at the bottom of the page.
      7. Enter a unique name for the Portworx cluster that is created within your {{}} cluster.
      8. From the Portworx metadata key-value store drop down, choose the type of key-value store that you want to use to store Portworx metadata. Select Portworx KVDB to automatically create a key-value store during the Portworx installation, or select Databases for etcd if you want to use an existing Databases for etcd instance. If you choose Databases for etcd, the Etcd API endpoints and Etcd secret name fields appear.
      9. Required for Databases for etcd only: Enter the information of your Databases for etcd service instance.
        1. Retrieve the etcd endpoint, and the name of the Kubernetes secret that you created for your Databases for etcd service instance.
        2. In the Etcd API endpoints field, enter the API endpoint of your Databases for etcd service instance that you retrieved earlier. Make sure to enter the endpoint in the format etcd:<etcd_endpoint1>;etcd:<etcd_endpoint2>. If you have more than one endpoint, include all endpoints and separate them with a semicolon (;).
        3. In the Etcd secret name field, enter the name of the Kubernetes secret that you created in your cluster to store the Databases for etcd service credentials.
      10. From the Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster name drop down list, select the cluster where you want to install Portworx. If your cluster is not listed, make sure that you select the correct {{}} region. If the region is correct, verify that you have the correct permissions to view and work with your cluster. Make sure that you select a cluster that meets the minimum hardware requirements for Portworx{: external}.
      11. Optional: From the Portworx secret store type drop down list, choose the secret store type that you want to use to store the volume encryption key.
        • Kubernetes Secret: Choose this option if you want to store your own custom key to encrypt your volumes in a Kubernetes Secret in your cluster. The secret must not be present before you install Portworx. You can create the secret after you install Portworx. For more information, see the Portworx documentation{: external}.
        • {{}}: Choose this option if you want to use root keys in {{}} to encrypt your volumes. Make sure that you follow the instructions to create your {{}} service instance, and to store the credentials for how to access your service instance in a Kubernetes secret in the portworx namespace before you install Portworx.
    3. Click Create to start the Portworx installation in your cluster. This process might take a few minutes to complete. The service details page opens with instructions for how to verify your Portworx installation, create a persistent volume claim (PVC), and mount the PVC to an app.

    4. From the {{}} resource list, find the Portworx service that you created.

    5. Review the Status column to see if the installation succeeded or failed. The status might take a few minutes to update.

    6. If the Status changes to Provision failure, follow the instructions to start troubleshooting why your installation failed.

    7. If the Status changes to Provisioned, verify that your Portworx installation completed successfully and that all your local disks were recognized and added to the Portworx storage layer.

      1. List the Portworx pods in the kube-system namespace. The installation is successful when you see one or more portworx, stork, and stork-scheduler pods. The number of pods equals the number of worker nodes that are included in your Portworx cluster. All pods must be in a Running state.

        kubectl get pods -n kube-system | grep 'portworx\|stork'

        {: pre}

        Example output:

        portworx-594rw                          1/1       Running     0          20h
        portworx-rn6wk                          1/1       Running     0          20h
        portworx-rx9vf                          1/1       Running     0          20h
        stork-6b99cf5579-5q6x4                  1/1       Running     0          20h
        stork-6b99cf5579-slqlr                  1/1       Running     0          20h
        stork-6b99cf5579-vz9j4                  1/1       Running     0          20h
        stork-scheduler-7dd8799cc-bl75b         1/1       Running     0          20h
        stork-scheduler-7dd8799cc-j4rc9         1/1       Running     0          20h
        stork-scheduler-7dd8799cc-knjwt         1/1       Running     0          20h

        {: screen}

      2. Log in to one of your portworx pods and list the status of your Portworx cluster.

        kubectl exec <portworx_pod> -it -n kube-system -- /opt/pwx/bin/pxctl status

        {: pre}

        Example output:

        Status: PX is operational
        License: Trial (expires in 30 days)
        Node ID:
         Local Storage Pool: 1 pool
        	0	LOW		raid0		20 GiB	3.0 GiB	Online	dal10	us-south
         Local Storage Devices: 1 device
         Device	Path						Media Type		Size		Last-Scan
             0:1	/dev/mapper/3600a09803830445455244c4a38754c66	STORAGE_MEDIUM_MAGNETIC	20 GiB		17 Sep 18 20:36 UTC
        	   total							-			20 GiB
         Cluster Summary
         Cluster ID: mycluster
             Cluster UUID: a0d287ba-be82-4aac-b81c-7e22ac49faf5
         Scheduler: kubernetes
         Nodes: 2 node(s) with storage (2 online), 1 node(s) without storage (1 online)
            IP		ID		StorageNode	Used	Capacity	Status	StorageStatus	Version		Kernel			OS
  	Yes		3.0 GiB	20 GiB		Online	Up	4.4.0-133-generic	Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS
  	Yes		3.0 GiB	20 GiB		Online	Up (This node)	4.4.0-133-generic	Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS
  	No		0 B	0 B		Online	No Storage	4.4.0-133-generic	Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS
         Global Storage Pool
            Total Used    	:  6.0 GiB
            Total Capacity	:  40 GiB

        {: screen}

      3. Verify that all worker nodes that you wanted to include in your Portworx storage layer are included by reviewing the StorageNode column in the Cluster Summary section of your CLI output. Worker nodes that are included in the storage layer are displayed with Yes in the StorageNode column.

        Because Portworx runs as a daemon set in your cluster, existing worker nodes are automatically inspected for raw block storage and added to the Portworx data layer when you deploy Portworx. If you add worker nodes to your cluster and add raw block storage to those workers, restart the Portworx pods on the new worker nodes so that your storage volumes are detected by the daemon set. {: note}

      4. Verify that each storage node is listed with the correct amount of raw block storage by reviewing the Capacity column in the Cluster Summary section of your CLI output.

      5. Review the Portworx I/O classification that was assigned to the disks that are part of the Portworx cluster. During the setup of your Portworx cluster, every disk is inspected to determine the performance profile of the device. The profile classification depends on how fast the network is that your worker node is connected to and the type of storage device that you have. Disks of SDS worker nodes are classified as high. If you manually attach disks to a virtual worker node, then these disks are classified as low due to the lower network speed that comes with virtual worker nodes.

        kubectl exec -it <portworx_pod> -n kube-system -- /opt/pwx/bin/pxctl cluster provision-status

        {: pre}

        Example output:

        NODE		NODE STATUS	POOL	POOL STATUS	IO_PRIORITY	SIZE	AVAILABLE	USED	PROVISIONED	RESERVEFACTOR	ZONE	REGION		RACK	Up		0	Online		LOW		20 GiB	17 GiB		3.0 GiB	0 B		0		dal12	us-south	default	Up		0	Online		LOW		20 GiB	17 GiB		3.0 GiB	0 B		0		dal10	us-south	default	Up		0	Online		HIGH		3.5 TiB	3.5 TiB		10 GiB	0 B		0		dal10	us-south	default

        {: screen}

    Updating Portworx in your cluster

    {: #update_portworx}

    You can upgrade Portworx to the latest version. {: shortdesc}

    1. Update your Helm repos.

      helm repo update

      {: pre}

    2. Find release name of your Portworx Helm chart.

      helm list -A | grep portworx

      {: pre}

      Example output

      <release_name>      default  	1    2020-06-10 16:05:31.86058777 +0000 UTC	deployed	portworx-1.0.18         2.5.1    

      {: screen}

    3. Update your Portworx release with the latest version of the Helm chart.

      helm upgrade <release_name> ibm-community/portworx/

      {: pre}

    Removing Portworx from your cluster

    {: #remove_portworx}

    If you do not want to use Portworx in your cluster, you can uninstall the Helm chart and delete your Portworx instance. {: shortdesc}

    The following steps walk you through deleting the Portworx Helm chart from your cluster and deleting your Portworx instance. If you want to clean up your Portworx installation by removing your volumes from your apps, removing individual worker nodes from Portworx, or if you want to completely remove Portworx and all your volumes and data, see Cleaning up your Portworx cluster. {: note}

    1. Find the installation name of your Portworx Helm chart.

      helm ls -A | grep portworx

      {: pre}

      Example output:

      NAME        	 NAMESPACE  	REVISION	UPDATED                             	STATUS  	 CHART                              	APP VERSION
      <release_name>	 <namespace>    	1     2020-01-27 09:18:33.046018 -0500 EST	deployed  portworx-1.0.0     default     

      {: screen}

    2. Delete Portworx by removing the Helm chart.

      helm uninstall <release_name>

      {: pre}

    3. Verify that the Portworx pods are removed.

      kubectl get pod -n kube-system | grep 'portworx\|stork'

      {: pre}

      The removal of the pods is successful if no pods are displayed in your CLI output.

    4. Remove the Portworx service instance from your {{}} account.

      1. From the {{}} resource list, find the Portworx service that you created.
      2. From the actions menu, click Delete.
      3. Confirm the deletion of the service instance by clicking Delete.

    To stop billing for Portworx, you must remove the Portworx Helm installation from your cluster and remove the Portworx service instance from your {{}} account. {: important}

    Next steps Cleaning up your Portworx volumes and cluster.

    Creating a Portworx volume

    {: #add_portworx_storage}

    Start creating Portworx volumes by using Kubernetes dynamic provisioning. {: shortdesc}

    1. List available storage classes in your cluster and check whether you can use an existing Portworx storage class that was set up during the Portworx installation. The pre-defined storage classes are optimized for database usage and to share data across pods.

      kubectl get storageclasses | grep portworx

      {: pre}

      To view the details of a storage class, run kubectl describe storageclass <storageclass_name>. {: tip}

    2. If you don't want to use an existing storage class, create a customized storage class. For a full list of supported options that you can specify in your storage class, see Using Dynamic Provisioning{: external}.

      1. Create a configuration file for your storage class.

        kind: StorageClass
          name: <storageclass_name>
          repl: "<replication_factor>"
          secure: "<true_or_false>"
          priority_io: "<io_priority>"
          shared: "<true_or_false>"

        {: codeblock}

        Understanding the YAML file components
        Parameter Description Enter a name for your storage class.
        parameters.repl Enter the number of replicas for your data that you want to store across different worker nodes. Allowed numbers are `1`,`2`, or `3`. For example, if you enter `3`, then your data is replicated across three different worker nodes in your Portworx cluster. To store your data highly available, use a multizone cluster and replicate your data across three worker nodes in different zones. Note: You must have enough worker nodes to fulfill your replication requirement. For example, if you have two worker nodes, but you specify three replicas, then the creation of the PVC with this storage class fails. Specify whether you want to encrypt the data in your volume with {{}}. Choose between the following options:
        • true: Enter true to enable encryption for your Portworx volumes. To encrypt volumes, you must have an {{}} service instance and a Kubernetes secret that holds your customer root key. For more information about how to set up encryption for Portworx volumes, see [Encrypting your Portworx volumes](#encrypt_volumes).
        • false: When you enter false, your Portworx volumes are not encrypted.
        If you do not specify this option, your Portworx volumes are not encrypted by default. Note: You can choose to enable volume encryption in your PVC, even if you disabled encryption in your storage class. The setting that you make in the PVC take precedence over the settings in the storage class.
        parameters.priority_io Enter the Portworx I/O priority that you want to request for your data. Available options are `high`, `medium`, and `low`. During the setup of your Portworx cluster, every disk is inspected to determine the performance profile of the device. The profile classification depends on the network bandwidth of your worker node and the type of storage device that you have. Disks of SDS worker nodes are classified as `high`. If you manually attach disks to a virtual worker node, then these disks are classified as `low` due to the lower network speed that comes with virtual worker nodes.

        When you create a PVC with a storage class, the number of replicas that you specify in parameters/repl takes precedence over the I/O priority. For example, when you specify three replicas that you want to store on high-speed disks, but you have only one worker node with a high-speed disk in your cluster, then your PVC creation still succeeds. Your data is replicated across both high and low speed disks.
        parameters.shared Define whether you want to allow multiple pods to access the same volume. Choose between the following options:
        • True: If you set this option to true, then you can access the same volume by multiple pods that are distributed across worker nodes in different zones.
        • False: If you set this option to false, you can access the volume from multiple pods only if the pods are deployed onto the worker node that attaches the physical disk that backs the volume. If your pod is deployed onto a different worker node, the pod cannot access the volume.
      2. Create the storage class.

        kubectl apply -f storageclass.yaml

        {: pre}

      3. Verify that the storage class is created.

        kubectl get storageclasses

        {: pre}

    3. Create a persistent volume claim (PVC).

      1. Create a configuration file for your PVC.

        kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
        apiVersion: v1
          name: mypvc
            - <access_mode>
              storage: <size>
          storageClassName: portworx-shared-sc

        {: codeblock}

        Understanding the YAML file components
        Parameter Description Enter a name for your PVC, such as mypvc.
        spec.accessModes Enter the [Kubernetes access mode ![External link icon](../icons/launch-glyph.svg "External link icon")]( that you want to use. Enter the amount of storage in gigabytes that you want to assign from your Portworx cluster. For example, to assign 2 gigabytes from your Portworx cluster, enter `2Gi`. The amount of storage that you can specify is limited by the amount of storage that is available in your Portworx cluster. If you specified a replication factor in your storage class that is higher than 1, then the amount of storage that you specify in your PVC is reserved on multiple worker nodes.
        spec.storageClassName Enter the name of the storage class that you chose or created earlier and that you want to use to provision your PV. The example YAML file uses the portworx-shared-sc storage class.
        1. Create your PVC.

          kubectl apply -f pvc.yaml

          {: pre}

        2. Verify that your PVC is created and bound to a persistent volume (PV). This process might take a few minutes.

          kubectl get pvc

          {: pre}

      Mounting the volume to your app

      {: #mount_pvc}

      To access the storage from your app, you must mount the PVC to your app. {: shortdesc}

      1. Create a configuration file for a deployment that mounts the PVC.

        For tips on how to deploy a stateful set with Portworx, see StatefulSets{: external}. The Portworx documentation also includes examples for how to deploy Cassandra{: external}, Kafka{: external}, ElasticSearch with Kibana{: external}, and WordPress with MySQL{: external}. {: tip}

        apiVersion: apps/v1
        kind: Deployment
          name: <deployment_name>
            app: <deployment_label>
              app: <app_name>
                app: <app_name>
              schedulerName: stork
              - image: <image_name>
                name: <container_name>
                  fsGroup: <group_ID>
                - name: <volume_name>
                  mountPath: /<file_path>
              - name: <volume_name>
                  claimName: <pvc_name>

        {: codeblock}

        Understanding the YAML file components
        Parameter Description A label for the deployment.
        A label for your app. A label for the deployment.
        spec.schedulerName Use [Stork ![External link icon](../icons/launch-glyph.svg "External link icon")]( as the scheduler for your Portworx cluster. With Stork, you can co-locate pods with their data, provides seamless migration of pods in case of storage errors and makes it easier to create and restore snapshots of Portworx volumes.
        spec.containers.image The name of the image that you want to use. To list available images in your {{}} account, run ibmcloud cr image-list. The name of the container that you want to deploy to your cluster.
        spec.containers.securityContext.fsGroup Optional: To access your storage with a non-root user, specify the [security context ![External link icon](../icons/launch-glyph.svg "External link icon")]( for your pod and define the set of users that you want to grant access in the `fsGroup` section on your deployment YAML. For more information, see [Accessing Portworx volumes with a non-root user ![External link icon](../icons/launch-glyph.svg "External link icon")](
        spec.containers.volumeMounts.mountPath The absolute path of the directory to where the volume is mounted inside the container. If you want to share a volume between different apps, you can specify [volume sub paths ![External link icon](../icons/launch-glyph.svg "External link icon")]( for each of your apps. The name of the volume to mount to your pod. The name of the volume to mount to your pod. Typically this name is the same as volumeMounts/name.
        volumes.persistentVolumeClaim.claimName The name of the PVC that binds the PV that you want to use.
      2. Create your deployment.

        kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml

        {: pre}

      3. Verify that the PV is successfully mounted to your app.

        kubectl describe deployment <deployment_name>

        {: pre}

        The mount point is in the Volume Mounts field and the volume is in the Volumes field.

         Volume Mounts:
              /var/run/secrets/ from default-token-tqp61 (ro)
              /volumemount from myvol (rw)
            Type:	PersistentVolumeClaim (a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace)
            ClaimName:	mypvc
            ReadOnly:	false

        {: screen}

      4. Verify that you can write data to your Portworx cluster.

        1. Log in to the pod that mounts your PV.

          kubectl exec <pod_name> -it bash

          {: pre}

        2. Navigate to your volume mount path that you defined in your app deployment.

        3. Create a text file.

          echo "This is a test" > test.txt

          {: pre}

        4. Read the file that you created.

          cat test.txt

          {: pre}

      Setting up disaster recovery with Portworx

      {: #px-dr}

      You can configure disaster recovery for your data that you store in your Kubernetes clusters by using Portworx. When one of your clusters becomes unavailable, Portworx automatically fails over to another cluster so that you can still access your data.
      {: shortdesc}

      Disaster recovery with Portworx requires at least two Kubernetes clusters where Portworx is installed and configured for disaster recovery. One of the two clusters is considered the active cluster where your data is primarily stored. All data is then replicated to the standby cluster. If your active cluster becomes unavailable, Portworx automatically fails over to the standby cluster and makes the standby cluster the new active cluster so that data can continue to be accessed.

      If you installed Portworx in one of your clusters without the Portworx disaster recovery plan, you must re-install Portworx with the disaster recovery plan so that you can include this cluster in your disaster recovery configuration. {: important}

      Depending on your cluster setup, Portworx offers the following two disaster recovery configurations:

      • Metro DR: Your Kubernetes clusters are in the same metro location, such as both clusters are deployed in one or multiple zones of the us-south region. All clusters are configured to use the same Portworx cluster and share the same Portworx key-value store. Data is automatically replicated between the clusters because the Portworx storage layer is shared. RPO (Recovery Point Objective) and RTO (Recovery Time Objective) for this configuration is less than 60 seconds.
      • Asynchronous DR: Your Kubernetes clusters are deployed in different regions, such as us-south and us-east. Each cluster has its own Portworx installation and uses a separate Portworx key-value store that is not shared. To replicate data between clusters, you must set up scheduled replication between these clusters. Because of the higher latency and scheduled replication times, the RPO for this scenario might be up to 15 minutes.

      To include your cluster in a Portworx disaster recovery configuration:

      1. Choose the disaster recovery configuration that works for your cluster setup.

      2. Review the prerequisites for the Metro DR{: external} and Asynchronous DR{: external} configuration.

      3. Configure disaster recovery for your cluster.
        Metro DR:

        1. Choose at least two Kubernetes clusters that are located in the same metro location. If you have one cluster only, you can still configure this cluster for metro disaster recovery, but Portworx cannot do a proper failover until a second cluster is configured.
        2. Make sure that all of your clusters have sufficient raw and unformatted block storage so that you can build your Portworx storage layer.
        3. Set up a Databases for etcd service instance for your Portworx key-value store. Because both Kubernetes clusters must share the key-value store, you cannot use the internal Portworx KVDB.
        4. Optional: Decide if you want to set up encryption for your Portworx volumes.
        5. Follow the instructions to install Portworx with the disaster recovery plan in both of your clusters. If you installed Portworx without the disaster recovery plan in one of your clusters already, you must re-install Portworx in that cluster with the disaster recovery plan. Make sure that you select Databases for etcd from the Portworx metadata key-value store drop-down and that you enter the same Databases for etcd API endpoint and Kubernetes secret name in both of your clusters.
        6. Continue following the Portworx documentation{: external} to pair your clusters, sync data between them, and try out a failover of an application.

        Asynchronous DR:

        1. Choose at least two Kubernetes clusters that are located in different regions. If you have one cluster only, you can still configure this cluster for asynchronous disaster recovery, but Portworx cannot do a proper failover until a second cluster is configured.
        2. Make sure that all of your clusters have sufficient raw and unformatted block storage so that you can build your Portworx storage layer.
        3. Review your options to configure a Portworx key-value store. Because both clusters are in different regions, each cluster must use its own key-value store. You can use the internal Portworx KVDB or set up a Databases for etcd instance.
        4. Enable Portworx volume encryption for both of your clusters. The {{}} credentials are later used by Portworx to encrypt data traffic between the clusters.
        5. Follow the instructions to install Portworx with the disaster recovery plan in both of your clusters. If you installed Portworx without the disaster recovery plan in one of your clusters already, you must re-install Portworx in that cluster with the disaster recovery plan. Make sure that you configure the Portworx key-value store that each cluster uses.
        6. Follow the Portworx documentation{: external} to create a cluster pair, enable disaster recovery mode, and schedule data migrations between your clusters.

      Exploring other Portworx features

      {: #features}

      Using existing Portworx volumes
      If you have an existing Portworx volume that you created manually or that was not automatically deleted when you deleted the PVC, you can statically provision the corresponding PV and PVC and use this volume with your app. For more information, see [Using existing volumes ![External link icon](../icons/launch-glyph.svg "External link icon")](
      Running stateful sets on Portworx
      If you have a stateful app that you want to deploy as a stateful set into your cluster, you can set up your stateful set to use storage from your Portworx cluster. For more information, see [Create a MySQL StatefulSet ![External link icon](../icons/launch-glyph.svg "External link icon")](
      Running your pods hyperconverged
      You can configure your Portworx cluster to schedule pods on the same worker node where the pod's volume resides. This setup is also referred to as `hyperconverged` and can improve the data storage performance. For more information, see [Run pods on same host as a volume ![External link icon](../icons/launch-glyph.svg "External link icon")](
      Creating snapshots of your Portworx volumes
      You can save the current state of a volume and its data by creating a Portworx snapshot. Snapshots can be stored on your local Portworx cluster or in the Cloud. For more information, see [Create and use local snapshots ![External link icon](../icons/launch-glyph.svg "External link icon")](
      Monitoring and managing your Portworx cluster with Lighthouse
      [Lighthouse ![External link icon](../icons/launch-glyph.svg "External link icon")]( is an intuitive, graphical tool to help you manage and monitor your Portworx clusters and volume snapshots. With Lighthouse, you can view the health of your Portworx cluster, including the number of available storage nodes, volumes and available capacity, and analyze your data in Prometheus, Grafana, or Kibana.

      Cleaning up your Portworx volumes and cluster

      {: #portworx_cleanup}

      Remove a Portworx volume, a storage node, or the entire Portworx cluster if you do not need it anymore. {: shortdesc}

      Removing Portworx volumes from apps

      {: #remove_pvc}

      When you added storage from your Portworx cluster to your app, you have three main components: the Kubernetes persistent volume claim (PVC) that requested the storage, the Kubernetes persistent volume (PV) that is mounted to your pod and described in the PVC, and the Portworx volume that blocks space on the physical disks of your Portworx cluster. To remove storage from your app, you must remove all components. {: shortdesc}

      1. List the PVCs in your cluster and note the NAME of the PVC, and the name of the PV that is bound to the PVC and shown as VOLUME.

        kubectl get pvc

        {: pre}

        Example output:

        NAME                  STATUS    VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESSMODES   STORAGECLASS            AGE
        px-pvc		  Bound     pvc-06886b77-102b-11e8-968a-f6612bb731fb   20Gi       RWO           px-high                 78d

        {: screen}

      2. Review the ReclaimPolicy for the storage class.

        kubectl describe storageclass <storageclass_name>

        {: pre}

        If the reclaim policy says Delete, your PV and the data on your physical storage in your Portworx cluster are removed when you remove the PVC. If the reclaim policy says Retain, or if you provisioned your storage without a storage class, then your PV and your data are not removed when you remove the PVC. You must remove the PVC, PV, and the data separately.

      3. Remove any pods that mount the PVC.

        1. List the pods that mount the PVC.

          kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o=jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{"\n"}{}{":\t"}{range .spec.volumes[*]}{.persistentVolumeClaim.claimName}{" "}{end}{end}' | grep "<pvc_name>"

          {: pre}

          Example output:

          blockdepl-12345-prz7b:	claim1-block-bronze  

          {: screen}

          If no pod is returned in your CLI output, you do not have a pod that uses the PVC.

        2. Remove the pod that uses the PVC.

          If the pod is part of a deployment, remove the deployment. {: tip}

          kubectl delete pod <pod_name>

          {: pre}

        3. Verify that the pod is removed.

          kubectl get pods

          {: pre}

      4. Remove the PVC.

        kubectl delete pvc <pvc_name>

        {: pre}

      5. Review the status of your PV. Use the name of the PV that you retrieved earlier as VOLUME.

        kubectl get pv <pv_name>

        {: pre}

        When you remove the PVC, the PV that is bound to the PVC is released. Depending on how you provisioned your storage, your PV goes into a Deleting state if the PV is deleted automatically, or into a Released state, if you must manually delete the PV. Note: For PVs that are automatically deleted, the status might briefly say Released before it is deleted. Rerun the command after a few minutes to see whether the PV is removed.

      6. If your PV is not deleted, manually remove the PV.

        kubectl delete pv <pv_name>

        {: pre}

      7. Verify that the PV is removed.

        kubectl get pv

        {: pre}

      8. Verify that your Portworx volume is removed. Log in to one of your Portworx pods in your cluster to list your volumes. To find available Portworx pods, run kubectl get pods -n kube-system | grep portworx.

        kubectl exec <portworx-pod>  -it -n kube-system -- /opt/pwx/bin/pxctl volume list

        {: pre}

      9. If your Portworx volume is not removed, manually remove the volume.

        kubectl exec <portworx-pod>  -it -n kube-system -- /opt/pwx/bin/pxctl volume delete <volume_ID>

        {: pre}

      Removing a worker node from your Portworx cluster or the entire Portworx cluster

      {: #remove_storage_node_cluster}

      You can exclude worker nodes from your Portworx cluster or remove the entire Portworx cluster if you do not want to use Portworx anymore. {: shortdesc}

      Removing your Portworx cluster removes all the data from your Portworx cluster. Make sure to create a snapshot for your data and save this snapshot to the cloud{: external}. {: important}

      • Remove a worker node from the Portworx cluster: If you want to remove a worker node that runs Portworx and stores data in your Portworx cluster, you must migrate existing pods to remaining worker nodes and then uninstall Portworx from the node. For more information, see Decommission a Portworx node in Kubernetes{: external}.
      • Remove the entire Portworx cluster: When you remove a Portworx cluster, you can decide if you want to delete all your data at the same time. For more information, see Uninstall from Kubernetes cluster{: external}.

      Removing the Portworx daemon set

      {: #remove_px_daemonset}

      When you remove the Portworx daemon set, the Portworx containers are removed from your worker nodes. However, the Portworx configuration files remain on the worker nodes and the storage devices, and the data volumes are still intact. You can use the data volumes again if you restart the Portworx daemon set and containers by using the same configuration files. {: shortdesc}

      Before you begin: Log in to your account. If applicable, target the appropriate resource group. Set the context for your cluster.

      1. Clone the ibmcloud-storage-utilities repo.

        git clone

        {: pre}

      2. Change directories to the px-utils/px_cleanup directory.

        cd ibmcloud-storage-utilities/px-utils/px_cleanup

        {: pre}

      3. Run the script to remove the daemon set from your cluster.

        sh ./

        {: pre}

      Getting help and support

      {: #portworx_help}

      If you run into an issue with using Portworx, you can open an issue in the Portworx Service Portal{: external}. You can also submit a request by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. If you do not have an account on the Portworx Service Portal, send an e-mail to [email protected]. You can also gather logging information before opening a support ticket.

      Gathering logs

      {: #portworx_logs}

      You can use the following script to collect log information from your Portworx cluster. {: shortdesc}

      The following script collects Portworx logs from your cluster and saves them on your local machine in the /tmp/pxlogs directory.

      Before you begin: Log in to your account. If applicable, target the appropriate resource group. Set the context for your cluster.

      1. Clone the ibmcloud-storage-utilities repo.

        git clone

        {: pre}

      2. Navigate to the px_logcollector directory.

        cd ibmcloud-storage-utilities/px_logcollector/

        {: pre}

      3. Run the script. You can collect logs from all of your worker nodes, or you can specify the --workers flag and pass the private IP addresses of the worker nodes from where you want to collect logs. If you specify the --workers flag, the log files are saved in the /tmp/pxlogs/<worker_node_IP> directory with the private IP address of each worker node as the folder name. To get the private IP addresses of your worker nodes, run the kubectl get nodes command.

        • Collect the logs from all worker nodes in your cluster.

          sudo ./

          {: pre}

        • Collect the logs from only certain worker nodes in your cluster.

          sudo ./ --workers <worker-IP> <worker-IP> <worker-IP>

          {: pre}

      4. Review the log files locally. If you cannot resolve your issue by reviewing the logs, open a support ticket and provide the log information that you collected.


      {: #portworx_limitations}

      Review the following Portworx limitations.

      Limitation Description
      Classic clusters Pod restart required when adding worker nodes. Because Portworx runs as a daemon set in your cluster, existing worker nodes are automatically inspected for raw block storage and added to the Portworx data layer when you deploy Portworx. If you add or update worker nodes to your cluster and add raw block storage to those workers, restart the Portworx pods on the new or updated worker nodes so that your storage volumes are detected by the daemon set.
      VPC clusters Storage volume reattachment required when updating worker nodes. When you update a worker node in a VPC cluster, the worker node is removed from your cluster and replaced with a new worker node. If Portworx volumes are attached to the worker node that is replaced, you must attach the volumes to the new worker node. You can attach storage volumes with the API or the CLI.
      The Portworx experimental InitializerConfiguration feature is not supported. {{}} does not support the Portworx experimental InitializerConfiguration admission controller.
      {: summary="This table contains information on limitations for Portworx on {{}} clusters. Columns are read from left to right. In the first column is the type of limitation and in the second column is the description of the limitation."}
      {: caption="Portworx limitations"}