These two closely tied together typeclasses establish a bridge between a Plutarch level type (that is represented as a builtin type, i.e. DefaultUni
) and its corresponding Haskell synonym. The gory details of these two are not too useful to users, but you can read all about it if you want at Developers' corner.
What's more important, are the abilities that PConstant
instances have:
pconstant :: PLift p => PLifted p -> Term s p
plift :: (PLift p, HasCallStack) => ClosedTerm p -> PLifted p
These typeclasses also bestow the associated type families:
type PLifted :: PType -> Type
type PConstanted :: Type -> PType
These are meant to be inverse type families of each other. In particular, PLifted p
represents the Haskell synonym of the Plutarch type, p
. Similarly, PConstanted h
represents the Plutarch type corresponding to the Haskell type, h
lets you build a Plutarch value from its corresponding Haskell synonym. For example, the Haskell synonym of PBool
is Bool
b :: Term s PBool
b = pconstant False
On the other end, plift
lets you obtain the Haskell synonym of a Plutarch value (that is represented as a builtin value, i.e. DefaultUni
import Plutus.V1.Ledger.Contexts
purp :: Term s PScriptPurpose
purp = pconstant $ Minting "be"
> plift purp
Minting "be"
There's also another handy utility, pconstantData
pconstantData :: (PLift p, ToData (PLifted p)) => PLifted p -> Term s (PAsData p)
Note: This isn't the actual type of
- it's simplified here for the sake of documentation ;)
It's simply the PAsData
building cousin of pconstant
If your custom Plutarch type is represented by a builtin type under the hood (i.e. not Scott encoded - rather one of the DefaultUni
types) - you can implement PLift
for it by using the provided machinery.
This comes in three flavors:
Plutarch type represented directly by a builtin type that is not
) ==>DerivePConstantDirect
is directly represented as a builtin integer. -
Plutarch type represented indirectly by a builtin type that is not
) ==>DerivePConstantViaNewtype
is a newtype to aPByteString
, andPByteString
is directly represented as a builtin bytestring. -
Plutarch type represented by
, i.e. data encoded (DefaultUniData
) ==>DerivePConstantViaData
is represented as aData
value. It is synonymous toScriptPurpose
from the Plutus ledger api.
Whichever path you need to go down, there is one common part- implementing PLift
, or rather PUnsafeLiftDecl
. See, PLift
is actually just a type synonym to PUnsafeLiftDecl
. Essentially an empty typeclass with an associated type family that provides insight on the relationship between a Plutarch type and its Haskell synonym.
instance PUnsafeLiftDecl YourPlutarchType where
type PLifted YourPlutarchType = YourHaskellType
You're tasked with assigning the correct Haskell synonym to your Plutarch type, and what an important task it is! Recall that pconstant
's argument type will depend on your assignment here. In particular: pconstant :: YourHaskellType -> YourPlutarchType
Some examples:
instance PUnsafeLiftDecl PInteger where type PLifted PInteger = Integer
instance PUnsafeLiftDecl PValidatorHash where type PLifted PValidatorHash = Plutus.ValidatorHash
instance PUnsafeLiftDecl PScriptPurpose where type PLifted PScriptPurpose = Plutus.ScriptPurpose
Now, let's get to implementing PConstant
for the Haskell synonym, via the three methods. The first of which is DerivePConstantDirect
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
import Plutarch.Lift (DerivePConstantDirect (DerivePConstantDirect))
import Plutarch.Prelude
deriving via (DerivePConstantDirect Integer PInteger) instance (PConstant Integer)
takes in two type parameters:
- The Haskell type itself, for which
is being implemented for. - The direct Plutarch synonym to the Haskell type.
Pretty simple! Let's check out DerivePConstantViaNewtype
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
import Plutarch.Lift (DerivePConstantViaNewtype (DerivePConstantViaNewtype))
import Plutarch.Prelude
import qualified Plutus.V1.Ledger.Api as Plutus
newtype PValidatorHash (s :: S) = PValidatorHash (Term s PByteString)
deriving via (DerivePConstantViaNewtype Plutus.ValidatorHash PValidatorHash PByteString) instance (PConstant Plutus.ValidatorHash)
takes in three type parameters:
The Haskell newtype itself, for which
is being implemented for. -
The Plutarch synonym to the Haskell type.
The actual Plutarch type corresponding to the Haskell type contained within the newtype.
For example,
is a newtype to aByteString
, which is synonymous toPByteString
. In the same way,PValidatorHash
is actually just a newtype to aPByteString
term. During runtime,ValidatorHash
is actually just aByteString
, the same applies forPValidatorHash
. So we give it thenewtype
treatment withDerivePConstantViaNewtype
Finally, we have DerivePConstantViaData
for Data
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
import Plutarch.Lift (DerivePConstantViaNewtype (DerivePConstantViaNewtype))
import Plutarch.Prelude
import qualified Plutus.V1.Ledger.Api as Plutus
data PScriptPurpose (s :: S)
= PMinting (Term s (PDataRecord '["_0" ':= PCurrencySymbol]))
| PSpending (Term s (PDataRecord '["_0" ':= PTxOutRef]))
| PRewarding (Term s (PDataRecord '["_0" ':= PStakingCredential]))
| PCertifying (Term s (PDataRecord '["_0" ':= PDCert]))
deriving via (DerivePConstantViaData Plutus.ScriptPurpose PScriptPurpose) instance (PConstant Plutus.ScriptPurpose)
takes in two type parameters:
- The Haskell type itself, for which
is being implemented for. - The Plutarch synonym to the Haskell type.
And that's all you need to know to implement
If your Plutarch type and its Haskell synonym are generic types (e.g. PMaybeData a
) - the implementation gets a tad more difficult. In particular, you need to constrain the generic type variables to be able to use the derivers.
The constraints observed when implementing PLift
- Each type variable must also have a
instance. - For each type variable
:a ~ PConstanted (PLifted a)
- Depending on the data declaration, your type variable
PLifted a
, for eacha
, might also needFromData
The constraints observed when implementing PConstant
- Each type variable must also have a
instance. - For each type variable
:a ~ PLifted (PConstanted a)
- Depending on the data declaration, each type variable
might also needFromData
Here's how you'd set up all this for PMaybeData a
import Plutarch.DataRepr (DerivePConstantViaData (DerivePConstantViaData))
import Plutarch.Lift (PUnsafeLiftDecl)
import Plutarch.Prelude
import PlutusTx (FromData, ToData)
data PMaybeData a (s :: S)
= PDJust (Term s (PDataRecord '["_0" ':= a]))
| PDNothing (Term s (PDataRecord '[]))
( PLift p
, p ~ PConstanted (PLifted p)
, FromData (PLifted p)
, ToData (PLifted p)
) =>
PUnsafeLiftDecl (PMaybeData p)
type PLifted (PMaybeData p) = Maybe (PLifted p)
deriving via
( DerivePConstantViaData
(Maybe h)
(PMaybeData (PConstanted h))
( PConstant h
, h ~ PLifted (PConstanted h)
, FromData h
, ToData h
) =>
PConstant (Maybe h)
Relevant issue: #286