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HowTo release

Mathieu Bastian edited this page Sep 6, 2015 · 6 revisions

GraphStore releases are hosted on Sonatype so the artifacts are available on Maven central:

Step by step

  1. Make sure you have GnuGPG installed
  2. Follow instructions to generate and register GPG keys (need to be done only once)
  3. Make sure all changes are committed to the master branch
  4. Remove "-SNAPSHOT" in project's pom
  5. Run "mvn clean deploy -P release"
  6. Add and commit the modified pom
  7. Run "git tag -a v{VERSION} -m 'Version {VERSION}'"
  8. Increment version and add "-SNAPSHOT" in project's pom
  9. Add and commit the change
  10. git push origin master
  11. git push --tags

Verify the release appears on sonatype's


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