A CLI for running GoogleAds queries.
pip install gaql
pipx install gaql
The default mode. Runs either as a REPL, or as a one off command
- gaql [ACCOUNT_ID] - run in REPL mode
- gaql [ACCOUNT_ID] [WORDS*] - run a single query. Note depending on your shell you may need to quote some queries if you run like this.
--help show the help message; basically the below
-f|--format <csv|json|jsonl|proto> specify an output format
-o|--output <file> specify an output file. Based on the extension, format is inferred. Non REPL usage only
Examples, using 1-000-000-000 as our demo account id:
# opens a REPL with json lines as the output format
gaql -f jsonl 1-000-000-000
# runs the query against the given account, outputting to the terminal the results as json lines
gaql -f jsonl 1-000-000-000 'SELECT campaign.id FROM campaign'
# runs the query against the given account, outputting to 'campaigns.jsonl' the result as json lines
gaql -o campaigns.jsonl 1-000-000-000 'SELECT campaign.id FROM campaign'
tip: by default LIMIT 100
will be added to your queries. To override this behavior, simply define your own LIMIT X
tip: the autocomplete will return only valid fields for the selected entity if you fill out the FROM <entity>
Used for useful common queries. Currently only supports getting all accounts under an MCC, to help when managing multiple accounts. The MCC is taken from the login_customer_id
gaql-tools queries clients
- credentials come from the environment > the google .yaml file > a user provided credential file
- credentials, settings, and history are stored in
. The credential file will only be present if you create it through a prompt (i.e you aren't using the ENV, or the YAML file Google specifies)
- tables as an output format
- autocomplete for account ids (with caching)
We're using poetry for local development, package management, and publishing. pyenv
recommended for Python version management, and pipx
for installation.
Build commands:
make develop - install a development version. run via `poetry run gaql <args>`
make publish - build and distribute to PyPi
make clean - remove the existing build files
make format - run black over the code
make lint - lint and format the code
For sensitive security matters please contact [email protected].
gaql-cli is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for the full text.