- 0:00 Introduction
- 5:09 What is a protocol, and what are some examples of protocols? (https://nsrfharmony.org/protocols/)
- 12:00 The Internet Protocol Suite: Layers and Abstraction
- 18:22 "Layer 1" and "Layer 2" on a blockchain
- 20:51 Web Developer Stack
- 22:40 The HTTP Protocol vs Blockchain Protocols
- 28:30 The focus of this CSK is front-end web development
- 31:03 What Tools Will We Use?
- 33:51 CSK 003 Documentation on GitHub
- 0:00 Introduction
- 1:45 GitHub: Create Repository from Template
- 3:55 Create and edit a simple, static web page (index.html) in GitHub
- 7:28 Host your page with GitHub Pages for public viewing
- 11:24 Edit your code at CodePen
- 13:36 Use Javascript to introduce logic to your web page
- 20:30 Use CSS to style your page
- 24:03 Import and use a Google Font on your page
- 28:39 Use JavaScript and jQuery to add interactivity to your page
- 36:14 Bring your code from CodePen back to GitHub to publish changes on Pages
- 38:08 Extensions: Keep Learning!
- 0:00 Introduction
- 3:23 Learn by doing: today we will use the command line
- 5:54 Real developer skills: searching, copying + pasting, and asking the right questions.
- 8:13 Install Visual Studio Code
- 9:46 In Visual Studio Code, clone the CSK #003a repo from GitHub and view the HTML files
- 13:14 Node.js, npm and git
- 15:50 Install Node, or read the Visual Studio Code tutorial on Node
- ** Make sure to pause the video and install Node before moving on **
- 17:50 Running JavaScript files using Node
- 0:00 Introduction
- 2:31 Create React App
- 9:50 Adding Bootstrap + Creating a Card
- 22:35 The Magic of React: Separate, Reusable Components
- 29:27 Creating a Simple Form to Take User Input
- 34:19 React Hooks
- 43:03 Calling the Messari API to Get Data
- 59:12 Improving the User Experience