A YUV tool which (may/would) support format conversion during
- 400P/420P/420SP/420ASP/422P/UYVY/YUVY
- 8bit/10bit/16bit
- tile/raster scan
The Apache License 2.0 applies to all codes in this repository.
Copyright 2014~2015 Jeff [email protected]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Under shell $make
$ ./yuv cvt -h
yuv format convertor. Options:
-i|-dst name<%s> {...props...}
-o|-src name<%s> {...props...}
-f <%d~%d>
set yuv props as follow:
[-wxh <%dx%d>]
[-fmt <%420p,%420sp,%uyvy,%422p>]
[-stride <%d>]
[-iosize <%d>] //frame buf size
set frame range as follow:
[-f-range|-f <%d~%d>]
[-f-start <%d>]
[-n-frame|-n <%d>]
-wxh option can be short as follow:
-%qcif = "-wxh 176x144 "
-%cif = "-wxh 352x288 "
-%360 = "-wxh 640x360 "
-%480 = "-wxh 720x480 "
-%720 = "-wxh 1280x720 "
-%1080 = "-wxh 1920x1080"
-%2k = "-wxh 1920x1080"
-%1088 = "-wxh 1920x1088"
-%2k+ = "-wxh 1920x1088"
-%2160 = "-wxh 3840x2160"
-%4k = "-wxh 3840x2160"
-%2176 = "-wxh 3840x2176"
-%4k+ = "-wxh 3840x2176"
-fmt option can be short as follow:
-%400p = `-fmt 0` = `-fmt %400p `
-%420p = `-fmt 1` = `-fmt %420p `
-%420sp = `-fmt 2` = `-fmt %420sp `
-%420spa = `-fmt 3` = `-fmt %420spa`
-%422p = `-fmt 4` = `-fmt %422p `
-%422sp = `-fmt 5` = `-fmt %422sp `
-%422spa = `-fmt 6` = `-fmt %422spa`
-%uyvy = `-fmt 7` = `-fmt %uyvy `
-%yuyv = `-fmt 8` = `-fmt %yuyv `