Did you know you can host your personal, organization, and project sites on GitHub? With GitHub Pages, you can quickly create a site from your GitHub repositories—a great way to share static content related to your repository like resumes, portfolios, and project blogs.
If you're new to GitHub Pages, or you want to learn how to build and host a GitHub Pages site, you're in the right place. With GitHub Pages, you can host content like documentation, resumes, or any other static content that you’d like.
In this course, you’ll learn how to:
- Enable GitHub Pages
- Choose a theme with Jekyll
- Use YAML front matter
- Customize your site
- Create and edit blog posts
You'll know the answers to questions like:
- What is GitHub pages?
- How do I make sites with GitHub Pages?
- How do I create my own blog?
In this course, you'll build a simple personal blog site with GitHub Pages. You'll be able to add posts and share your blog with anyone.
For this course, you'll need to know how to create a branch on GitHub, commit changes using Git, and open a pull request on GitHub. If you need a refresher on the GitHub flow, check out the Introduction to GitHub course. We'll assume you know what blogs are and how they work.
- Jekyll, a static site generator
- Jekyll minima theme, a one-size-fits-all Jekyll theme for writers
This is a great beginner course. If you're wanting to run your own blog, personal site, project site, or portfolio, this is the best course for you. This is a wonderful course for students, project maintainers, and small businesses.