Milestone 0.1.5
What's Changed
- Added Feature to vm_info to provide search capability by Name by @gocallag in #1
- Closed Issue 2 - Feature to allow vm info to search by power state and names by @gocallag in #3
- BugFIX: Use the convertto-json , convertfrom-json to avoid loop in Exit-Json (limiting depth) by @gocallag in #11
- Closed Test Issue: Added verifier for vm_info module checks and cleanups by @gocallag in #13
- Closed Test Issue: Added basic asserts for switch_info testing via molecule by @gocallag in #15
- Closed Test Issue: Added verifier asserts for switch module as part of molecule testing by @gocallag in #16
- Closed Test Issue: Added assert based testing for vm module as part of molecule by @gocallag in #17
- BugFIX, Issue 12: bug vm info fails molecule verifier on running vm check by @gocallag in #18
New Contributors
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