In order to use GoCD's Amazon ECS Elastic Agent Plugin, the following pre-requisites must be met.
- The GoCD server version should be 19.3.0 or higher.
- The plugin mandates a few Amazon ECS pre-requisities like an empty ECS cluster and IAM user and role to be configured with appropriate permissions.
The easy and quick way to configure ECS is by using the provided AWS CloudFormation template. This template creates an empty ECS cluster and defines IAM user and role with appropriate permission.
To configure ECS using the AWS CloudFormation templates, follow these steps,
$ pip install awscli
- To install aws cli (refer -$ aws configure
- Configure the aws cli with appropriate credentials- Configure using ruby based template,
- Save Ruby Based Cloudformation Template to a file.
$ gem install cloudformation-ruby-dsl
$ ruby <cloud_formation_ruby_template_file>.rb create --stack-name <stack_name> --parameters "ClusterName=<cluster_name>"
- Alternatively, configure using the JSON based template
- Save JSON Based Cloudformation Template to a file.
$ aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name <stack_name> --region <region_name> --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM --template-body file:///<path_to_json_template_file>
Listed below are the steps to be followed if you prefer to manually configure ECS instead of using the above CloudFormation template:
An ECS cluster. This cluster MUST be empty, as the plugin will manage instances and scaling in this cluster.
An IAM user with permissions to manage the ECS cluster. The credentials for this IAM user may be provided to the this plugin or applied via an IAM instance profile to the EC2 instance running the GoCD server. The following IAM permissions are needed
ec2:CreateTags ec2:RunInstances ec2:DescribeSubnets ec2:DescribeInstances ec2:TerminateInstances ec2:CreateVolume ec2:AttachVolume iam:PassRole iam:GetRole ecs:DescribeClusters ecs:StartTask ecs:StopTask ecs:ListTasks ecs:DescribeTasks ecs:DescribeTaskDefinition ecs:RegisterTaskDefinition ecs:DeregisterTaskDefinition ecs:DeleteTaskDefinitions ecs:ListContainerInstances ecs:DescribeContainerInstances ecs:DeregisterContainerInstance ec2:StopInstances ec2:StartInstances ec2:DeleteTags
Additionally, if Spot Instances are used, the additional permissions are needed:
ec2:RequestSpotInstances ec2:DescribeSpotInstanceRequests
An IAM Role that allows the ECS agent running on the EC2 instance to register container instances with ECS cluster. The IAM instance profile must have following permissions:
ecs:Poll ecs:DescribeClusters ecs:DiscoverPollEndpoint ecs:StartTelemetrySession ecs:SubmitTaskStateChange ecs:RegisterContainerInstance ecs:SubmitContainerStateChange ecs:DeregisterContainerInstance logs:PutLogEvents logs:CreateLogStream
- Getting Started with Amazon ECS
- Amazon ECS Container Instance IAM Role
- Amazon ECS IAM Policy Examples
- Amazon ECS Task Role
- Copy the file
to the GoCD server under${GO_SERVER_DIR}/plugins/external
and restart the server. - The
is usually/var/lib/go-server
on Linux andC:\Program Files\Go Server
on Windows. You can find the location of the GoCD Server installation here.
- Generally the plugin JAR can be replaced with the latest version.
- Please note that plugin version
requires additional permissions for the IAM role that allows creating and managing tasks. See for more details.
In order to use this plugin, users have to configure the following in the GoCD server.
Configure cluster profile(s) - The cluster profile settings are used to provide the cluster level configurations for the plugin. Each cluster profile specifies Configurations such as AWS credentials, EC2 Instance settings, Docker Container settings, ECS Cluster configurations. Users are encouraged to define one cluster per environment.
Create elastic agent profile(s) - The Elastic Agent Profile is used to define the configuration of a docker container. The profile is used to configure the docker image, set memory limits, provide docker command and environment variables.
Configure job to use an elastic agent profile - This is a job level configuration to specify the elastic profile to be used for a job. When a job is scheduled the plugin would spin up a docker container using the configuration provided in the associated elastic profile.