SFS2X Client API Examples
HANDSHAKE = "handshake"
UDP_INIT = "udpInit"
CONNECTION = "connection"
PING_PONG = "pingPong"
SOCKET_ERROR = "socketError"
CONNECTION_LOST = "connectionLost"
CONNECTION_RETRY = "connectionRetry"
CONNECTION_RESUME = "connectionResume"
CONNECTION_ATTEMPT_HTTP = "connectionAttemptHttp"
CONFIG_LOAD_SUCCESS = "configLoadSuccess"
CONFIG_LOAD_FAILURE = "configLoadFailure"
LOGIN = "login"
LOGIN_ERROR = "loginError"
LOGOUT = "logout"
ROOM_ADD = "roomAdd"
ROOM_REMOVE = "roomRemove"
ROOM_CREATION_ERROR = "roomCreationError"
ROOM_JOIN = "roomJoin"
ROOM_JOIN_ERROR = "roomJoinError"
USER_ENTER_ROOM = "userEnterRoom"
USER_EXIT_ROOM = "userExitRoom"
USER_COUNT_CHANGE = "userCountChange"
PUBLIC_MESSAGE = "publicMessage"
PRIVATE_MESSAGE = "privateMessage"
MODERATOR_MESSAGE = "moderatorMessage"
ADMIN_MESSAGE = "adminMessage"
OBJECT_MESSAGE = "objectMessage"
EXTENSION_RESPONSE = "extensionResponse"
ROOM_VARIABLES_UPDATE = "roomVariablesUpdate"
USER_VARIABLES_UPDATE = "userVariablesUpdate"
ROOM_GROUP_SUBSCRIBE = "roomGroupSubscribe"
ROOM_GROUP_UNSUBSCRIBE = "roomGroupUnsubscribe"
ROOM_GROUP_SUBSCRIBE_ERROR = "roomGroupSubscribeError"
ROOM_GROUP_UNSUBSCRIBE_ERROR = "roomGroupUnsubscribeError"
SPECTATOR_TO_PLAYER = "spectatorToPlayer"
PLAYER_TO_SPECTATOR = "playerToSpectator"
SPECTATOR_TO_PLAYER_ERROR = "spectatorToPlayerError"
PLAYER_TO_SPECTATOR_ERROR = "playerToSpectatorError"
ROOM_NAME_CHANGE = "roomNameChange"
ROOM_NAME_CHANGE_ERROR = "roomNameChangeError"
ROOM_PASSWORD_STATE_CHANGE = "roomPasswordStateChange"
ROOM_PASSWORD_STATE_CHANGE_ERROR = "roomPasswordStateChangeError"
ROOM_CAPACITY_CHANGE = "roomCapacityChange"
ROOM_CAPACITY_CHANGE_ERROR = "roomCapacityChangeError"
ROOM_FIND_RESULT = "roomFindResult"
USER_FIND_RESULT = "userFindResult"
INVITATION = "invitation"
INVITATION_REPLY = "invitationReply"
INVITATION_REPLY_ERROR = "invitationReplyError"
PROXIMITY_LIST_UPDATE = "proximityListUpdate"
MMOITEM_VARIABLES_UPDATE = "mmoItemVariablesUpdate"
CRYPTO_INIT = "cryptoInit"
class Example {
private val sfs = SmartFox ()
private val cfg = ConfigData ()
init {
// Method 1
sfs.addEventListener(SFSEvent .CONNECTION , this )
sfs.addEventListener(SFSEvent .CONNECTION_LOST , this )
sfs.addEventListener(SFSEvent .LOGIN , this )
sfs.addEventListener(SFSEvent .LOGIN_ERROR , this )
sfs.addLogListener(LogLevel .INFO , onInfoMessage)
sfs.addLogListener(LogLevel .WARN , onWarnMessage)
sfs.addLogListener(LogLevel .ERROR , onErrorMessage)
// Method 2
sfs.addEventListener(SFSEvent .CONNECTION , onConnection)
sfs.addEventListener(SFSEvent .CONNECTION , onConnectionLost)
sfs.addEventListener(SFSEvent .LOGIN , onLogin)
sfs.addEventListener(SFSEvent .LOGIN_ERROR , onLoginError)
// Method 3
sfs.addEventListener(SFSEvent .CONNECTION ) { sfs.send(LoginRequest (" " , " " , sfs.currentZone)) }
// Method 1
sfs.connect() // defaults to localhost:9933
// Method 2
sfs.connect(" localhost" , 9933 )
// Method 3
cfg.host = " localhost"
cfg.port = 9933
cfg.zone = " ExampleZone"
// Method 1, single method which will switch on the event type
fun dispatch (evt : BaseEvent ) {
when (evt.type) {
SFSEvent .CONNECTION -> sfs.send(LoginRequest (" " , " " , sfs.currentZone))
SFSEvent .CONNECTION_LOST ) -> log.info(" Connection was closed" )
SFSEvent .LOGIN -> log.info(" Logged in as: " + sfs.mySelf.name)
SFSEvent .LOGIN_ERROR -> log.warn(" Login error: " + evt.arguments.get(" errorMessage" ))
// Method 2, individual methods to handle an event
fun onConnection (evt : BaseEvent ) {
sfs.send(LoginRequest (" username" , " password" , sfs.currentZone))
// Method 2, individual methods to handle an event
fun onConnectionLost (evt : BaseEvent ) {
log.info(" Connection was closed" )
fun onLogin (evt : BaseEvent )
sfs.send(JoinRoomRequest (" ExampleRoom" ))
// Method 2, individual methods to handle an event
fun onLoginError (evt : BaseEvent ) {
private void reset() {
// Remove SFS2X listeners
sfs.removeEventListener(SFSEvent .CONNECTION , onConnection)
sfs.removeEventListener(SFSEvent .CONNECTION_LOST , onConnectionLost)
sfs.removeLogListener(LogLevel .INFO , onInfoMessage)
sfs.removeLogListener(LogLevel .WARN , onWarnMessage)
sfs.removeLogListener(LogLevel .ERROR , onErrorMessage)
sfs = null ;
public class Example
private SmartFox sfs = new SmartFox ( ) ;
private ConfigData cfg = new ConfigData ( ) ;
public void Start ( )
sfs . ThreadSafeMode = false ;
sfs . AddEventListener ( SFSEvent . CONNECTION , OnConnection ) ;
sfs . AddEventListener ( SFSEvent . CONNECTION_LOST , OnConnectionLost ) ;
sfs . addEventListener ( SFSEvent . LOGIN , OnLogin ) ;
sfs . addEventListener ( SFSEvent . LOGIN_ERROR , OnLoginError ) ;
sfs . AddLogListener ( LogLevel . INFO , OnInfoMessage ) ;
sfs . AddLogListener ( LogLevel . WARN , OnWarnMessage ) ;
sfs . AddLogListener ( LogLevel . ERROR , OnErrorMessage ) ;
// Method 1
sfs . connect ( ) ; // defaults to localhost:9933
// Method 2
sfs . connect ( "localhost" , 9933 ) ;
// Method 3
cfg . Host = "localhost" ;
cfg . Port = 9933 ;
cfg . Zone = "ExampleZone" ;
sfs . Connect ( cfg ) ;
public void OnConnection ( BaseEvent evt )
sfs . Send ( new LoginRequest ( "username" , "password" , sfs . currentZone ) ) ;
public void OnLogin ( BaseEvent evt )
sfs . Send ( new JoinRoomRequest ( "ExampleRoom" ) ) ;
private void reset ( ) {
// Remove SFS2X listeners
sfs . RemoveEventListener ( SFSEvent . CONNECTION , OnConnection ) ;
sfs . RemoveEventListener ( SFSEvent . CONNECTION_LOST , OnConnectionLost ) ;
sfs . RemoveLogListener ( LogLevel . INFO , OnInfoMessage ) ;
sfs . RemoveLogListener ( LogLevel . WARN , OnWarnMessage ) ;
sfs . RemoveLogListener ( LogLevel . ERROR , OnErrorMessage ) ;
sfs = null ;
class Example :
var sfs
var cfg
func _init ():
sfs = SmartFox .new ()
cfg = ConfigData .new ()
sfs .add_event_listener (SFSEvent .CONNECTION , self , "on_connection" )
sfs .add_event_listener (SFSEvent .CONNECTION_LOST , self , "on_connection_lost" )
sfs .add_event_listener (SFSEvent .LOGIN , self , "on_login" )
sfs .add_event_listener (SFSEvent .LOGIN_ERROR , self , "on_login_error" )
sfs .add_log_listener (LogLevel .INFO , self , "on_info_message" )
sfs .add_log_listener (LogLevel .WARN , self , "on_warn_message" )
sfs .add_log_listener (LogLevel .ERROR , self , "on_error_message" )
# Method 1
sfs .connect () # defaults to localhost:9933
# Method 2
sfs .connect ("localhost" , 9933 )
# Method 3
cfg .host = "localhost"
cfg .port = 9933
cfg .zone = "ExampleZone"
sfs .connect (cfg )
func on_connection (evt ):
sfs .send (LoginRequest .new ("username" , "password" , sfs .current_zone ))
func on_connection_lost (evt ):
log .info ("Connection was closed" )
func on_login (evt ):
log .info ("Logged in as: " + sfs .myself .name )
sfs .send (JoinRoomRequest .new ("ExampleRoom" ))
func on_login_error (evt ):
log .warn ("Login error: " + evt .arguments .get ("errorMessage" ))
func on_info_message (evt ):
func reset ():
sfs .remove_log_listener (LogLevel .INFO , self , "on_info_message" )
sfs .remove_log_listener (LogLevel .WARN , self , "on_warn_message" )
sfs .remove_log_listener (LogLevel .ERROR , self , "on_error_message" )