#1. Set DISTRIBUTED_MODE=true. Otherwise, Quota / Rate tracking will not work (use local file, rather than Cache)
#2. Set CACHE_DRIVER="redis" Otherwise, certain features will not work properly:
- Quota / Rate tracking
- Campaign debug
- Campaign check and force rerun (stuck 'sending')
- Campaign delay flag
- More...
#3. Same database and Redis connections Make sure both Worker and Master instances share the same connections to
- Database
- Redis
#4. Same prefixes Make sure both Worker and Master instances use the same value for:
#5. Same APP_KEY
#6. Same APP_URL Otherwise, generated link may become http://woker.localhost/...
#6. Make sure the Worker instance does not execute jobs of 'default' queue Also, make sure there is at least 1 queue monitor for 'default' jobs on the Master instance.
Otherwise, certain features will not work. For example: subscribers import. It is because the Worker instance does not have access to the uploaded file which is uploaded to the Master app. (import is a 'default' job)
#7. Practices Comment out the "queue:work" line in Console/Kernel.php of the master instance, use Supervisor instead
##7.1. Example of Master instance supervisor config
[program:app-master] process_name=%(program_name)s_%(process_num)02d command=/usr/bin/php -q /home/master/app/artisan queue:work --queue=default --tries=1 --max-time=180 autostart=true autorestart=true user=sendmails numprocs=2 redirect_stderr=true stdout_logfile=/var/log/supervisor/output stderr_logfile=/var/log/supervisor/error
##7.2. Example of Worker instance supervisor config
[program:app-worker] process_name=%(program_name)s_%(process_num)02d command=/usr/bin/php -q /home/worker/app/artisan queue:work --queue=batch --tries=1 --max-time=180 autostart=true autorestart=true user=sendmails numprocs=15 redirect_stderr=true stdout_logfile=/var/log/supervisor/output stderr_logfile=/var/log/supervisor/error