This "server" is actually a collection of small services which are designed to be serverless and scale independently. Note that the system is not considered a microservices architecture, since it does not require components like service discovery to function.
- Name:
- Path:
- Public: yes
The Admin API is a JSON API server for issuing codes and gathering statistics. It provides an automated way for PHAs to build their own UI server or integrate more closely with an existing ERP system.
- Name:
- Path:
- Public: yes
The API server is a JSON API server with which mobile devices ("apps") interact to verify codes and exchange certificates.
- Name:
- Path:
- Public: no
The app sync server is an internal service that synchronizes data from public app stores into the system. It is invoked periodically via a distributed cron.
- Name:
- Path:
- Public: no
The cleanup server is an internal service that deletes or purges data from the system. For the most up-to-date information on what is purged and with what TTL, please see the service's configuration. Examples of data that are cleaned up include stale users, old audit log entires, or expired certificates. It is invoked periodically via a distributed cron.
- Name:
- Path:
- Public: no
The end-to-end runner server is an internal service that simulates a full client code, certificate, and TEK exchange. It is used for continuous integration and smoke testing, and requires a key server as configuration. It is invoked periodically via a distributed cron.
- Name:
- Path:
- Public: yes
The ENX redirect server serves Apple/Google .well-known
association files for
app links to allow PHAs to gracefully redirect users to an appropriate app store
in the event their application is not installed.
- Name:
- Path:
- Public: no
The modeler server is an internal service that uses a PHA's historical data to build a predictive model of future code issuances. This model is used as part of the optional Abuse Prevention feature. It is invoked periodically via a distributed cron.
- Name:
- Path:
- Public: no
The rotation server is an internal service that creates new versions of various keys, certificates, and secrets. It is invoked periodically via a distributed cron.
- Name:
- Path:
- Public: yes
The server is the main web interface with which case workers, PHAs, and system administrators interface with the system. It can create codes, retrieve and visualize statistics, and serves audit logging and other important system information.
- Name:
- Path:
- Public: no
The stats-puller server is an internal service that pulls data from a key server. It is invoked periodically via a distributed cron.
The system uses PostgreSQL to maintain shared state and distributed locking.
The system uses Redis for caching and distributed rate limiting.
The system uses Cloud Identity Platform for managed authentication and sign-in.