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+# Feature Semantics
+When training a model, YDF needs to understand how to interpret the feature
+values in the training data. A feature might, for example, be a numerical
+quantity, a category or a set of tags. The interpretation of a feature’s values
+is called **feature semantic**.
+The semantic of a feature is related to, but different from, the feature’s
+*representation*, that is, the (technical) data type of the feature. For
+example, a feature represented by 64-bit integers might have a numerical
+semantic or a categorical semantic.
+In basic cases, YDF detects the semantics of a feature automatically, so you
+only need to check them after the training (e.g. use [model.describe()](/py_api/GenericModel/#ydf.GenericModel.describe)). If YDF
+does not detect the correct semantic, you can manually override it. Using the
+wrong semantic negatively impacts the training speed and quality of a model.
+Also, YDF is not able to consume all the types of features. In such cases,
+features need to be pre-preprocessed into a supported semantic.
+This guide explains the different semantics available in YDF, how to check /
+select them, and gives recommendations on how to feed different types of
+features into the model.
+This guide assumes basic familiarity with YDF, e.g. the
+[Getting Started](/tutorial/getting_started)
+## Introduction: How to specify feature semantics
+Unless it is given additional information, YDF automatically determines the
+feature semantics when training the model:
+model = ydf.RandomForestLearner(label="label").train(ds)
+# The "Dataspec" tab of the model description shows the feature semantics
+# used for this model.
+It is possible to override the feature semantics manually using the
+`ydf.Semantic` enum:
+model = ydf.RandomForestLearner(
+ features=[("f1", ydf.Semantic.NUMERICAL), ("f2", ydf.Semantic.CATEGORICAL)],
+ include_all_columns=True, # Also use not explicitly defined features.
+ label="label"
+Currently, YDF supports 5 input feature semantics. New semantics are added from
+time to time following our research. The semantics are:
+* `ydf.Semantic.NUMERICAL`
+* `ydf.Semantic.CATEGORICAL`
+* `ydf.Semantic.BOOLEAN`
+* `ydf.Semantic.CATEGORICAL_SET`
+The next section will explain the individual semantics in more detail.
+## Feature semantics
+### ydf.Semantic.NUMERICAL
+NUMERICAL features represent quantities,
+amounts, or more generally, any ordered values. For example, age (in years),
+duration (in seconds), net worth (in dollars), number of requests (in
+count), scores (in points), and even the median of a distribution, are
+NUMERICAL features.
+YDF automatically recognizes integer and floating-point values as NUMERICAL.
+# A dataset with 4 numerical features.
+dataset = {
+"age": np.array([1, 55, 24, 8]),
+"number of cats": np.array([0, 10, 4, 2]),
+"net worth": np.array([0.0, 123456.78, -4000.0, 315.42]),
+"score": np.array([1.1, 5.2, math.nan, 1.2]),
+### ydf.Semantic.CATEGORICAL
+CATEGORICAL features represent categories,
+enum values, tags, or more generally, any unordered values. For example,
+*species* (among cat, bird, or fish), *blood type* (among A, B, AB, O),
+*country,* language, and *project status (in planning, in progress, done,
+canceled)*.YDF automatically recognizes string features as CATEGORICAL. \
+Additional considerations for categorical features are:
+* **Don’t bucket**: With Neural networks, numerical features are sometimes
+ bucketed into categorical brackets (e.g., 0-5, 5-10, 10-20). This is not
+ beneficial for YDF. If you can, feed directly the value as numerical. If
+ you only have the bucketed data, also feed it as a numerical feature.
+* **Don’t use one-hot-encoding:** One-hot encoding for categorical
+ features consistently underperforms when using tree algorithms and
+ should not be used in YDF.
+* **Preprocessing:** To avoid overfitting, YDF automatically replaces rare
+ categorical values with OOD (“out of dictionary”). This generally leads
+ to better models. This behavior is controlled by hyperparameters
+ `max_vocab_count` (to limit the number of categories) and
+ `min_vocab_frequency` (to prune rare categories).
+* **Unknown Values:** During inference, any unknown categorical value is
+ treated as OOD which is distinct from a missing value. For example,
+ consider a model with a feature “species” that has values “cat”, “bird”
+ and “fish” in the training dataset. If, during model inference, an
+ instance has value “tiger” for the “species” feature, the model will
+ implicitly transform “tiger” to the OOD token.
+* **Python Enums**: Numerical Python enums should generally have a
+ categorical semantic, but, as they are integers, are automatically
+ recognized as NUMERICAL. Enums should therefore be specified manually as
+ ```python
+ # A dataset with 4 categorical features.
+ dataset = {
+ "species": np.array(["cat", "bird", "bird", "fish", "fish"]),
+ "country": np.array(["US", "US", "Switzerland", "India", "India"]),
+ "month": np.array([1, 1, 4, 6, 1]), # CATEGORICAL features can be integer.
+ "blood type": np.array(["A", "B", "AB", "B", ""]), # Missing values are empty.
+ }
+ model = ydf.RandomForestLearner(
+ label="blood type",
+ # Since integers are auto-detected as NUMERICAL, specify the semantic manually.
+ features=[("month", ydf.Semantic.CATEGORICAL)],
+ min_vocab_frequency=2, # Prune vocabulary items that appears only once
+ ).train(dataset)
+ # Check that all features and the label are CATEGORICAL.
+ # Check model.data_spec() column to see the feature's categories.
+ model.describe()
+ ```
+### ydf.Semantic.BOOLEAN
+The value of a Boolean features can only be true, false, or
+missing. Examples are “has subscribed”, “is spam”, “is in stock” etc.
+Boolean features are a special case of categorical features. YDF
+automatically recognizes boolean features as BOOLEAN for most dataset
+The label of the model can never be BOOLEAN. Note that binary classification
+uses CATEGORICAL labels.
+# A dataset with 3 boolean features.
+dataset = {
+"has subscribed": np.array([True, False, False, True]),
+"spam": np.array([1,0,1,1], dtype=bool), # Ensure the dtype is not integer.
+"happy": np.array([True, False, False, True]),
+!!! warning
+ Avoid IDs as features: Many datasets have features of type
+ "ID" / "identifier", "unique_hash", etc. that are (nearly) unique for each
+ example in the dataset. These features are not useful for training a machine
+ learning model, they slow down model training and might increase model size.
+ It is therefore important to remove these values from the dataset before
+ training.
+## Special semantics
+DISCRETIZED_NUMERICAL is not really a new semantic. Instead, it is used to
+tell the learning algorithm to optimize training with a special
+discretization algorithm. Any NUMERICAL feature can be configured as
+DISCRETIZED_NUMERICAL. Training will be faster (generally ~2x) but it can
+hurt the model quality. Setting all the NUMERICAL features as
+DISCRETIZED_NUMERICAL is equivalent to setting hyperparameter
+data = {
+"age": np.array([1, 55, 24, 8]),
+"net worth": np.array([0.0, 123456.78, -4000.0, 315.42]),
+"weight": np.array([9, 63, 70, np.nan]),
+model = ydf.RandomForestLearner(
+discretize_numerical_columns=False, # Default
+features=[("net worth", ydf.Semantic.DISCRETIZED_NUMERICAL)],
+# `net worth` is DISCRETIZED_NUMERICAL, `age` and `weight` are NUMERICAL.
+### ydf.Semantic.CATEGORICAL_SET
+The value of a categorical-set feature is
+a set of categorical values. In other words, while a
+ydf.Semantic.CATEGORICAL can only have one value, a
+ydf.Semantic.CATEGORICAL_SET feature can have none, one, or many categorical
+values.. Use this for sets of discrete values, such as tokenized text or tag
+sets (e.g. a webpage talks about {politics, elections, united-states}).
+When text features, the tokenization is important to consider. Splitting on
+spaces works okay in English, but poorly in Chinese. For example, "A cat
+sits on a tree" becomes {a, cat, on, sits, tree}. Using a more powerful
+tokenizer might be better. Since a set does not encode position, {a, cat,
+on, sits, tree} is equivalent to {a, tree, sits, on, cat}. One solution is
+to use multi-grams (e.g., bi-grams) that encode consecutive works. For
+example, the bi-grams in our example are {a_cat, cat_sit, sit_on, on_a,
+a_tree}. \
+* **Preprocessing:** As with CATEGORICAL features, YDF automatically
+ replaces rare categorical values with OOD (“out of dictionary”) for
+ CATEGORICAL_SET. This behavior is controlled by hyperparameters
+ `max_vocab_count` (to limit the number of categories) and
+ `min_vocab_frequency` (to prune rare categories).
+* **Training speed**: CATEGORICAL_SET features are slower to train than
+ NUMERICAL or CATEGORICAL features. Don't use CATEGORICAL_SET instead of
+ CATEGORICAL features (the result will be the same, but the model will
+ train slowly).
+* **Tokenization**: When using CATEGORICAL_SET for text features, the text
+ must be tokenized before it is fed to YDF. CSV files are tokenized by
+ whitespace automatically, see the section on CSV files for details.
+# A dataset with 2 categorical set features and one categorical feature.
+dataset = {
+ "title": [["Next", "week", "are", "us", "elections"], ["Reform", "started", "this", "month"], ["Funniest", "politics", "speeches"]],
+ "tags": [["politics", "election"], ["politics"], ["funny", "politics"]],
+ "interesting": ["yes", "yes", "no"],
+model = ydf.RandomForestLearner(
+ label="interesting",
+ min_vocab_frequency=1, # Don't prune the categories.
+ features=[("title", ydf.Semantic.CATEGORICAL_SET), ("tags", ydf.Semantic.CATEGORICAL_SET)],
+### Multi-dimensional features
+YDF supports constant-size vectors as
+features. This is typically used when dealing with vector embeddings. For
+example, consider a text feature `text` that is transformed (during
+preprocessing) with a Universal Sentence Encoder model to a numerical vector
+of 512 entries. This vector can be fed directly to YDF.
+YDF “unrolls” each entry of the vector to an individual feature. These
+features are named `text.0_of_512`, `text.1_of_512`, etc. Note that all
+vectors must have the exact same size - if the vectors have different sizes,
+consider the CATEGORICAL_SET semantic. See
+for a more detailed example.
+# A dataset with a two-dimensional numerical feature
+# and a two-dimensional categorical feature.
+dataset = {
+"categorical_vector": np.array([["a", "b"], ["a", "c"], ["b", "c"]]),
+"numerical_embeeding": np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]),
+"label": np.array([1, 2, 1]),
+model = ydf.RandomForestLearner(
+# `categorical_vector` is unrolled to two CATEGORICAL features:
+# `categorical_vector.0_of_2` and `categorical_vector.1_of_2`.
+# `numerical_embeeding` is unrolled to two NUMERICAL features:
+# `numerical_embeeding.0_of_2` and `numerical_embeeding.1_of_2`.
+!!! note
+ ydf.Semantic.HASH is used internally only and cannot be used for decision
+ tree training.
+## Not natively supported semantics
+There are some features that YDF cannot consume natively, but instead need to be
+preprocessed. This section details the most common scenarios.
+### Timestamps
+Timestamps should be converted to the NUMERICAL semantic. A popular choice is to
+decompose the timestamp into calendar features such as day of the week, week of
+the month, hour of the day, etc.. Simply converting a timestamps into a
+numerical unix time generally does not work well.
+!!! warning
+ The presence of timestamps often indicates that the dataset is containing
+ time-series data (see next section).
+### Time-series
+Time series datasets require advanced feature preprocessing for good model
+quality. Check the
+[special guide](/tutorial/time_sequences)
+in the YDF documentation for more information.
+!!! warning
+ Time series require careful modeling to prevent future leakage or poor model
+ quality. For complex problems, using a preprocessing tool such as
+ [Temporian](https://temporian.readthedocs.io) is recommended.
+### Repeated proto messages
+Repeated proto messages must be “flattened” to individual features. Repeated
+numerical entries, creating statistical features such as maximum, minimum, mean,
+median, variance, … is useful. Repeated categorical entries can be transformed
+to CATEGORICAL_SET features.
+### Images
+Decision Forest models are not state-of-the-art model architecture for image
+processing. In many cases, exploring other model architectures (notably neural
+networks) should be preferred.
+## Details by dataset format
+### Numpy
+**Scalar Types**
+The following table shows which **scalar Numpy data** types correspond to which
+YDF semantics and which casts can be performed by YDF after manually specifying
+a feature semantic.
+| **int** [1] | Default | Cast [4] | No support | No support | Cast |
+| **float** [2] | Default | No support | No support | No support | Cast |
+| **bool** | Cast | Cast [5] | Default | No support | Cast |
+| **str** | No support | Default | No support | No support | No support |
+| **bytes** | No support | Default | No support | No support | No support |
+[1]: Includes unsigned integers
+[2]: float128 is not supported
+[3]: YDF internally casts numerical values to float32.
+[4]: Internally, the values are cast to string and sorted lexicographically.
+[5]: Internally, the values are cast to “false” and “true”, with “false” coming
+[6]: Use type `object` for support for CATEGORICAL SET, see below.
+**Two-dimensional arrays (i.e. matrices)**
+YDF unrolls two-dimensional arrays(i.e. matrices) by column.
+YDF inspects features given as numpy arrays of type `object` and treats them
+differently based on their content.
+If the array’s first element is a **scalar type**, YDF attempts to cast the
+array to type `bytes` and treat it as CATEGORICAL.
+If the array’s first element is a **Python list or Numpy array** (irrespective
+of dtype), YDF checks if it contains only lists (arrays) and fails otherwise. If
+all lists have the same length, YDF attempts to cast the sub-lists (sub-arrays)
+to type `np.bytes` and treat the entire feature as a matrix of CATEGORICAL
+features. This matrix is then unrolled into individual features.
+If the sub-lists (sub-arrays) have different sizes, YDF attempts to cast the
+sub-lists (sub-arrays) to type `np.bytes` and treat the entire feature with
+Any other types or combinations of types are not supported.
+**Missing values**
+Missing NUMERICAL values are `np.Nan`, missing CATEGORICAL values are empty
+strings. Missing BOOLEAN or CATEGORICAL_SET values cannot be represented.
+### Python lists
+YDF can consume Python lists as features. However, automatic semantic detection
+is not enabled for Python lists. Furthermore, multi-dimensional features (except
+CATEGORICAL_SET) cannot be fed with Python lists.
+### CSV
+**Automatic Semantic detection**
+* Columns with only 0 and 1 are recognized as BOOLEAN.
+* Columns with only numeric values are recognized as NUMERICAL.
+* Other columns are recognized as CATEGORICAL (see below).
+* Multidimensional features are not supported.
+Example code:
+"""!cat mycsv.csv
+1.0,1,a,x y,1
+1.5,0,b,y z,2
+2.0,1,1,x y z,3"""
+model = ydf.RandomForestLearner(
+# Note that CATEGORICAL_SET columns are tokenized by whitespace.
+features=[("catset", ydf.Semantic.CATEGORICAL_SET)],
+# Column "num" is NUMERICAL.
+# Column "bool" is BOOLEAN
+# Column "cat" is CATEGORICAL
+# Column "catset" is CATEGORICAL_SET (as specified).
+!!! warning
+ Only the first 100000 rows are inspected to determine a column's type. Adapt
+ max_num_scanned_rows_to_infer_semantic to increase this value.
+**Automatic tokenization**
+When reading from CSV files, YDF tokenizes features with semantic
+CATEGORICAL_SET by splitting along whitespace.
+Some YDF surfaces may automatically infer the type of string columns containing
+whitespace as having semantic CATEGORICAL_SET. Note that the Python API of YDF
+does not automatically infer type CATEGORICAL_SET, even if reading CSV files.
+**Missing values**
+Missing values are represented by string `na` or empty strings.
+### Avro
+**Automatic Semantic detection**
+Avro columns are typed, so a column’s type which YDF is used by default.
+* Boolean columns are recognized as BOOLEAN
+* Long, Int, Float and Double columns are recognized as NUMERICAL
+* Bytes and String columns are recognized as CATEGORICAL
+* Array columns are either unrolled based on the type of data in the array.
+ Arrays of Bytes or Strings may furthermore have type CATEGORICAL_SET.
+* Nested arrays are currently not supported but may be supported in the
+ future.
+## Advanced: How decision forests use feature semantics
+This section is not required for using YDF, but it might offer additional
+context on the individual semantics and how they are used by common decision
+forest learning algorithms.
+Recall that decision trees recursively split the dataset until a stopping
+condition is reached. The feature semantics both dictate which types of splits
+are considered, and how the algorithm finds the best split.
+* **NUMERICAL:** The learning algorithm creates splits in the data based on
+ thresholds (e.g., "age >= 30").
+ For even more powerful models,
+ [enable oblique splits](/guide_how_to_improve_model/#use-oblique-trees).
+ This allows YDF to learn splits that combine multiple numerical features
+ (e.g., "0.3 \* age + 0.7 \* income >= 50"). This is particularly helpful for
+ smaller datasets but requires more training time.
+* **CATEGORICAL**: The learning algorithm creates splits by grouping values
+ into sets (e.g., "country in {USA, Switzerland, Luxemburg}"). This is more
+ expressive than numerical splits but computationally more expensive.
+* **BOOLEAN:** This semantic provides a memory- and speed-optimized way to
+ handle boolean data compared to using semantics NUMERICAL or CATEGORICAL.
+ **CATEGORICAL_SET:** The learning algorithm creates splits based on set
+ intersections (e.g., "`{a, cat, on, sits, tree}` intersects `{cat, dog,
+ bird}`"). This semantic is computationally expensive and can be slow to
+ train. For in-depth information about categorical sets, see
+ [Guillame-Bert et al., 2020.](https://arxiv.org/abs/2009.09991)
+### Missing Values
+YDF effectively handles missing values, which are represented differently for
+each semantic. During training, YDF uses global imputation:
+* **NUMERICAL and DISCRETIZED_NUMERICAL:** Missing values are replaced with
+ the mean of the feature.
+* **CATEGORICAL and BOOLEAN:** Missing values are replaced with the most
+ frequent value.
+* **CATEGORICAL_SET:** Missing values are always routed to the negative branch
+ of a split.
+If the hyperparameter `allow_na_conditions` is enabled, the learning algorithm
+can also create splits of the form “feature is NA”. Note that this is usually
+not necessary: Global imputation replaces missing values with a “special” value,
+which is quickly learned by the algorithm.
+!!! note
+ Missing values are not allowed in the label column.
+### Label column semantic
+The semantic of the label column is determined by the model task:
+* **REGRESSION:** Requires NUMERICAL labels.
+* **RANKING:** Requires NUMERICAL labels with integer values.
+* **NUMERICAL_UPLIFT:** Requires NUMERICAL labels.
+Changing the task changes the model's loss function and output, resulting in a
+fundamentally different model. If the label column cannot be interpreted with
+the chosen task’s semantic, model training fails.
+### The data spec
+Internally, YDF models store information about the feature semantics in the
+"data spec". A model's data spec is a proto message that can be displayed with
+`model.data_spec()`. The data spec also contains information about
+the feature values seen during training. Some of this information may be used
+during training and inference. In particular, the data spec stores the following
+* For NUMERICAL and DISCRETIZED_NUMERICAL features, statistical information
+ and, if relevant, bucketization.
+* For CATEGORICAL and CATEGORICAL_SET features, the values seen during
+ training and their frequency.
+* For BOOLEAN values, the frequency of true and false values seen during
+ training.
+A summary of the data spec is shown in `model.describe()`. The raw data spec
+is mainly useful for debugging issues with YDF.
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- 📖 Glossary: glossary.md
- 🤸 For Googlers: http://go/ydf
- ✒️ Blog: blog/index.md
+ - Guides:
+ - What are decision forests?: https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/decision-forests
+ - How to define model features: guide_feature_semantics.md
+ - How to improve a model?: guide_how_to_improve_model.md
+ - How to train a model faster?: guide_how_to_improve_learner.md
+ - Migrating from TF-DF: tutorial/migrating_to_ydf.ipynb
- Tasks solved by YDF:
- Classification: tutorial/classification.ipynb
- Regression: tutorial/regression.ipynb
@@ -87,11 +93,6 @@ nav:
- Evaluation:
- Train & test: tutorial/train_and_test.ipynb
- Cross-validation: tutorial/cross_validation.ipynb
- - Guides:
- - What are decision forests?: https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/decision-forests
- - How to improve a model?: guide_how_to_improve_model.md
- - How to train a model faster?: guide_how_to_improve_learner.md
- - Migrating from TF-DF: tutorial/migrating_to_ydf.ipynb
- Advanced:
- Inspecting trees: tutorial/inspecting_trees.ipynb
- Editing trees: tutorial/editing_trees.ipynb
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