Hello! My name is Dmitry and this is my development blog. Now I work in a local company office, but I'm looking for a warmer place.
I need to blog primarily in order to reflect my development and research experience on paper. I started doing this in Google Doc, but realized that it was not effective.
Perhaps in the future, I will convert this page into an easy-to-read blog. And I will transfer the accumulated experience from Google Docs here (I'm too lazy, really).
- [WIP] [source] React list
- TicTacToe Game [source]
- [WIP] Mines Game (source) with Feature Sliced Design, SolidJs, Effector
echo "
ExecStart=$path/node $(pwd)/dist/server.js
" > ${s}.service
sudo cp ./monitoring-nc.service /etc/systemd/system/${s}.service
sudo chmod 664 /etc/systemd/system/${s}.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable ${s}
Prototype Mixins in app-watchdog
The main idea was to make this library "modular". To work with various USB Watchdog devices. To achieve this goal, I decided to use mixins.