- questions on geometry
- ask about the overlapping cladding and core volumes (Marco or Marco)
- what is the difference between ru_l and fiber_env_l?
- where are SiPMs? On one, or two sides of fibres? it seems on both sides
- understand how to setup the sensitive detectors
- why is there only one single SiPM sensitive detector? as there's only one logical volume for the SiPM
- how do I separate the reading from different SiPM's? GetCopyNumber
- check what sensitive volumes are --> MUON_OpticalPhotonSD
- multithreading removed, that was not the problem though
- find out what is saved, and remove what is unnecessary for now
- add a condensed info:
- the (x,y) coordinate of the MCtruth particles
- the signal at the SiPM, for each event
- add a condensed info:
- what is ComputeCriticalEnergy?
- how do I get a more useful visualisation?
- quicker
- with less particles (energy threshold?)
- on the detector types
- Undefined=0, VerticalFiber=1, HorizontalFiber=2, Fiber=3, Pmt=4, Vessel=8
- this is chosen in MUON_DetectorConstruction::ConstructSDandField (), for the time being classified as fibres, simply.
- Q: do we want to have two separate detectors, to account for possible interactions of other particles than optical photons, in the SiPM or in the fibres?
- check how SiPmtHitsCollection is used in the code sipmt_SD_ = new MUON_OpticalPhotonSD (sipmt_SDname, "SiPmtHitsCollection", SDType::Pmt) ; --> becomes sipmt_hit_collection_id_ in the EventAction --> function EventAction::process_hit_collections --> hits are saved as objects of the MUON_OPHit class, where OP stays for OpticalPhoton
- on the expected interaction, i.e. what should be saved
- in the fibres
- it's just propagation, so this is basically a counting of photons
- in the SiPM
- here it's energy deposition with a given efficiency
- that I may parameterise afterwards?
- is it considered already?
- here it's energy deposition with a given efficiency
- in the fibres
- define in the stepping action what needs to be saved
- ID the info to be saved from the SiPM
- for optical photons
- for other particles
- ID the info to be saved from the SiPM
- come determino il numero di identificazione di ogni SiPM?
- stranamente con una particle gun centrale, si accendono SiPM 0 ed 1, mi sarei aspettato circa a meta'
- sto usando thePrePV->GetCopyNo () per determinare il numero di ID del SiPM
- seems that the solution is in the Touchables, investigating...
- bisogna andare in profondita' con GetReplicaNumber, sembra 0 (SiPM) e 2 (fibre).
- controllare se funziona anche con GetCopyNb
- stranamente con una particle gun centrale, si accendono SiPM 0 ed 1, mi sarei aspettato circa a meta'
- l'efficienza di rivelazione del SiPM e' codificata?
- change SiPMT into SiPM
- how do I generate a flat distribution in x, y of the particles to the detector?
- how can I determine the total energy loss of a particle, after it exits the detector?
- the total energy loss that I see in the ntuples created by the executable
seems somehow independent of the size of the detector I put in the shoot_positron.mac file,
which is strange... but if the secondaries energy is not accounted for?
- still not clear to me how to know the energy a single particle lost in a step.
- there is the energy lost to the material (GetTotalEnergyDeposit)
- there is the energy lost to secondary particles (how do I calculate it?)
- http://hypernews.slac.stanford.edu/HyperNews/geant4/get/eventtrackmanage/1043/1/1.html
- http://hypernews.slac.stanford.edu/HyperNews/geant4/get/eventtrackmanage/1287/1.html
- ask the particle what's its energy and saving the last value, to then evaluate the lost energy as a difference
- still not clear to me how to know the energy a single particle lost in a step.
- the total energy loss that I see in the ntuples created by the executable
seems somehow independent of the size of the detector I put in the shoot_positron.mac file,
which is strange... but if the secondaries energy is not accounted for?