Here is a quick reference for the JSON format used by [<Json>]
-annotated inferred sitelets, Content.JsonContent and WebSharper.Json
Encoded as JSON primitive types.
TypeValue and corresponding encoded JSONtype Body = string
// "home"
"This is \"home\"!"
// "This is \"home\"!"
type Body = int
// 2
type Body = float
// 1.2345
Encoded as a JSON object.
TypeValue and corresponding encoded JSONtype Action =
{ x: string
y: int }
{ x = "test"
y = 1 }
// {"x":"test","y":1}
type Action =
{ x: string
y: Sub }
and Sub =
{ z: int
t: int }
{ x = "test"
y =
{ z = 1
t = 2 } }
// {"x":"test","y":{"z":1,"t":2}}
Encoded as a JSON object. Use [<NamedUnionCases(fieldname)>]
to store the case name in a field, and [<Name(name)>]
for the name of each field.
[<NamedUnionCases "result">]
type Body =
| [<Name "success">]
Success of value: int
| [<Name "error">]
Error of message: string
Success 42
// {"result":"success","value":42}
Error "Wrong value."
// {"result":"error","message":"Wrong value."}
Use [<NamedUnionCases>]
to infer the union case based on the present field names.
type Body =
| Success of value: int
| Error of error: string
Success 42
// {"value":42}
Error "Incorrect value."
// {"error":"Incorrect value."}
A single unnamed record argument is treated as if its fields were the arguments.
[<NamedUnionCases "result">]
type Body =
| [<Name "success">]
Success of Value
| [<Name "error">]
Error of message: string
and Value =
{ id: int
name: string }
Success { id = 1; name = "abc" }
// {"result":"success","id":1,"name":"abc"}
Use [<Constant>]
to represent an argument-less union case as a string, int, float or bool instead of an object.
type Body =
| [<Constant "red">] Red
| [<Constant true>] Green
| [<Constant 3>] Blue
[Red; Green; Blue]
// ["red",true,3]
Union case arguments of type option become present/absent fields.
TypeValue and corresponding encoded JSON[<NamedUnionCases>]
type Body =
| Success of value: int
* remark: string option
| Error of error: string
Success(41, Some "Almost there...")
// {"value":41,"remark":"Almost there..."}
Success(42, None)
// {"value":42}
Record fields of type option become present/absent fields.
type Body =
{ value: int
remark: string option }
{ value = 41; remark = Some "Almost there..." }
// {"value":41,"remark":"Almost there..."}
{ value = 42; remark = None }
// {"value":42}
Arrays, lists and sets are represented as JSON arrays.
TypeValue and corresponding encoded JSONtype Body = int[]
[| 4; 8; 15; 16; 23; 42 |]
// [4,8,15,16,23,42]
type Body = Person list
and Person =
{ name: string }
{ name = "John" }
{ name = "Bob" }
// [{"name":"John"},{"name":"Bob"}]
type Body = Set<string>
Set [ "fsharp"; "websharper" ]
// ["fsharp","websharper"]
Maps and dictionaries with string keys are represented as JSON objects.
type Body = Map<string, int>
Map [
"John", 38
"Bob", 46
// {"John":38,"Bob":46}
open System.Collections.Generic
type Body = Dictionary<string, Person>
and Person =
{ age: int }
let dict = Dictionary()
dict.["John"] <- { age = 38 }
dict.["Bob"] <- { age = 46 }
// {"John":{"age":38},"Bob":{"age":46}}
Encoded as a string. Default format is ISO-8601 round-trip format ("o"
type Action = System.DateTime
// "2015-04-15T15:37:23.0000000"
Setting the format of a DateTime union case argument with [<DateTimeFormat(argname, format)>]
type Body =
| [<DateTimeFormat("date", "yyyy-MM-dd")>]
Article of id: int * date: DateTime
Article(43, System.DateTime.Now)
// {"id":43,"date":"2015-04-15"}
Setting the format of a DateTime record field with [<DateTimeFormat(format)>]
type Body =
{ id: int
date: DateTime }
{ id = 43; date = System.DateTime.Now }
// {"id":43,"date":"2015-04-15"}
Both DateTimeFormat
uses also work on DateTime option
type Body =
| [<DateTimeFormat("time", "HH:mm:ss")>]
Body of time: DateTime option * child: Child
and Child =
{ [<DateTimeFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")>]
date: DateTime option }
Body(Some System.DateTime.Now, { date = None })
// {"time":"15:37:23","child":{}}
Body(None, { date = Some System.DateTime.Now })
// {"child":{"date":"2015-04-15"}}