released this
23 Feb 20:50
470 commits
to master
since this release
This release contains bug fixes and minor dependency updates.
- #444 POP3: Yet another encoding problem (backport #429)
- #439 GreenMail server info: Replace java.vendor.version with java.runtime.version (backport #425)
- #437 IMAP COPY response contains COPYUID UIDVALIDITY of source instead of target folder (backport #423)
- #432 llegalStateException because of a NPE when receiving mail (backport #344)
Dependency updates
- #442 Update easymock to 4.3 (backport #428)
- #441 Update assertj to 3.22.0 (backport #427)
- #440 Update slf4j to 1.7.36 (backport #426)
- #438 Update container base image to openjdk:8u322-jre-slim-buster (backport #424)
- #435 Update jetty to 9.4.45.v20220203 (backport #417)
- #434 Update junit5 to 5.8.2 (backport #416)
- #433 Update jersey to 2.35 (backport #415)
Note: GreenMail 1.6 requires JDK 8+ now, and used Jakarta Mail 1.6.x
For further details, check the issues fixed and full changelog release-1.6.5...release-1.6.6
Download also available in Maven Central with GAV coordinates com.icegreen:greenmail:1.6.6 .