InstaLV ❤
A PHP script + webapp that allows you to go live on Instagram with any streaming program that supports RTMP!
Built with mgp25's amazing Instagram Private API Wrapper for PHP.
InstaLV is a fork of JRoy/InstagramLive-PHP.
- A webapp to easily control livestream
- See livestream viewers
- See likes & comments during livestream
- Pin/Unpin comments
- Call custom callbacks when a user like or comment
This is mostly due to an invalid stream key: The stream key changes every time you start a new stream so it must be replaced in OBS every time.
This is due to you not running the "stop" command inside the script. You cannot just close the command window to make Instagram stop streaming, you must run the stop command in the script. If you do close the command window however, start it again and just run the stop command, this should stop Instagram from listing to live content.
This is usually due to archiving a stream that had no content (video). Just delete the archive and be go on with your day.
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