A web service that acts as a proxy to the real foreign exchange service, one-frame
docker-compose up
From the project root run the following command
./mvnw spring-boot:run
In a new terminal window/tab, run one-frame
using docker
docker run -p 8085:8080 paidyinc/one-frame
Get the latest currency rates.
- Required query parameter that is the concatenation of two different currency codes, e.g. USDJPY. One or more pairs per request are allowed.
Using a browser or any REST client.
"from": "USD",
"to": "JPY",
"bid": 0.5098366425706436,
"ask": 0.13104034760723204,
"price": 0.32043849508893785,
"time_stamp": "2022-09-10T06:31:01.002Z"
can only accept 1000 requests per day. To alleviate this issue, ForexProxy
will cache each requested currency pair. When a 429 (Too Many Requests) is returned by one-frame or any error for that matter, ForexProxy will try to get that currency pair from the cache.
This however is not foolproof. If a currency pair is requested and one-frame returns an error and the pair does not exist in cache, then an error will be returned to the user.
To make ForexProxy more resilient, there needs to be a background worker that would build all the combinations of all currency pairs and store them in cache.
However due to time, this is not implemented.
To run the tests, from the project root run the following command
./mvnw test