diff --git a/language/.en.json b/language/.en.json
index cf2cde7..58e1844 100644
--- a/language/.en.json
+++ b/language/.en.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "Text",
"placeholder": "*Oslo* is the capital of Norway, *Stockholm* is the capital of Sweden and *Copenhagen* is the capital of Denmark. All cities are located in the *Scandinavian:Northern Part of Europe* peninsula.",
"important": {
- "description": "
- Droppable words are added with an asterisk (*) in front and behind the correct word/phrase.
- You may add a textual tip, using a colon (:) in front of the tip.
- For every empty spot there is only one correct word.
- You may add feedback to be displayed when a task is completed. Use '\\+' for correct and '\\-' for incorrect feedback.
- "example": "H5P content may be edited using a *browser:What type of program is Chrome?*.
H5P content is *interactive\\+Correct! \\-Incorrect, try again!*"
+ "description": "- Droppable words are added with an asterisk (*) in front and behind the correct word/phrase.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- You may add a textual tip, using a colon (:) in front of the tip.
- You may add feedback to be displayed when a task is completed. Use '\\+' for correct and '\\-' for incorrect feedback.
+ "example": "H5P content may be edited using a *browser:What type of program is Chrome?*.
H5P content is *interactive/awesome\\+Correct! \\-Incorrect, try again!*"
diff --git a/language/af.json b/language/af.json
index c3c36ae..4bbe843 100644
--- a/language/af.json
+++ b/language/af.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "Teks",
"placeholder": "*Oslo* is die hoofstad van Noorweë, *Stockholm* is die hoofstad van Swede en *Kopenhagen* is die hoofstad van Denemarke. Alle stede is geleë in die *Skandinawiese: Noordelike deel van Europa* skiereiland.",
"important": {
- "description": "- Valbare woorde word bygevoeg met 'n sterretjie (*) voor en agter die korrekte woord/frase.
- Jy kan 'n tekswenk byvoeg deur middel van 'n dubbelpunt (:) voor die wenk.
- Vir elke leë area is daar net een regte woord.
- Jy kan terugvoer byvoeg wat vertoon moet word wanneer 'n taak voltooi is. Gebruik '\\+' vir reg en '\\-' verkeerd vir verkeerde terugvoer.
- "example": "H5P inhoud kan geredigeer word deur middel van 'n *blaaier:Watter tipe program is Chrome?*.
H5P inhoud is *interaktief\\+Reg! \\-Verkeerd, probeer weer!*"
+ "description": "- Valbare woorde word bygevoeg met 'n sterretjie (*) voor en agter die korrekte woord/frase.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- Jy kan 'n tekswenk byvoeg deur middel van 'n dubbelpunt (:) voor die wenk.
- Jy kan terugvoer byvoeg wat vertoon moet word wanneer 'n taak voltooi is. Gebruik '\\+' vir reg en '\\-' verkeerd vir verkeerde terugvoer.
+ "example": "H5P inhoud kan geredigeer word deur middel van 'n *blaaier:Watter tipe program is Chrome?*.
H5P inhoud is *interaktief/awesome\\+Reg! \\-Verkeerd, probeer weer!*"
diff --git a/language/ar.json b/language/ar.json
index ba1b67d..d135399 100644
--- a/language/ar.json
+++ b/language/ar.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "نص",
"placeholder": "*أوسلو* هي عاصمة النرويج، و*ستوكهولم* هي عاصمة السويد، و*كوبنغاهن* هي عاصمة الدنمارك. وتقع جميع المدن في شبه الجزيرة *الإسكندنافية: الجزء الشمالي من أوروبا*.",
"important": {
- "description": "- تُضاف الكلمات القابلة للإسقاط مع وضع علامة نجمة (*) قبل الكلمة/العبارة الصحيحة وبعدها*.
- يمكنك إضافة تلميح نصي باستخدام علامة النقطتان (:) قبل التلميح.
- وهناك كلمة واحدة صحيحة فحسب لكل مساحة فارغة.
- يمكنك إضافة ملاحظات ليجري عرضها عند إكمال مهمة. استخدم ’/+‘ لملاحظات الإجابة الصحيحة و’/-‘ لملاحظات الإجابة غير الصحيحة.
- "example": "يمكن تحرير محتوى H5P باستخدام *متصفح: أي نوع من البرامج هو ”كروم“؟*.
محتوى H5P *تفاعلي/+إجابة صحيحة! /-إجابة غير صحيحة، فحاول مجدداً!*"
+ "description": "- تُضاف الكلمات القابلة للإسقاط مع وضع علامة نجمة (*) قبل الكلمة/العبارة الصحيحة وبعدها*.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- يمكنك إضافة تلميح نصي باستخدام علامة النقطتان (:) قبل التلميح.
- يمكنك إضافة ملاحظات ليجري عرضها عند إكمال مهمة. استخدم ’/+‘ لملاحظات الإجابة الصحيحة و’/-‘ لملاحظات الإجابة غير الصحيحة.
+ "example": "يمكن تحرير محتوى H5P باستخدام *متصفح: أي نوع من البرامج هو ”كروم“؟*.
محتوى H5P *تفاعلي/رائع/+إجابة صحيحة! /-إجابة غير صحيحة، فحاول مجدداً!*"
diff --git a/language/bg.json b/language/bg.json
index 54f1b98..2e83c1d 100644
--- a/language/bg.json
+++ b/language/bg.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "Текст",
"placeholder": "*Осло* е столицата на Норвегия, *Стокхолм* е столицата на Швеция и *Копенхаген* на Дания.",
"important": {
- "description": "- Думите, които трябва да бъдат плъзнати в празното поле се въвеждат чрез знака звезда (*) пред и зад съответната дума или фраза.
- Можете да въведете текстова подсказда чрез знака (:) пред съответната подсказка.
- За всяко празна клетка има само една коректна дума.
- Можете да добавите обратна връзка да се показва след изпълнение на задачата. Използвайте '\\+' при вярно решение и '\\-' при грешно.
- "example": "Съдържанието на H5P може да се редактира с *browser:какъв тип програма е Chrome?*.
Съдържанието на H5P е *интерактивно\\+Правилно! \\-Неправилно, опитай отново!*"
+ "description": "- Думите, които трябва да бъдат плъзнати в празното поле се въвеждат чрез знака звезда (*) пред и зад съответната дума или фраза.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- Можете да въведете текстова подсказда чрез знака (:) пред съответната подсказка.
- Можете да добавите обратна връзка да се показва след изпълнение на задачата. Използвайте '\\+' при вярно решение и '\\-' при грешно.
+ "example": "Съдържанието на H5P може да се редактира с *browser:какъв тип програма е Chrome?*.
Съдържанието на H5P е *интерактивно/awesome\\+Правилно! \\-Неправилно, опитай отново!*"
diff --git a/language/bs.json b/language/bs.json
index bb705d7..c845cb4 100644
--- a/language/bs.json
+++ b/language/bs.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "Tekst",
"placeholder": "*Oslo* je glavni grad Norveške, *Stockholm* je glavni grad Švedske i *Copenhagen* je glavni grad Danske. Svi gradovi su locirani u *Skandinavija:Sjeverni dio Europe* poluotok.",
"important": {
- "description": "- Droppable words are added with an asterisk (*) in front and behind the correct word/phrase.
- You may add a textual tip, using a colon (:) in front of the tip.
- For every empty spot there is only one correct word.
- You may add feedback to be displayed when a task is completed. Use '\\+' for correct and '\\-' for incorrect feedback.
- "example": "H5P content may be edited using a *browser:What type of program is Chrome?*.
H5P content is *interactive\\+Correct! \\-Incorrect, try again!*"
+ "description": "- Droppable words are added with an asterisk (*) in front and behind the correct word/phrase.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- You may add a textual tip, using a colon (:) in front of the tip.
- You may add feedback to be displayed when a task is completed. Use '\\+' for correct and '\\-' for incorrect feedback.
+ "example": "H5P content may be edited using a *browser:What type of program is Chrome?*.
H5P content is *interactive/awesome\\+Correct! \\-Incorrect, try again!*"
diff --git a/language/ca.json b/language/ca.json
index 246ab60..64da49a 100644
--- a/language/ca.json
+++ b/language/ca.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "Text",
"placeholder": "*Oslo* és la capital de Noruega, *Estocolm* és la capital de Suècia i *Copenhaguen* és la capital de Dinamarca. Totes les ciutats estan situades a la península de *Scandinava: Part nord d’Europa*.",
"important": {
- "description": "- Les paraules que es poden deixar anar s’afegeixen amb un asterisc (*) davant i darrere de la paraula o frase correcta.
- Podeu afegir una pista textual amb dos punts (:) davant de la pista.
- Per cada espai buit, només hi ha una paraula correcta.
- Podeu afegir suggeriments perquè es mostrin en completar una tasca. Utilitzeu '\\+' per als suggeriments correctes i '\\-' per als incorrectes.
- "example": "El contingut d’H5P es pot editar utilitzant un *navegador:Quin tipus de programa és Chrome?*.
El contingut d’H5P és *interactiu\\+Correcte \\-Incorrecte; torna-ho a provar.*"
+ "description": "- Les paraules que es poden deixar anar s’afegeixen amb un asterisc (*) davant i darrere de la paraula o frase correcta.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- Podeu afegir una pista textual amb dos punts (:) davant de la pista.
- Podeu afegir suggeriments perquè es mostrin en completar una tasca. Utilitzeu '\\+' per als suggeriments correctes i '\\-' per als incorrectes.
+ "example": "El contingut d’H5P es pot editar utilitzant un *navegador:Quin tipus de programa és Chrome?*.
El contingut d’H5P és *interactiu/awesome\\+Correcte \\-Incorrecte; torna-ho a provar.*"
diff --git a/language/cs.json b/language/cs.json
index f435ddd..ea31eb9 100644
--- a/language/cs.json
+++ b/language/cs.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "Text",
"placeholder": "*Oslo* je hlavním městem Norska, *Stockholm* je hlavním městem Švédska a *Copenhagen* je hlavním městem Dánska. Všechna města se nacházejí na poloostrově *Skandinávie: Severní část Evropy* .",
"important": {
- "description": "- Přetahovatelná slova jsou přidána s hvězdičkou (*) před a za správným slovem/frází.
- Můžete přidat textovou nápovědu pomocí dvojtečky (:) před nápovědou.
- Pro každé prázdné místo je pouze jedno správné slovo.
- Můžete přidat zpětnou vazbu, která se zobrazí po dokončení úlohy. Použijte '\\+' pro správnou a '\\-' pro nesprávnou zpětnou vazbu.
- "example": "Obsah H5P lze upravovat pomocí *prohlížeče:Jaký typ programu je Chrome?*.
H5P obsah je *interaktivní\\+Správně! \\-Nesprávně, zkuste znovu!*"
+ "description": "- Přetahovatelná slova jsou přidána s hvězdičkou (*) před a za správným slovem/frází.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- Můžete přidat textovou nápovědu pomocí dvojtečky (:) před nápovědou.
- Můžete přidat zpětnou vazbu, která se zobrazí po dokončení úlohy. Použijte '\\+' pro správnou a '\\-' pro nesprávnou zpětnou vazbu.
+ "example": "Obsah H5P lze upravovat pomocí *prohlížeče:Jaký typ programu je Chrome?*.
H5P obsah je *interaktivní/awesome\\+Správně! \\-Nesprávně, zkuste znovu!*"
diff --git a/language/da.json b/language/da.json
index 3ac0722..ef80723 100644
--- a/language/da.json
+++ b/language/da.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "Text",
"placeholder": "*Oslo* is the capital of Norway, *Stockholm* is the capital of Sweden and *Copenhagen* is the capital of Denmark. All cities are located in the *Scandinavian:Northern Part of Europe* peninsula.",
"important": {
- "description": "- Droppable words are added with an asterisk (*) in front and behind the correct word/phrase.
- You may add a textual tip, using a colon (:) in front of the tip.
- For every empty spot there is only one correct word.
- You may add feedback to be displayed when a task is completed. Use '\\+' for correct and '\\-' for incorrect feedback.
- "example": "H5P content may be edited using a *browser:What type of program is Chrome?*.
H5P content is *interactive\\+Correct! \\-Incorrect, try again!*"
+ "description": "- Droppable words are added with an asterisk (*) in front and behind the correct word/phrase.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- You may add a textual tip, using a colon (:) in front of the tip.
- You may add feedback to be displayed when a task is completed. Use '\\+' for correct and '\\-' for incorrect feedback.
+ "example": "H5P content may be edited using a *browser:What type of program is Chrome?*.
H5P content is *interactive/awesome\\+Correct! \\-Incorrect, try again!*"
diff --git a/language/de.json b/language/de.json
index 7435e8f..3542278 100644
--- a/language/de.json
+++ b/language/de.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "Text",
"placeholder": "*Oslo* ist die Hauptstadt von Norwegen, *Stockholm* ist die Hauptstadt von Schweden und *Kopenhagen* ist die Hauptstadt von Dänemark. Alle Städte befinden sich auf der *skandinavischen: nördlicher Teil von Europa* Halbinsel.",
"important": {
- "description": "- Ziehbare Wörter werden mit einem Sternchen (*) vor und hinter dem jeweiligen Wort bzw. Satzteil markiert.
- Du kannst einen Tipp mit einem Doppelpunkt (:) vor der dem Tipp hinzufügen.
- Pro Lücke gibt es nur genau eine richtige Antwort.
- Du kannst auch eine Rückmeldung hinzufügen, die angezeigt wird, wenn eine Aufgabe abgeschlossen wurde. Verwende \"\\+\" für positive und \" \\-\" für negative Rückmeldungen.
- "example": "H5P-Inhalt kann mit einem *Browser:Was für eine Art von Programm ist Chrome?* bearbeitet werden.
H5P-Inhalt ist *interaktiv\\+Richtig!\\-Falsch. Probiere es nochmal!*."
+ "description": "- Ziehbare Wörter werden mit einem Sternchen (*) vor und hinter dem jeweiligen Wort bzw. Satzteil markiert.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- Du kannst einen Tipp mit einem Doppelpunkt (:) vor der dem Tipp hinzufügen.
- Du kannst auch eine Rückmeldung hinzufügen, die angezeigt wird, wenn eine Aufgabe abgeschlossen wurde. Verwende \"\\+\" für positive und \" \\-\" für negative Rückmeldungen.
+ "example": "H5P-Inhalt kann mit einem *Browser:Was für eine Art von Programm ist Chrome?* bearbeitet werden.
H5P-Inhalt ist *interaktiv/großartig\\+Richtig!\\-Falsch. Probiere es nochmal!*."
diff --git a/language/el.json b/language/el.json
index 6b042e9..80b45e5 100644
--- a/language/el.json
+++ b/language/el.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "Κείμενο",
"placeholder": "Το *Όσλο* είναι η πρωτεύουσα της Νορβηγίας, η *Στοκχόλμη* είναι η πρωτεύουσα της Σουηδίας και η *Κοπεγχάγη* είναι η πρωτεύουσα της Δανίας. Όλες οι περιοχές βρίσκονται στη *Σκανδιναβική* χερσόνησο.",
"important": {
- "description": "- Ορίστε τα συρόμενα στοιχεία - λέξεις χρησιμοποιώντας κάθε φορά έναν αστερίσκο (*) πριν και μετά τη λέξη.
- Μπορείτε να ορίσετε επεξηγηματικό κείμενο προσθέτοντας μία άνω και κάτω τελεία (:) πριν την επεξήγηση.
- Για κάθε κενό κουτάκι υπάρχει μόνο μια σωστή απάντηση.
- Μπορείτε να προσθέσετε ανατροφοδότηση, η οποία θα εμφανίζεται μετά την ολοκλήρωση της άσκησης. Για ανατροφοδότηση σε σωστή απάντηση χρησιμοποιήστε '\\+'. για ανατροφοδότηση σε λάθος απάντηση χρησιμοποιήστε '\\-'.
- "example": "Μπορεί να γίνει επεξεργασία των αντικειμένων του e-me content με τη χρήση ενός *φυλλομετρητή: Τι είδους πρόγραμμα είναι ο Chrome;*.
Τα αντικείμενα του e-me content είναι *διαδραστικά\\+Σωστό! \\-Λάθος, προσπάθησε ξανά!*"
+ "description": "- Ορίστε τα συρόμενα στοιχεία - λέξεις χρησιμοποιώντας κάθε φορά έναν αστερίσκο (*) πριν και μετά τη λέξη.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- Μπορείτε να ορίσετε επεξηγηματικό κείμενο προσθέτοντας μία άνω και κάτω τελεία (:) πριν την επεξήγηση.
- Μπορείτε να προσθέσετε ανατροφοδότηση, η οποία θα εμφανίζεται μετά την ολοκλήρωση της άσκησης. Για ανατροφοδότηση σε σωστή απάντηση χρησιμοποιήστε '\\+'. για ανατροφοδότηση σε λάθος απάντηση χρησιμοποιήστε '\\-'.
+ "example": "Μπορεί να γίνει επεξεργασία των αντικειμένων του e-me content με τη χρήση ενός *φυλλομετρητή: Τι είδους πρόγραμμα είναι ο Chrome;*.
Τα αντικείμενα του e-me content είναι *διαδραστικά/awesome\\+Σωστό! \\-Λάθος, προσπάθησε ξανά!*"
diff --git a/language/es-mx.json b/language/es-mx.json
index 0941ad7..c33a296 100644
--- a/language/es-mx.json
+++ b/language/es-mx.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "Texto",
"placeholder": "*Oslo* es la capital de Noruega, *Estocolmo* es la capital de Suecia y *Copenhague* es la capital de Dinamarca. Todas las ciudades están ubicadas en la península *Escandinava:Parte norte de Europa*.",
"important": {
- "description": "- Las palabras desplegables se agregan con un asterisco (*) al frente y detrás de la palabra / frase correcta.
- Puede agregar una sugerencia textual, usando dos puntos (:) en frente de la sugerencia.
- Por cada punto vacío solo hay una palabra correcta.
- Puede agregar comentarios que se mostrarán cuando se complete una tarea. Utilizar '\\+' para los correctos '\\-' para comentarios incorrectos.
- "example": "El contenido de H5P se puede editar utilizando un *navegador:¿Qué tipo de programa es Chrome?*.
El contenido H5P es *interactivo\\+¡Correcto! \\-¡Incorrecto, prueba de nuevo!*"
+ "description": "- Las palabras desplegables se agregan con un asterisco (*) al frente y detrás de la palabra / frase correcta.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- Puede agregar una sugerencia textual, usando dos puntos (:) en frente de la sugerencia.
- Puede agregar comentarios que se mostrarán cuando se complete una tarea. Utilizar '\\+' para los correctos '\\-' para comentarios incorrectos.
+ "example": "El contenido de H5P se puede editar utilizando un *navegador:¿Qué tipo de programa es Chrome?*.
El contenido H5P es *interactivo/awesome\\+¡Correcto! \\-¡Incorrecto, prueba de nuevo!*"
diff --git a/language/es.json b/language/es.json
index 9c65d9f..4aa9ef1 100644
--- a/language/es.json
+++ b/language/es.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "Texto",
"placeholder": "*Oslo* es la capital de Noruega, *Estocolmo* es la capital de Suecia y *Copenhague* es la capital de Dinamarca. Todas las ciudades están ubicadas en la península *Escandinava:Parte norte de Europa*.",
"important": {
- "description": "- Las palabras que se podrán arrastrar se agregan con un asterisco (*) al frente y detrás de la palabra / frase correcta.
- Puedes agregar una sugerencia textual, usando dos puntos (:) antes de la sugerencia.
- Por cada hueco vacío solo hay una palabra correcta.
- Puedes agregar retroalimentación que se mostrarán cuando se complete la tarea. Utiliza '\\+' para retroalimentación en caso de respuesta correcta '\\-' para retroalimentación para las incorrectas.
- "example": "El contenido de H5P se puede editar utilizando un *navegador:¿Qué tipo de programa es Chrome?*.
El contenido de H5P es *interactivo\\+Correcto! \\-Incorrecto, prueba de nuevo!*"
+ "description": "- Las palabras que se podrán arrastrar se agregan con un asterisco (*) al frente y detrás de la palabra / frase correcta.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- Puedes agregar una sugerencia textual, usando dos puntos (:) antes de la sugerencia.
- Puedes agregar retroalimentación que se mostrarán cuando se complete la tarea. Utiliza '\\+' para retroalimentación en caso de respuesta correcta '\\-' para retroalimentación para las incorrectas.
+ "example": "El contenido de H5P se puede editar utilizando un *navegador:¿Qué tipo de programa es Chrome?*.
El contenido de H5P es *interactivo/awesome\\+Correcto! \\-Incorrecto, prueba de nuevo!*"
diff --git a/language/et.json b/language/et.json
index f29be41..0f94f05 100644
--- a/language/et.json
+++ b/language/et.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "Tekst",
"placeholder": "*Oslo* on Norra pealinn, *Stockholm* on Rootsi pealinn ja *Kopenhaagen* on Taani pealinn. Kõik need linnad asuvad *Skandinaavia:Euroopa põhjaosa* poolsaarel.",
"important": {
- "description": "- Lohistatavad sõnade või fraaside loomiseks märgitakse nende ette ja järele tärn (*).
- Samuti saad lisada tekstivihje, kasutades koolonit (:) vihje ees.
- Igale tühjale kohale sobib vaid üks õige sõna.
- Saad lisada peale ülesande täitmist näidatava tagasiside. Kasuta '\\+' õige ja '\\-' vale vastuse tagasisideks.
- "example": "H5P sisu töötlemiseks sobib *brauser:Mis tüüpi programm on Chrome?*.
H5P sisu on *interaktiivne\\+Õige! \\-Vale, proovi uuesti!*"
+ "description": "- Lohistatavad sõnade või fraaside loomiseks märgitakse nende ette ja järele tärn (*).
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- Samuti saad lisada tekstivihje, kasutades koolonit (:) vihje ees.
- Saad lisada peale ülesande täitmist näidatava tagasiside. Kasuta '\\+' õige ja '\\-' vale vastuse tagasisideks.
+ "example": "H5P sisu töötlemiseks sobib *brauser:Mis tüüpi programm on Chrome?*.
H5P sisu on *interaktiivne/awesome\\+Õige! \\-Vale, proovi uuesti!*"
diff --git a/language/eu.json b/language/eu.json
index 6c41ef7..8065485 100644
--- a/language/eu.json
+++ b/language/eu.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "Testua",
"placeholder": "*Oslo* Norvegiako hiruburua da, *Stockholm* Suediako hiriburua da eta *Kopenhagen* Danimarkako hiriburua da. Hiru hiri *Eskandinavia:Europako iparraldeko* penintsulan daude.",
"important": {
- "description": "- Jaregin daitezkeen hitzak edo esaldiak gehitu dira izartxo (*) bat aurretik eta beste bat atzetik dutela bere kokaleku egokian.
- Gehitzen ahal dituzu laguntzak, horien aurretik bi puntu (:) jarrita.
- Hutsune bakoitzak hitz/esaldi zuzen bakarra dago.
- Gehitzen ahal duzu ataza burutu ondoren ikusiko diren feedbackak. Erabili '\\+' erantzun zuzenen feedbackerako eta '\\-' erantzun okerretarako.
- "example": "H5P edukia editatu daiteke *nabigatzailez:Zer aplikazio mota da Chrome?*.
H5P edukia *interaktiboa\\+Asmatu duzu! \\-Ez da zuzena, saiatu berriro!* da"
+ "description": "- Jaregin daitezkeen hitzak edo esaldiak gehitu dira izartxo (*) bat aurretik eta beste bat atzetik dutela bere kokaleku egokian.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- Gehitzen ahal dituzu laguntzak, horien aurretik bi puntu (:) jarrita.
- Gehitzen ahal duzu ataza burutu ondoren ikusiko diren feedbackak. Erabili '\\+' erantzun zuzenen feedbackerako eta '\\-' erantzun okerretarako.
+ "example": "H5P edukia editatu daiteke *nabigatzailez:Zer aplikazio mota da Chrome?*.
H5P edukia *interaktiboa/awesome\\+Asmatu duzu! \\-Ez da zuzena, saiatu berriro!* da"
diff --git a/language/fa.json b/language/fa.json
index fafac7b..dbf4a15 100644
--- a/language/fa.json
+++ b/language/fa.json
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
"label": "متن",
"placeholder": "*اسلو* پایتخت نروژ است، *استکهلم* پایتخت سوئد است و *کپنهاگ* پایتخت دانمارک است. همه این شهرها در شبه جزیره *اسکاندیناوی:قسمت شمالی اروپا* واقع شدهاند.",
"important": {
- "description": "- کلمات قابل کشیده شدن با یک ستاره (*) در جلو یا پشت کلمه/عبارت صحیح افزوده میشوند.
- شما میتوانید با قرار دادن یک دونقطه (:) جلوی راهنما، یک راهنمای متنی اضافه کنید.
- برای هر جای خالی فقط یک کلمه صحیح وجود دارد.
- شما میتوانید برای وقتی که تکلیف کامل شد بازخورد اضافه کنید تا نمایش داده شود. برای بازخورد صحیح از '\\+' و برای بازخورد غلط از '\\-' استفاده کنید.
+ "description": "- کلمات قابل کشیده شدن با یک ستاره (*) در جلو یا پشت کلمه/عبارت صحیح افزوده میشوند.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- شما میتوانید با قرار دادن یک دونقطه (:) جلوی راهنما، یک راهنمای متنی اضافه کنید.
- شما میتوانید برای وقتی که تکلیف کامل شد بازخورد اضافه کنید تا نمایش داده شود. برای بازخورد صحیح از '\\+' و برای بازخورد غلط از '\\-' استفاده کنید.
"example": "محتوای H5P را میتوان با استفاده از یک *مرورگر:کروم چه نوع برنامهای است؟* ویرایش کرد.
محتوای H5P *تعاملی\\+صحیح! \\-غلط، دوباره تلاش کنید!* است"
diff --git a/language/fi.json b/language/fi.json
index dcb427a..c5eabf4 100644
--- a/language/fi.json
+++ b/language/fi.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "Teksti",
"placeholder": "*Helsinki* on Suomessa, *Tukholma* on Ruotsissa. Kumpikin on maansa *pääkaupunki:hallinnollinen keskus*.",
"important": {
- "description": "- Merkitse raahattavat sanat tähtien (*) väliin, esimerkiksi *Helsinki*.
- Jos haluat lisätä vihjeen, kirjoita raahattavan sanan perään kaksoispiste ja vihje, esimerkiksi *pääkaupunki:hallinnollinen keskus*.
- Jokaista tyhjää kohtaa vastaa yksi oikea sana.
- Voit lisätä palautteen näytettäväksi kun tehtävä on suoritettu. Käytä '\\+' oikein ja '\\-' väärin palautteelle.
- "example": "H5P content may be edited using a *browser:What type of program is Chrome?*.
H5P content is *interactive\\+Correct! \\-Incorrect, try again!*"
+ "description": "- Merkitse raahattavat sanat tähtien (*) väliin, esimerkiksi *Helsinki*.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- Jos haluat lisätä vihjeen, kirjoita raahattavan sanan perään kaksoispiste ja vihje, esimerkiksi *pääkaupunki:hallinnollinen keskus*.
- Voit lisätä palautteen näytettäväksi kun tehtävä on suoritettu. Käytä '\\+' oikein ja '\\-' väärin palautteelle.
+ "example": "H5P content may be edited using a *browser:What type of program is Chrome?*.
H5P content is *interactive/awesome\\+Correct! \\-Incorrect, try again!*"
diff --git a/language/fr.json b/language/fr.json
index 34a3e83..34363a8 100644
--- a/language/fr.json
+++ b/language/fr.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "Question",
"placeholder": "Paris est la capitale de la *France*",
"important": {
- "description": "- Les textes déplaçables s'ajoutent avec un astérisque (*) devant et derrière chaque texte.
- Vous pouvez ajouter un indice en plaçant 2 points (:) avant cet indice.
- Il ne peut y avoir qu'un seul texte correct pour chaque espace à remplir.
- Vous pouvez ajouter un feedback qui apparaîtra une fois l'exercice terminé. Utilisez '\\+' pour créer le feedback en cas de réponse correcte et '\\-' pour le feedback en cas de mauvaise réponse.
- "example": "Les contenus H5P peuvent être édités en utilisant un *navigateur:Quel type de programme utilisez vous pour consulter des sites Internet ?*.
Un contenu H5P est *interactif\\+Correct ! \\-Incorrect, Recommencez !*"
+ "description": "- Les textes déplaçables s'ajoutent avec un astérisque (*) devant et derrière chaque texte.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- Vous pouvez ajouter un indice en plaçant 2 points (:) avant cet indice.
- Vous pouvez ajouter un feedback qui apparaîtra une fois l'exercice terminé. Utilisez '\\+' pour créer le feedback en cas de réponse correcte et '\\-' pour le feedback en cas de mauvaise réponse.
+ "example": "Les contenus H5P peuvent être édités en utilisant un *navigateur:Quel type de programme utilisez vous pour consulter des sites Internet ?*.
Un contenu H5P est *interactif/awesome\\+Correct ! \\-Incorrect, Recommencez !*"
diff --git a/language/ga.json b/language/ga.json
index da61af2..e45ae20 100644
--- a/language/ga.json
+++ b/language/ga.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "Text",
"placeholder": "*Oslo* is the capital of Norway, *Stockholm* is the capital of Sweden and *Copenhagen* is the capital of Denmark. All cities are located in the *Scandinavian:Northern Part of Europe* peninsula.",
"important": {
- "description": "- Droppable words are added with an asterisk (*) in front and behind the correct word/phrase.
- You may add a textual tip, using a colon (:) in front of the tip.
- For every empty spot there is only one correct word.
- You may add feedback to be displayed when a task is completed. Use '\\+' for correct and '\\-' for incorrect feedback.
- "example": "H5P content may be edited using a *browser:What type of program is Chrome?*.
H5P content is *interactive\\+Correct! \\-Incorrect, try again!*"
+ "description": "- Droppable words are added with an asterisk (*) in front and behind the correct word/phrase.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- You may add a textual tip, using a colon (:) in front of the tip.
- You may add feedback to be displayed when a task is completed. Use '\\+' for correct and '\\-' for incorrect feedback.
+ "example": "H5P content may be edited using a *browser:What type of program is Chrome?*.
H5P content is *interactive/awesome\\+Correct! \\-Incorrect, try again!*"
diff --git a/language/gl.json b/language/gl.json
index 003899d..04d5569 100644
--- a/language/gl.json
+++ b/language/gl.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "Texto",
"placeholder": "*Oslo* é a capital de Noruega, *Estocolmo* é a capital de Suecia e *Copenhage* é a capital de Dinamarca. Todas as cidades están situadas na península *Escandinava:Parte norte de Europa*.",
"important": {
- "description": "- As palabras que se poden arrastrar indícanse cun asterisco (*) diante e detrás da palabra ou frase correcta.
- Pódese engadir unha axuda contextual usando dous puntos (:) diante da axuda.
- Por cada oco baleiro só hai unha palabra correcta.
- Pódese engadir retroalimentación para que se amose cando a tarefa estea completa. Usa '\\+' para engadir retroalimentación para respostas correctas e '\\-' para as incorrectas.
- "example": "O contido H5P pódese editar cun *navegador:Que clase de programa é Chrome?*.
O contido H5P é *interactivo\\+Correcto! \\-Incorrecto, proba outra vez!*"
+ "description": "- As palabras que se poden arrastrar indícanse cun asterisco (*) diante e detrás da palabra ou frase correcta.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- Pódese engadir unha axuda contextual usando dous puntos (:) diante da axuda.
- Pódese engadir retroalimentación para que se amose cando a tarefa estea completa. Usa '\\+' para engadir retroalimentación para respostas correctas e '\\-' para as incorrectas.
+ "example": "O contido H5P pódese editar cun *navegador:Que clase de programa é Chrome?*.
O contido H5P é *interactivo/awesome\\+Correcto! \\-Incorrecto, proba outra vez!*"
diff --git a/language/he.json b/language/he.json
index de8871d..e3dc7d6 100644
--- a/language/he.json
+++ b/language/he.json
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
"label": "תוכן",
"placeholder": "*אוסלו* היא בירת נורווגיה, *שטוקהולם* היא בירת שוודיה ו*קופנהגן* היא בירת דנמרק. כל הערים ממוקמות בחצי האי *הסקנדינבי: בחלק הצפוני של אירופה*.",
"important": {
- "description": "- מילים שניתנות לשחרור מתווספות עם כוכבית (*) לפני המילה/הביטוי הנכון ומאחוריה.
- ניתן להוסיף טיפ טקסטואלי, באמצעות נקודתיים (:) לפני הקצה .
- עבור כל נקודה ריקה יש רק מילה אחת נכונה.
- תוכל להוסיף משוב שיוצג לאחר השלמת משימה. השתמש ב-'\\+' למשוב נכון וב-'\\-' למשוב שגוי.
+ "description": "- מילים שניתנות לשחרור מתווספות עם כוכבית (*) לפני המילה/הביטוי הנכון ומאחוריה.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- ניתן להוסיף טיפ טקסטואלי, באמצעות נקודתיים (:) לפני הקצה .
- תוכל להוסיף משוב שיוצג לאחר השלמת משימה. השתמש ב-'\\+' למשוב נכון וב-'\\-' למשוב שגוי.
"example": "ניתן לערוך תוכן H5P באמצעות *דפדפן:איזה סוג תוכנית הוא Chrome?*.
תוכן H5P הוא *אינטראקטיבי\\+נכון! \\-שגוי. נסה שוב!*"
diff --git a/language/hu.json b/language/hu.json
index c09c703..d35e086 100644
--- a/language/hu.json
+++ b/language/hu.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "Text",
"placeholder": "*Oslo* is the capital of Norway, *Stockholm* is the capital of Sweden and *Copenhagen* is the capital of Denmark. All cities are located in the *Scandinavian:Northern Part of Europe* peninsula.",
"important": {
- "description": "- Droppable words are added with an asterisk (*) in front and behind the correct word/phrase.
- You may add a textual tip, using a colon (:) in front of the tip.
- For every empty spot there is only one correct word.
- You may add feedback to be displayed when a task is completed. Use '\\+' for correct and '\\-' for incorrect feedback.
- "example": "H5P content may be edited using a *browser:What type of program is Chrome?*.
H5P content is *interactive\\+Correct! \\-Incorrect, try again!*"
+ "description": "- Droppable words are added with an asterisk (*) in front and behind the correct word/phrase.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- You may add a textual tip, using a colon (:) in front of the tip.
- You may add feedback to be displayed when a task is completed. Use '\\+' for correct and '\\-' for incorrect feedback.
+ "example": "H5P content may be edited using a *browser:What type of program is Chrome?*.
H5P content is *interactive/awesome\\+Correct! \\-Incorrect, try again!*"
diff --git a/language/it.json b/language/it.json
index 3ae908e..b036f17 100644
--- a/language/it.json
+++ b/language/it.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "Testo",
"placeholder": "*Oslo* è la capitale della Norvegia, *Stoccolma* è la capitale della Svezia e *Copenaghen* è la capitale della Danimarca. Tutte queste città si trovano nella penisola della *Scandinavia:Parte a nord dell'Europa*",
"important": {
- "description": "- Per rendere una parola - o una frase - rilasciabile le si deve aggiungere un asterisco (*) all'inizio e uno alla fine.
- Puoi aggiungere un suggerimento usando i due punti (:) prima del suggerimento stesso.
- Per ogni spazio vuoto c'è un'unica parola corretta.
- Puoi anche aggiungere un feedback da mostrare quando l'attività è completata; usa '\\+' per giusto e '\\-' per sbagliato
- "example": "I contenuti H5P possono essere modificati usando un *browser:Che tipo di software è Chrome?*.
Il contenuto H5P è *interattivo\\+Giusto! \\-Sbagliato. Riprova!*"
+ "description": "- Per rendere una parola - o una frase - rilasciabile le si deve aggiungere un asterisco (*) all'inizio e uno alla fine.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- Puoi aggiungere un suggerimento usando i due punti (:) prima del suggerimento stesso.
- Puoi anche aggiungere un feedback da mostrare quando l'attività è completata; usa '\\+' per giusto e '\\-' per sbagliato
+ "example": "I contenuti H5P possono essere modificati usando un *browser:Che tipo di software è Chrome?*.
Il contenuto H5P è *interattivo/awesome\\+Giusto! \\-Sbagliato. Riprova!*"
diff --git a/language/ja.json b/language/ja.json
index 39bae7c..037f383 100644
--- a/language/ja.json
+++ b/language/ja.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "テキスト",
"placeholder": "*オスロ*はノルウェーの首都です。*ストックホルム*はスウェーデンの首都で、*コペンハーゲン*はデンマークの首都です。すべての都市は*スカンジナビア:ヨーロッパの北部*半島に位置しています。",
"important": {
- "description": "- ドロップできる語句は、アスタリスク (*) を適切な語句の前後に付けて追加します。
- コロン (:) をヒントの前に付けて、テキストのヒントを追加できます。
- 各空欄には、一つだけ適切な語句を置けます。
- タスクが完了したときに表示されるフィードバックを追加できます。正解のフィードバックには '\\+'、不正解のフィードバックには '\\-'を使います。
- "example": "H5P content may be edited using a *browser:What type of program is Chrome?*.
H5P content is *interactive\\+Correct! \\-Incorrect, try again!*"
+ "description": "- ドロップできる語句は、アスタリスク (*) を適切な語句の前後に付けて追加します。
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- コロン (:) をヒントの前に付けて、テキストのヒントを追加できます。
- タスクが完了したときに表示されるフィードバックを追加できます。正解のフィードバックには '\\+'、不正解のフィードバックには '\\-'を使います。
+ "example": "H5P content may be edited using a *browser:What type of program is Chrome?*.
H5P content is *interactive/awesome\\+Correct! \\-Incorrect, try again!*"
diff --git a/language/ka.json b/language/ka.json
index 707e69b..c37f13a 100644
--- a/language/ka.json
+++ b/language/ka.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "ტექსტი",
"placeholder": "*ოსლო* არის ნორვეგიის დედაქალაქი, *სტოკჰოლმი* არის შვედეთის დედაქალაქი და *კოპენჰაგენი* არის დანიის დედაქალაქი. ყველა ქალაქი მდებარეობს *სკანდინავიაში:ევროპის ჩრდილოეთ ნაწილში* ნახევარკუნძულზე.",
"important": {
- "description": "- ჩასაშლელი სიტყვები ემატება ვარსკვლავით (*) სწორი სიტყვის/ფრაზის წინ და უკან. .
- შეგიძლიათ დაამატოთ ტექსტური მინიშნება, (:)-ის დამატებით მინიშნების წინ
- ყველა ცარიელი ადგილისთვის არის მხოლოდ ერთი სწორი სიტყვა.
- შეგიძლიათ დაამატოთ გამოხმაურება, რომელიც გამოჩნდება დავალების დასრულებისას. გამოიყენეთ '\\+' სწორი გამოხმაურებისთვის და '\\-' არასწორი გამოხმაურებისთვის.
- "example": "H5P კონტენტის რედაქტირება შესაძლებელია *ბრაუზერის: რა ტიპის პროგრამაა Chrome?*.
H5P კონტენტი *ინტერაქტიული\\+სწორია! \\-არასწორია, სცადეთ ხელახლა!*"
+ "description": "- ჩასაშლელი სიტყვები ემატება ვარსკვლავით (*) სწორი სიტყვის/ფრაზის წინ და უკან. .
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- შეგიძლიათ დაამატოთ ტექსტური მინიშნება, (:)-ის დამატებით მინიშნების წინ
- შეგიძლიათ დაამატოთ გამოხმაურება, რომელიც გამოჩნდება დავალების დასრულებისას. გამოიყენეთ '\\+' სწორი გამოხმაურებისთვის და '\\-' არასწორი გამოხმაურებისთვის.
+ "example": "H5P კონტენტის რედაქტირება შესაძლებელია *ბრაუზერის: რა ტიპის პროგრამაა Chrome?*.
H5P კონტენტი *ინტერაქტიული/awesome\\+სწორია! \\-არასწორია, სცადეთ ხელახლა!*"
diff --git a/language/km.json b/language/km.json
index a5be956..add4600 100644
--- a/language/km.json
+++ b/language/km.json
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
"label": "អត្ថបទ",
"placeholder": "*ភ្នំពេញ*ជារាជធានីនៃប្រទេសកម្ពុជា, *បាងកក* ជារាជធានីនៃប្រទេសថៃ ហើយ *ហាណូយ* ជារាជធានីនៃប្រទេសវៀតណាម។ រាជធានីទាំងនេះស្ថិតក្នុង*តំបន់អាស៊ីអាគ្នេហ៍:ទីតាំងមួយក្នុងទ្វីប* ។",
"important": {
- "description": "- ពាក្យសម្រាប់អូសត្រូវដាក់ក្នុងចន្លោះសញ្ញាផ្កាយពីរ (*)
- អ្នកក៏អាចផ្តល់ជាគន្លឹះជំនួយជាអត្ថបទ ដោយប្រើសញ្ញា (:) នៅខាងមុខគន្លឹះនោះ។
- ចន្លោះនីមួយៗមានពាក្យត្រឹមត្រូវតែមួយគត់។
- អ្នកក៏អាចផ្តល់នូវមូលវិចារណ៍ដែលនឹងត្រូវបង្ហាញនៅពេលបញ្ចប់កិច្ចការផងដែរ។ ប្រើ '\\+' សម្រាប់មូលវិចារណ៍លើចម្លើយត្រូវ និង '\\-' សម្រាប់មូលវិចារណ៍លើចម្លើយខុស។
+ "description": "- ពាក្យសម្រាប់អូសត្រូវដាក់ក្នុងចន្លោះសញ្ញាផ្កាយពីរ (*)
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- អ្នកក៏អាចផ្តល់ជាគន្លឹះជំនួយជាអត្ថបទ ដោយប្រើសញ្ញា (:) នៅខាងមុខគន្លឹះនោះ។
- អ្នកក៏អាចផ្តល់នូវមូលវិចារណ៍ដែលនឹងត្រូវបង្ហាញនៅពេលបញ្ចប់កិច្ចការផងដែរ។ ប្រើ '\\+' សម្រាប់មូលវិចារណ៍លើចម្លើយត្រូវ និង '\\-' សម្រាប់មូលវិចារណ៍លើចម្លើយខុស។
"example": "គោត្រូវបានចាត់ទុកជាប្រភេទ*ថនិកសត្វ:សត្វដែលចិញ្ចឹមកូនដោយទឹកដោះ\\+ត្រឹមត្រូវ! \\-មិនត្រឹមត្រូវទេ សូមសាកម្តងទៀត!*។"
diff --git a/language/ko.json b/language/ko.json
index 71468e3..57dd233 100644
--- a/language/ko.json
+++ b/language/ko.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "텍스트",
"placeholder": "*서울*은 대한민국의 수도이고 *파리* 는 프랑스의 수도이다. 한국이 속한 대륙은 *아시아:동아시아가 속한 대륙* 이다",
"important": {
- "description": "- 끌어놓을 수 있는 단어는 별표(*)로 알맞은 단어/구 앞, 뒤에 추가된다.
- 콜론(:)을 사용하여 팁을 줄 수 있다. 이 때 콜론은 팁 앞에 쓰면 된다.
- 빈자리마다 맞는 단어가 딱 하나 있다.
- 과제가 완료될 때 표시할 피드백을 추가할 수 있다. '\\+'를 올바른 답을 위해, '\\-' 를 오답 피드백을 위해 사용하세요
- "example": "H5P 콘텐츠는 *브라우저: 크롬은 어떤 종류의 프로그램인가?*
H5P 콘텐츠는 *상호작용적\\+정답입니다! \\-오답이네요, 다시해보세요!*"
+ "description": "- 끌어놓을 수 있는 단어는 별표(*)로 알맞은 단어/구 앞, 뒤에 추가된다.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- 콜론(:)을 사용하여 팁을 줄 수 있다. 이 때 콜론은 팁 앞에 쓰면 된다.
- 과제가 완료될 때 표시할 피드백을 추가할 수 있다. '\\+'를 올바른 답을 위해, '\\-' 를 오답 피드백을 위해 사용하세요
+ "example": "H5P 콘텐츠는 *브라우저: 크롬은 어떤 종류의 프로그램인가?*
H5P 콘텐츠는 *상호작용적/awesome\\+정답입니다! \\-오답이네요, 다시해보세요!*"
diff --git a/language/lt.json b/language/lt.json
index 5e169eb..01fab4a 100644
--- a/language/lt.json
+++ b/language/lt.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "Tekstas",
"placeholder": "*Oslas* yra Norvegijos sostinė, *Stokholmas* yra Švedijos sostinė ir *Kopenhaga* yra Danijos sostinė. Visi miestai randasi *Skandinavijos pusiasalyje, Šiaurinėje Europos* dalyje.",
"important": {
- "description": "- Praleisti žodžiai žymimi žvaigždute (*) priekyje ir gale teisingo žodžio/frazės.
- Jūs galite įdėti tekstinį patarimą, naudodami dvitaškį (:) priekyje patarimo.
- Kiekvienai tuščiai vietai yra tik vienas teisingas atsakymas.
- Jūs galite pridėti atsiliepimą, kada užduotis bus užbaigta. Naudokite '\\+' teigiamam ir '\\-' neigiamam atsiliepimui.
- "example": "H5P content may be edited using a *browser:What type of program is Chrome?*.
H5P content is *interactive\\+Correct! \\-Incorrect, try again!*"
+ "description": "- Praleisti žodžiai žymimi žvaigždute (*) priekyje ir gale teisingo žodžio/frazės.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- Jūs galite įdėti tekstinį patarimą, naudodami dvitaškį (:) priekyje patarimo.
- Jūs galite pridėti atsiliepimą, kada užduotis bus užbaigta. Naudokite '\\+' teigiamam ir '\\-' neigiamam atsiliepimui.
+ "example": "H5P content may be edited using a *browser:What type of program is Chrome?*.
H5P content is *interactive/awesome\\+Correct! \\-Incorrect, try again!*"
diff --git a/language/lv.json b/language/lv.json
index a4f8b91..7f0d1e2 100644
--- a/language/lv.json
+++ b/language/lv.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "Teksts",
"placeholder": "*Oslo* ir Norvēģijas galvaspilsēta, *Stokholma* ir Zviedrijas galvaspilsēta un *Kopenhāgena* ir Dānijas galvaspilsēta. Visas pilsētas atrodas *Skandināvijas:Eiropas ziemeļdaļas* pussalā.",
"important": {
- "description": "- Velkamie vārdi tiek pievienoti ar zvaigznīti (*) pareizā vārda/frāzes priekšā un aiz tā.
- Variet pievienot teksta padomu, padoma priekšā pievienojot kolu (:). .
- Katram tukšajam laukumam ir tikai viens pareizs vārds.
- Variett pievienot atgriezenisko saiti, kas tiks parādīta, kad uzdevums ir pabeigts. Izmantojiet '\\+' atgriezeniskajai saitei par pareizu atbildi un '\\-' atgriezeniskajai saitei par nepareizu atbildi.
- "example": "H5P saturu var rediģēt, izmantojot *pārlūkprogrammu:Kāda veida programma ir Chrome?*.
H5P saturs ir *interaktīvs\\+Pareizi! \\-Nepareizi, mēģiniet vēlreiz!*"
+ "description": "- Velkamie vārdi tiek pievienoti ar zvaigznīti (*) pareizā vārda/frāzes priekšā un aiz tā.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- Variet pievienot teksta padomu, padoma priekšā pievienojot kolu (:). .
- Variett pievienot atgriezenisko saiti, kas tiks parādīta, kad uzdevums ir pabeigts. Izmantojiet '\\+' atgriezeniskajai saitei par pareizu atbildi un '\\-' atgriezeniskajai saitei par nepareizu atbildi.
+ "example": "H5P saturu var rediģēt, izmantojot *pārlūkprogrammu:Kāda veida programma ir Chrome?*.
H5P saturs ir *interaktīvs/awesome\\+Pareizi! \\-Nepareizi, mēģiniet vēlreiz!*"
diff --git a/language/mn.json b/language/mn.json
index 19380b1..e99ade0 100644
--- a/language/mn.json
+++ b/language/mn.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "Текст",
"placeholder": "*Осло* нь Норвегийн нийслэл, *Стокгольм* нь Шведийн нийслэл, *Копенгаген* нь Данийн нийслэл юм. Бүх хотууд *Скандинав:Европын хойд хэсэг* хойгт байрладаг.",
"important": {
- "description": "- Унадаг үгсийг зөв үг/өгүүлбэрийн урд болон ард одоор (*) тэмдэгээр нэмдэг.
- Та текстийн үзүүрийг өмнө нь хоёр цэг (:) ашиглан нэмж болно. зөвлөгөө.
- Хоосон цэг бүрт зөвхөн нэг зөв үг байна.
- Та ажил дууссаны дараа харуулах санал хүсэлтийг нэмж болно. Зөв бол '\\+', буруу санал хүсэлт байвал '\\-'-г ашиглана уу.
- "example": "H5P контентыг *хөтөч: Chrome нь ямар төрлийн програм вэ?* ашиглан засварлаж болно.
H5P контент *интерактив\\+Зөв! \\-Буруу, дахин оролдоно уу!*"
+ "description": "- Унадаг үгсийг зөв үг/өгүүлбэрийн урд болон ард одоор (*) тэмдэгээр нэмдэг.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- Та текстийн үзүүрийг өмнө нь хоёр цэг (:) ашиглан нэмж болно. зөвлөгөө.
- Та ажил дууссаны дараа харуулах санал хүсэлтийг нэмж болно. Зөв бол '\\+', буруу санал хүсэлт байвал '\\-'-г ашиглана уу.
+ "example": "H5P контентыг *хөтөч: Chrome нь ямар төрлийн програм вэ?* ашиглан засварлаж болно.
H5P контент *интерактив/awesome\\+Зөв! \\-Буруу, дахин оролдоно уу!*"
diff --git a/language/nb.json b/language/nb.json
index 25b4cb6..6c08409 100644
--- a/language/nb.json
+++ b/language/nb.json
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
"label": "Tekst",
"placeholder": "*Oslo* er hovedstaden i Norge, *Stockholm* er hovedstaden i Sverige og *København* er hovedstaden i Danmark. Alle byene er lokalisert i *Skandinavia:den nordlige delen av Europa*.",
"important": {
- "description": "- Flyttbare ord eller uttrykk markeres med en asterisk (*) foran og etter ordet/uttrykket.
- Du kan også legge til et hint ved å bruke kolon (:). Eksempel: *Skandinavia:den nordlige delen av Europa*
- Det fins bare ett rett svar for hver tekstboks.
- Det er mulig å legge til ei tilbakemelding som vises når oppgaven er fullført. Bruk '\\+' for positiv og '\\-' for negativ tilbakemelding.
+ "description": "- Flyttbare ord eller uttrykk markeres med en asterisk (*) foran og etter ordet/uttrykket.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- Du kan også legge til et hint ved å bruke kolon (:). Eksempel: *Skandinavia:den nordlige delen av Europa*
- Det er mulig å legge til ei tilbakemelding som vises når oppgaven er fullført. Bruk '\\+' for positiv og '\\-' for negativ tilbakemelding.
"example": "H5P-innhold kan redigeres med en *nettleser:Hva slags program er Chrome?*.
H5P-innhold er *interaktivt\\+Riktig!\\-Feil, prøv igjen*"
diff --git a/language/nl.json b/language/nl.json
index a522843..e12c4ea 100644
--- a/language/nl.json
+++ b/language/nl.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "Tekst",
"placeholder": "*Amsterdam* is de hoofdstad van Nederland, *Brussel* is de hoofdstad van België en *Luxemburg* is de hoofdstad van Luxemburg. Alle steden liggen in de *Benelux:afkorting*.",
"important": {
- "description": "- Sleepbare woorden worden tussen asterisken (*) geplaatst.
- Je kunt een tip toevoegen door een (:) voor de tiptekst te plaatsen.
- Voor elk leeg veld is er slechts één juist woord van toepassing.
- Je kunt feedback tonen als een opgave is afgerond. Gebruik '\\+' voor juiste en '\\-' voor onjuiste antwoorden.
- "example": "H5P-inhoud kan bewerkt worden via een *browser:Welk soort programma is Chrome?*.
H5P inhoud is *interactief\\+Juist! \\-Onjuist, probeer opnieuw!*"
+ "description": "- Sleepbare woorden worden tussen asterisken (*) geplaatst.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- Je kunt een tip toevoegen door een (:) voor de tiptekst te plaatsen.
- Je kunt feedback tonen als een opgave is afgerond. Gebruik '\\+' voor juiste en '\\-' voor onjuiste antwoorden.
+ "example": "H5P-inhoud kan bewerkt worden via een *browser:Welk soort programma is Chrome?*.
H5P inhoud is *interactief/awesome\\+Juist! \\-Onjuist, probeer opnieuw!*"
diff --git a/language/nn.json b/language/nn.json
index 4d44c9f..0c653c1 100644
--- a/language/nn.json
+++ b/language/nn.json
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
"label": "Tekst",
"placeholder": "*Oslo* er hovudstaden i Noreg, *Stockholm* er hovudstaden i Sverige og *København* er hovudstaden i Danmark. Alle byane er lokaliserte i *Skandinavia:den nordlege delen av Europa*.",
"important": {
- "description": "- Flyttbare ord eller utttrykk markerer du med ein asterisk (*) føre og etter ordet/uttrykket.
- Du kan også legge til eit hint ved å bruke kolon (:). Døme: *Skandinavia:den nordlege delen av Europa*.
- Det finst berre eitt rett svar for kvar tekstboks.
- Du kan legg til ei tilbakemelding som blir vist når oppgåva er fullført. Bruk'\\+' for positiv og '\\-' for negativ tilbakemelding.
+ "description": "- Flyttbare ord eller utttrykk markerer du med ein asterisk (*) føre og etter ordet/uttrykket.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- Du kan også legge til eit hint ved å bruke kolon (:). Døme: *Skandinavia:den nordlege delen av Europa*.
- Du kan legg til ei tilbakemelding som blir vist når oppgåva er fullført. Bruk'\\+' for positiv og '\\-' for negativ tilbakemelding.
"example": "H5P-innhald kan redigerast med ein *nettlesar:Kva slags program er Chrome?*.
H5P-innhald er *interaktivt\\+Rett!\\-Feil, prøv igjen*"
diff --git a/language/pl.json b/language/pl.json
index d297cc4..e1ee611 100644
--- a/language/pl.json
+++ b/language/pl.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "Treść",
"placeholder": "*Oslo* jest stolicą Norwegii, *Sztokholm* jest stolicą Szwecji, a *Kopenhaga* jest stolicą Danii. Wszystkie te miasta leżą w *Skandynawii:Północnej Europie*.",
"important": {
- "description": "- Słowa, które należy przenieść, powinny być oznakowane gwiazdką (*) z obu stron i muszą pasować gramatycznie do zdania.
- Możesz też dodać podpowiedź po dwukropku (:).
- Do każdego pustego miejsca pasuje tylko jeden element przeciągalny.
- Możesz dodać komentarz, który wyświetli się po ukończeniu zadania. Wpisz go po '\\+' (komentarz do odpowiedzi poprawnej) lub po '\\-' (komentarz do odpowiedzi błędnej).
- "example": "Zasoby H5P można tworzyć w *przeglądarce:Na przykład Google Chrome.*.
Zasoby H5P są *interaktywne\\+Dobrze! \\-Ależ nie, popraw odpowiedź!*"
+ "description": "- Słowa, które należy przenieść, powinny być oznakowane gwiazdką (*) z obu stron i muszą pasować gramatycznie do zdania.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- Możesz też dodać podpowiedź po dwukropku (:).
- Możesz dodać komentarz, który wyświetli się po ukończeniu zadania. Wpisz go po '\\+' (komentarz do odpowiedzi poprawnej) lub po '\\-' (komentarz do odpowiedzi błędnej).
+ "example": "Zasoby H5P można tworzyć w *przeglądarce:Na przykład Google Chrome.*.
Zasoby H5P są *interaktywne/awesome\\+Dobrze! \\-Ależ nie, popraw odpowiedź!*"
diff --git a/language/pt-br.json b/language/pt-br.json
index d23dbe8..77d94a4 100644
--- a/language/pt-br.json
+++ b/language/pt-br.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "Texto",
"placeholder": "*Oslo* é a capital da Noruega, *Estocolmo* é a capital da Suécia e *Copenhague* é a capital da Dinamarca. Todas estas cidades estão localizadas na península *Escandinava:Parte norte da Europa*.",
"important": {
- "description": "- Palavras arrastáveis são adicionadas com um asterisco(*) na antes e um depois da palavra/frase correta.
- Você pode adicionar uma dica textual usando dois pontos (:) antes da dica.
- Para cada espaço vazio há apenas uma palavra correta.
- Você pode dar feedback para ser exibido quando uma tarefa for completada. Use '\\+' para feedback correto e '\\-' para feedback incorreto.
- "example": "Conteúdo H5P pode ser editado usando um *navegador:QUe tipo de programa é o Chrome?*.
Conteúdo H5P é *interativo\\+Correto! \\-Incorreto, tente novamente!*"
+ "description": "- Palavras arrastáveis são adicionadas com um asterisco(*) na antes e um depois da palavra/frase correta.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- Você pode adicionar uma dica textual usando dois pontos (:) antes da dica.
- Você pode dar feedback para ser exibido quando uma tarefa for completada. Use '\\+' para feedback correto e '\\-' para feedback incorreto.
+ "example": "Conteúdo H5P pode ser editado usando um *navegador:QUe tipo de programa é o Chrome?*.
Conteúdo H5P é *interativo/awesome\\+Correto! \\-Incorreto, tente novamente!*"
diff --git a/language/pt.json b/language/pt.json
index 66b1b3c..fa39adf 100644
--- a/language/pt.json
+++ b/language/pt.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "Mensagem",
"placeholder": "*Oslo* é a capital da Noruega, *Estocolmo* é a capital da Suécia e *Copenhaga* é a capital da Dinamarca. Todas as cidades estão localizadas na península *Escandinava:Norte da Europa*.",
"important": {
- "description": "- Adicione as palavras a largar através de um asterisco (*) no início e no fim da palavra/frase correta.
- Adicione uma dica contextual utilizando os dois pontos (:) à frente do texto da dica.
- Para todos os espaços existe apenas uma palavra correta
- Pode adicionar feedback quando o utilizador completar a atividade. Utilize '\\+' para feedback correto e '\\-' para feedback incorreto.
- "example": "O conteúdo H5P pode ser editado utilizando um *navegador:Qual o tipo de programa é o Chrome?*.
O conteúdo H5P é *interativo\\+Correto! \\-Incorreto, tente de novo!*"
+ "description": "- Adicione as palavras a largar através de um asterisco (*) no início e no fim da palavra/frase correta.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- Adicione uma dica contextual utilizando os dois pontos (:) à frente do texto da dica.
- Pode adicionar feedback quando o utilizador completar a atividade. Utilize '\\+' para feedback correto e '\\-' para feedback incorreto.
+ "example": "O conteúdo H5P pode ser editado utilizando um *navegador:Qual o tipo de programa é o Chrome?*.
O conteúdo H5P é *interativo/awesome\\+Correto! \\-Incorreto, tente de novo!*"
diff --git a/language/ro.json b/language/ro.json
index cf2cde7..58e1844 100644
--- a/language/ro.json
+++ b/language/ro.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "Text",
"placeholder": "*Oslo* is the capital of Norway, *Stockholm* is the capital of Sweden and *Copenhagen* is the capital of Denmark. All cities are located in the *Scandinavian:Northern Part of Europe* peninsula.",
"important": {
- "description": "- Droppable words are added with an asterisk (*) in front and behind the correct word/phrase.
- You may add a textual tip, using a colon (:) in front of the tip.
- For every empty spot there is only one correct word.
- You may add feedback to be displayed when a task is completed. Use '\\+' for correct and '\\-' for incorrect feedback.
- "example": "H5P content may be edited using a *browser:What type of program is Chrome?*.
H5P content is *interactive\\+Correct! \\-Incorrect, try again!*"
+ "description": "- Droppable words are added with an asterisk (*) in front and behind the correct word/phrase.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- You may add a textual tip, using a colon (:) in front of the tip.
- You may add feedback to be displayed when a task is completed. Use '\\+' for correct and '\\-' for incorrect feedback.
+ "example": "H5P content may be edited using a *browser:What type of program is Chrome?*.
H5P content is *interactive/awesome\\+Correct! \\-Incorrect, try again!*"
diff --git a/language/ru.json b/language/ru.json
index d883fd7..f56beaf 100644
--- a/language/ru.json
+++ b/language/ru.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "Текст",
"placeholder": "*Осло* столица Норвегии, *Стокгольм* столица Швеции и *Копенгаген* столица Дании. Все города расположены в *Скандинавии:Северной части Европы*.",
"important": {
- "description": "- Пропущенные слова добавляются со звездочкой (*) спереди и сзади правильного слова/фразы.
- Вы можете добавить текстовую подсказку, используя двоеточие (:) перед подсказкой.
- Для каждого пустого места есть только одно правильное слово.
- Вы можете добавить отзыв, который будет отображаться после завершения задачи. Используйте '\\+' для правильного и '\\-' для неправильного отзыва.
- "example": "H5P content may be edited using a *browser:What type of program is Chrome?*.
H5P content is *interactive\\+Верно! \\-Неверно, попробуйте еще раз!*"
+ "description": "- Пропущенные слова добавляются со звездочкой (*) спереди и сзади правильного слова/фразы.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- Вы можете добавить текстовую подсказку, используя двоеточие (:) перед подсказкой.
- Вы можете добавить отзыв, который будет отображаться после завершения задачи. Используйте '\\+' для правильного и '\\-' для неправильного отзыва.
+ "example": "H5P content may be edited using a *browser:What type of program is Chrome?*.
H5P content is *interactive/awesome\\+Верно! \\-Неверно, попробуйте еще раз!*"
diff --git a/language/sl.json b/language/sl.json
index a64f3a4..d5c65b9 100644
--- a/language/sl.json
+++ b/language/sl.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "Besedilo naloge",
"placeholder": "Oslo je glavno mesto *Norveške*. Helsinki so glavno mesto *Finske*.",
"important": {
- "description": "- Besede za premikanje se označi z zvezdico (*) pred in za pravilno besedo/besedno zvezo.
- Namig za udeležence se od odgovora loči z dvopičjem (:).
- Za vsak prazen okvir je na razpolago le ena pravilna beseda.
- Možno je dodati tudi povratno informacijo, ki se pokaže po zaključku naloge. Dodan zapis '\\+' pomeni pravilen, '\\-' pa nepravilen odgovor.
- "example": "Za brskanje po spletu lahko uporabimo *spletni brskalnik:Takšen program je na primer Chrome*. Vsebina H5P je *interaktivna\\+Pravilno!\\-Nepravilno. Poskusi ponovno.*"
+ "description": "- Besede za premikanje se označi z zvezdico (*) pred in za pravilno besedo/besedno zvezo.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- Namig za udeležence se od odgovora loči z dvopičjem (:).
- Možno je dodati tudi povratno informacijo, ki se pokaže po zaključku naloge. Dodan zapis '\\+' pomeni pravilen, '\\-' pa nepravilen odgovor.
+ "example": "Za brskanje po spletu lahko uporabimo *spletni brskalnik:Takšen program je na primer Chrome*. Vsebina H5P je *interaktivna/awesome\\+Pravilno!\\-Nepravilno. Poskusi ponovno.*"
diff --git a/language/sma.json b/language/sma.json
index cf2cde7..58e1844 100644
--- a/language/sma.json
+++ b/language/sma.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "Text",
"placeholder": "*Oslo* is the capital of Norway, *Stockholm* is the capital of Sweden and *Copenhagen* is the capital of Denmark. All cities are located in the *Scandinavian:Northern Part of Europe* peninsula.",
"important": {
- "description": "- Droppable words are added with an asterisk (*) in front and behind the correct word/phrase.
- You may add a textual tip, using a colon (:) in front of the tip.
- For every empty spot there is only one correct word.
- You may add feedback to be displayed when a task is completed. Use '\\+' for correct and '\\-' for incorrect feedback.
- "example": "H5P content may be edited using a *browser:What type of program is Chrome?*.
H5P content is *interactive\\+Correct! \\-Incorrect, try again!*"
+ "description": "- Droppable words are added with an asterisk (*) in front and behind the correct word/phrase.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- You may add a textual tip, using a colon (:) in front of the tip.
- You may add feedback to be displayed when a task is completed. Use '\\+' for correct and '\\-' for incorrect feedback.
+ "example": "H5P content may be edited using a *browser:What type of program is Chrome?*.
H5P content is *interactive/awesome\\+Correct! \\-Incorrect, try again!*"
diff --git a/language/sme.json b/language/sme.json
index cf2cde7..58e1844 100644
--- a/language/sme.json
+++ b/language/sme.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "Text",
"placeholder": "*Oslo* is the capital of Norway, *Stockholm* is the capital of Sweden and *Copenhagen* is the capital of Denmark. All cities are located in the *Scandinavian:Northern Part of Europe* peninsula.",
"important": {
- "description": "- Droppable words are added with an asterisk (*) in front and behind the correct word/phrase.
- You may add a textual tip, using a colon (:) in front of the tip.
- For every empty spot there is only one correct word.
- You may add feedback to be displayed when a task is completed. Use '\\+' for correct and '\\-' for incorrect feedback.
- "example": "H5P content may be edited using a *browser:What type of program is Chrome?*.
H5P content is *interactive\\+Correct! \\-Incorrect, try again!*"
+ "description": "- Droppable words are added with an asterisk (*) in front and behind the correct word/phrase.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- You may add a textual tip, using a colon (:) in front of the tip.
- You may add feedback to be displayed when a task is completed. Use '\\+' for correct and '\\-' for incorrect feedback.
+ "example": "H5P content may be edited using a *browser:What type of program is Chrome?*.
H5P content is *interactive/awesome\\+Correct! \\-Incorrect, try again!*"
diff --git a/language/smj.json b/language/smj.json
index cf2cde7..58e1844 100644
--- a/language/smj.json
+++ b/language/smj.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "Text",
"placeholder": "*Oslo* is the capital of Norway, *Stockholm* is the capital of Sweden and *Copenhagen* is the capital of Denmark. All cities are located in the *Scandinavian:Northern Part of Europe* peninsula.",
"important": {
- "description": "- Droppable words are added with an asterisk (*) in front and behind the correct word/phrase.
- You may add a textual tip, using a colon (:) in front of the tip.
- For every empty spot there is only one correct word.
- You may add feedback to be displayed when a task is completed. Use '\\+' for correct and '\\-' for incorrect feedback.
- "example": "H5P content may be edited using a *browser:What type of program is Chrome?*.
H5P content is *interactive\\+Correct! \\-Incorrect, try again!*"
+ "description": "- Droppable words are added with an asterisk (*) in front and behind the correct word/phrase.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- You may add a textual tip, using a colon (:) in front of the tip.
- You may add feedback to be displayed when a task is completed. Use '\\+' for correct and '\\-' for incorrect feedback.
+ "example": "H5P content may be edited using a *browser:What type of program is Chrome?*.
H5P content is *interactive/awesome\\+Correct! \\-Incorrect, try again!*"
diff --git a/language/sr.json b/language/sr.json
index 7624d0e..7083ea6 100644
--- a/language/sr.json
+++ b/language/sr.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "Текст",
"placeholder": "*Oslo* is the capital of Norway, *Stockholm* is the capital of Sweden and *Copenhagen* is the capital of Denmark. All cities are located in the *Scandinavian:Northern Part of Europe* peninsula.",
"important": {
- "description": "- Речи које се преносе додају се у звездици (*) испред и иза тачне речи/фразе.
- Можете додати текстуални савет користећу двотачку (:) испред.
- За свако празно место постоји само једна тачна реч.
- Можете додати повратне информације које ће се приказивати када је задатак завршен. Користите '\\+' за тачну и '\\-' за нетачну повратну информацију.
- "example": "H5P content may be edited using a *browser:What type of program is Chrome?*.
H5P content is *interactive\\+Correct! \\-Incorrect, try again!*"
+ "description": "- Речи које се преносе додају се у звездици (*) испред и иза тачне речи/фразе.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- Можете додати текстуални савет користећу двотачку (:) испред.
- Можете додати повратне информације које ће се приказивати када је задатак завршен. Користите '\\+' за тачну и '\\-' за нетачну повратну информацију.
+ "example": "H5P content may be edited using a *browser:What type of program is Chrome?*.
H5P content is *interactive/awesome\\+Correct! \\-Incorrect, try again!*"
diff --git a/language/sv.json b/language/sv.json
index 3aca074..20f75cb 100644
--- a/language/sv.json
+++ b/language/sv.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "Text",
"placeholder": "*Oslo* är Norges huvudstad, *Stockholm* är Sveriges huvudstad och *Köpenhamn* är Danmarks huvudstad. Alla dessa städer ligger i *Skandinavien:Norra delen av Europa*.",
"important": {
- "description": "- Ord som kan dras-och-släppas ska markeras med en asterisk (*) framför och efter det rätta ordet, eller den rätta frasen.
- Du kan lägga till en ledtråd, genom att använda kolon (:) framför ledtråden.
- För varje tom box så finns det endast ett rätt ord.
- Du kan lägga till feedback som visas när uppgiften är genomförd. Använd '\\+' för feedback på rätta svar och '\\-' för feedback på felaktiga svar.
- "example": "H5P-innehåll kan redigeras med en *webbläsare:Vad är Chrome för typ av programvara?*.
H5P-innehåll är *interaktivt\\+Rätt! \\-Inte rätt, försök igen!*"
+ "description": "- Ord som kan dras-och-släppas ska markeras med en asterisk (*) framför och efter det rätta ordet, eller den rätta frasen.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- Du kan lägga till en ledtråd, genom att använda kolon (:) framför ledtråden.
- Du kan lägga till feedback som visas när uppgiften är genomförd. Använd '\\+' för feedback på rätta svar och '\\-' för feedback på felaktiga svar.
+ "example": "H5P-innehåll kan redigeras med en *webbläsare:Vad är Chrome för typ av programvara?*.
H5P-innehåll är *interaktivt/awesome\\+Rätt! \\-Inte rätt, försök igen!*"
diff --git a/language/sw.json b/language/sw.json
index ebba61e..a467c77 100644
--- a/language/sw.json
+++ b/language/sw.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "Maandishi",
"placeholder": "*Oslo* ni mji mkuu wa Norway, *Stockholm* ni mji mkuu wa Uswidi na *Copenhagen* ni mji mkuu wa Denmark. Miji yote iko katika peninsula ya *Skandinavia: Kaskazini mwa Ulaya*.",
"important": {
- "description": "- Maneno yanayoweza kudondoshwa huongezwa kwa kinyota (*) mbele na nyuma ya neno/maneno sahihi.
- Unaweza kuongeza kidokezo cha maandishi, kwa kutumia koloni (:) mbele ya kidokezo.
- Kwa kila sehemu tupu kuna neno moja tu sahihi.
- Unaweza kuongeza maoni yatakayoonyeshwa kazi inapokamilika. Tumia '\\+' kwa maoni sahihi na '\\-' kwa maoni yasiyo sahihi.
- "example": "Maudhui ya H5P yanaweza kuhaririwa kwa kutumia *kivinjari: Chrome ni aina gani ya programu?*.
Maudhui ya H5P *yanaingiliana\\+Sahihi! \\-Siyo sahihi, jaribu tena!*"
+ "description": "- Maneno yanayoweza kudondoshwa huongezwa kwa kinyota (*) mbele na nyuma ya neno/maneno sahihi.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- Unaweza kuongeza kidokezo cha maandishi, kwa kutumia koloni (:) mbele ya kidokezo.
- Unaweza kuongeza maoni yatakayoonyeshwa kazi inapokamilika. Tumia '\\+' kwa maoni sahihi na '\\-' kwa maoni yasiyo sahihi.
+ "example": "Maudhui ya H5P yanaweza kuhaririwa kwa kutumia *kivinjari: Chrome ni aina gani ya programu?*.
Maudhui ya H5P *yanaingiliana/awesome\\+Sahihi! \\-Siyo sahihi, jaribu tena!*"
diff --git a/language/te.json b/language/te.json
index ef1dbdb..f310147 100644
--- a/language/te.json
+++ b/language/te.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "టెక్స్ట్",
"placeholder": "*ఓస్లో* నార్వే రాజధాని, *స్టాక్హోమ్* స్వీడన్ రాజధాని మరియు *కోపెన్హాగన్* డెన్మార్క్ రాజధాని. అన్ని నగరాలు *స్కాండినేవియన్:యూరప్ యొక్క ఉత్తర భాగం* ద్వీపకల్పంలో ఉన్నాయి.",
"important": {
- "description": "- డ్రాపబుల్ పదాలు సరైన పదం/పదబంధం ముందు మరియు వెనుక నక్షత్రం (*)తో జోడించబడతాయి.
- మీరు చిట్కాకు ముందు కోలన్ (:)ని ఉపయోగించి వచన చిట్కాను జోడించవచ్చు. .
- ప్రతి ఖాళీ ప్రదేశానికి ఒక సరైన పదం మాత్రమే ఉంటుంది.
- ఒకటి పూర్తయినప్పుడు ప్రదర్శించడానికి మీరు అభిప్రాయాన్ని జోడించవచ్చు. సరైన జవాబుకై '\\+'మరియు తప్పు ఫీడ్ బాక్ కై '\\-'ఉపయోగించండి.
- "example": "H5P కంటెంట్ను *బ్రౌజర్ని ఉపయోగించి సవరించవచ్చు: Chrome ఏ రకమైన ప్రోగ్రామ్?*.
H5P కంటెంట్ *ఇంటరాక్టివ్\\+సరైనది! \\-తప్పు, మళ్లీ ప్రయత్నించండి!*"
+ "description": "- డ్రాపబుల్ పదాలు సరైన పదం/పదబంధం ముందు మరియు వెనుక నక్షత్రం (*)తో జోడించబడతాయి.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- మీరు చిట్కాకు ముందు కోలన్ (:)ని ఉపయోగించి వచన చిట్కాను జోడించవచ్చు. .
- ఒకటి పూర్తయినప్పుడు ప్రదర్శించడానికి మీరు అభిప్రాయాన్ని జోడించవచ్చు. సరైన జవాబుకై '\\+'మరియు తప్పు ఫీడ్ బాక్ కై '\\-'ఉపయోగించండి.
+ "example": "H5P కంటెంట్ను *బ్రౌజర్ని ఉపయోగించి సవరించవచ్చు: Chrome ఏ రకమైన ప్రోగ్రామ్?*.
H5P కంటెంట్ *ఇంటరాక్టివ్/awesome\\+సరైనది! \\-తప్పు, మళ్లీ ప్రయత్నించండి!*"
diff --git a/language/th.json b/language/th.json
index 7a82d13..6953e0b 100644
--- a/language/th.json
+++ b/language/th.json
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
"label": "ข้อความ",
"placeholder": "*ออสโล* เป็นเมืองหลวงของประเทศนอร์เวย์, *สต็อกโฮล์ม* เป็นเมืองหลวงของประเทศสวีเดนและ *โคเปนเฮเกิน* เป็นเมืองหลวงของประเทศเดนมาร์ก ทั้งสามเมืองตั้งอยู่ในคาบสมุทรสกาฟเมืองในภูมิภาค *สแกนดิเนเวีย:ส่วนเหนือของยุโรป*",
"important": {
- "description": "- คำที่สามารถวางได้จะมีเครื่องหมายดอกจัน (*) อยู่ด้านหน้าและด้านหลังของคำวลีที่ถูกต้อง
- คุณสามารถเพิ่มเคล็ดลับในรูปข้อความโดยใช้เครื่องหมายคอลอน (:) ด้านหน้าข้อความ
- สำหรับทุกช่องว่างจะมีคำตอบที่ถูกต้องเพียงคำเดียว
- คุณสามารถเพิ่มข้อความตอบกลับที่จะแสดงเมื่อภารกิจเสร็จสิ้น ใช้ '\\+' สำหรับข้อความที่ถูกต้องและ '\\-'สำหรับข้อความที่ไม่ถูกต้อง
+ "description": "- คำที่สามารถวางได้จะมีเครื่องหมายดอกจัน (*) อยู่ด้านหน้าและด้านหลังของคำวลีที่ถูกต้อง
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- คุณสามารถเพิ่มเคล็ดลับในรูปข้อความโดยใช้เครื่องหมายคอลอน (:) ด้านหน้าข้อความ
- คุณสามารถเพิ่มข้อความตอบกลับที่จะแสดงเมื่อภารกิจเสร็จสิ้น ใช้ '\\+' สำหรับข้อความที่ถูกต้องและ '\\-'สำหรับข้อความที่ไม่ถูกต้อง
"example": "เนื้อหา H5P สามารถแก้ไขได้โดยใช้ *เบราว์เซอร์:โปรแกรมประเภทใดคือ Chrome?*
เนื้อหา H5P เป็น *แบบโต้ตอบ\\+ถูกต้องแล้ว! \\-ไม่ถูกต้อง ลองอีกครั้ง!*"
diff --git a/language/tr.json b/language/tr.json
index 771e575..556dae6 100644
--- a/language/tr.json
+++ b/language/tr.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "Metin",
"placeholder": "*Ankara* Türkiye'nin başkentidir. *İstanbul* Marmara Bölgesi'nin, *Diyarbakır* Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi'nin illeridir. Tüm şehirler *Anadolu:Türkiye'nin İstanbul Boğazı'yla Avrupa'dan ayrılan asya kıtasındaki topraklarıdır* yarımadasında bulunur.",
"important": {
- "description": "- Sürüklenebilir kelimeler, doğru kelime/ifadenin önüne ve arkasına yıldız işareti (*) konularak eklenir.
- Önüne iki nokta üst üste (:) koyarak, doğru ifadeden sonra bir ipucu ekleyebilirsiniz.
- Her boşluk için sadece bir doğru kelime vardır.
- Bir görev tamamlandığında görüntülenecek geri bildirim ekleyebilirsiniz. Doğru geri bildirim için '\\+' ve yanlış geri bildirim için '\\-' kullanın.
- "example": "*Ankara:Türkiye'nin başkenti* İç Anadolu Bölgesi illerinden biridir.
*Kare\\+Doğru! \\-Yanlış, lütfen tekrar dene!* dört kenarı eş uzunlukta olan bir geometrik şekildir."
+ "description": "- Sürüklenebilir kelimeler, doğru kelime/ifadenin önüne ve arkasına yıldız işareti (*) konularak eklenir.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- Önüne iki nokta üst üste (:) koyarak, doğru ifadeden sonra bir ipucu ekleyebilirsiniz.
- Bir görev tamamlandığında görüntülenecek geri bildirim ekleyebilirsiniz. Doğru geri bildirim için '\\+' ve yanlış geri bildirim için '\\-' kullanın.
+ "example": "*Ankara:Türkiye'nin başkenti* İç Anadolu Bölgesi illerinden biridir.
*Kare/awesome\\+Doğru! \\-Yanlış, lütfen tekrar dene!* dört kenarı eş uzunlukta olan bir geometrik şekildir."
diff --git a/language/uk.json b/language/uk.json
index 192f2a7..629dc09 100644
--- a/language/uk.json
+++ b/language/uk.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "Текст",
"placeholder": "*Осло* столиця Норвегії, *Стокгольм* столиця Швеції та *Копенгаген* столиця Данії. Всі міста розташовані в *Скандинавії: Північній частині Європи*",
"important": {
- "description": "- Пропоновані слова додаються зі зірочкою (*) перед і позаду правильного слова/фрази.
- Ви можете додати текстову підсказку, використовуючи двоє (:) перед підсказкою.
- Для кожного пустого місця є лише одне правильне слово.
- Ви можете додати відгук, який буде відображатися після завершення завдання. Використовуйте '\\+' для правильного та '\\-' для неправильного відгука.
- "example": "Вміст H5P можна редагувати за допомогою *браузера: Який тип програми Chrome?*.
Вміст H5P *інтерактивний\\+Верно! \\-Неверно, попробуйте еще раз!*"
+ "description": "- Пропоновані слова додаються зі зірочкою (*) перед і позаду правильного слова/фрази.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- Ви можете додати текстову підсказку, використовуючи двоє (:) перед підсказкою.
- Ви можете додати відгук, який буде відображатися після завершення завдання. Використовуйте '\\+' для правильного та '\\-' для неправильного відгука.
+ "example": "Вміст H5P можна редагувати за допомогою *браузера: Який тип програми Chrome?*.
Вміст H5P *інтерактивний/awesome\\+Верно! \\-Неверно, попробуйте еще раз!*"
diff --git a/language/vi.json b/language/vi.json
index cf2cde7..58e1844 100644
--- a/language/vi.json
+++ b/language/vi.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "Text",
"placeholder": "*Oslo* is the capital of Norway, *Stockholm* is the capital of Sweden and *Copenhagen* is the capital of Denmark. All cities are located in the *Scandinavian:Northern Part of Europe* peninsula.",
"important": {
- "description": "- Droppable words are added with an asterisk (*) in front and behind the correct word/phrase.
- You may add a textual tip, using a colon (:) in front of the tip.
- For every empty spot there is only one correct word.
- You may add feedback to be displayed when a task is completed. Use '\\+' for correct and '\\-' for incorrect feedback.
- "example": "H5P content may be edited using a *browser:What type of program is Chrome?*.
H5P content is *interactive\\+Correct! \\-Incorrect, try again!*"
+ "description": "- Droppable words are added with an asterisk (*) in front and behind the correct word/phrase.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- You may add a textual tip, using a colon (:) in front of the tip.
- You may add feedback to be displayed when a task is completed. Use '\\+' for correct and '\\-' for incorrect feedback.
+ "example": "H5P content may be edited using a *browser:What type of program is Chrome?*.
H5P content is *interactive/awesome\\+Correct! \\-Incorrect, try again!*"
diff --git a/language/zh-tw.json b/language/zh-tw.json
index 0ba982c..d1b6e32 100644
--- a/language/zh-tw.json
+++ b/language/zh-tw.json
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"label": "文字",
"placeholder": "*奧斯陸* 是挪威的首都, *斯德哥爾摩* 是瑞典的首都, *哥本哈根* 是丹麥的首都.所有的城市都位於 *斯堪地那維亞:歐洲的北部* 半島.",
"important": {
- "description": "- 請在填空單字前後註記星號(*).
- 若需新增文字提示時請使用冒號(:)表示.
- 每一個作答框中只有一組正確答案.
- 您可添加任務完成時的即時回饋. 正確回饋使用 '\\+' ,錯誤回饋使用 '\\-' .
- "example": "H5P content may be edited using a *browser:What type of program is Chrome?*.
H5P content is *interactive\\+Correct! \\-Incorrect, try again!*"
+ "description": "- 請在填空單字前後註記星號(*).
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- 若需新增文字提示時請使用冒號(:)表示.
- 您可添加任務完成時的即時回饋. 正確回饋使用 '\\+' ,錯誤回饋使用 '\\-' .
+ "example": "H5P content may be edited using a *browser:What type of program is Chrome?*.
H5P content is *interactive/awesome\\+Correct! \\-Incorrect, try again!*"
diff --git a/library.json b/library.json
index 4cb9ae5..67d69ca 100644
--- a/library.json
+++ b/library.json
@@ -2,8 +2,9 @@
"title": "Drag the Words",
"description": "Drag and drop pieces of text to create complete sentences.",
"majorVersion": 1,
- "minorVersion": 10,
- "patchVersion": 9,
+ "minorVersion": 12,
+ "patchVersion": 0,
"coreApi": {
"majorVersion": 1,
"minorVersion": 19
@@ -59,4 +60,4 @@
"minorVersion": 0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json
index 9cc9fe2..85a6c14 100644
--- a/package-lock.json
+++ b/package-lock.json
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
"name": "h5p-drag-text",
- "version": "1.5.7",
+ "version": "1.11.0",
"lockfileVersion": 2,
"requires": true,
"packages": {
"": {
"name": "h5p-drag-text",
- "version": "1.5.7",
+ "version": "1.11.0",
"license": "MIT",
"devDependencies": {
"@ava/babel": "^2.0.0",
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index da8bcc6..bd4366a 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "h5p-drag-text",
- "version": "1.5.7",
+ "version": "1.11.0",
"private": true,
"description": "Drag the Words allows content designers to create textual expressions with missing pieces of text. The end user drags a missing piece of text to its correct place, to form a complete expression.",
"scripts": {
diff --git a/semantics.json b/semantics.json
index 92b7376..557875a 100644
--- a/semantics.json
+++ b/semantics.json
@@ -69,8 +69,8 @@
"placeholder": "*Oslo* is the capital of Norway, *Stockholm* is the capital of Sweden and *Copenhagen* is the capital of Denmark. All cities are located in the *Scandinavian:Northern Part of Europe* peninsula.",
"description": "",
"important": {
- "description": "- Droppable words are added with an asterisk (*) in front and behind the correct word/phrase.
- You may add a textual tip, using a colon (:) in front of the tip.
- For every empty spot there is only one correct word.
- You may add feedback to be displayed when a task is completed. Use '\\+' for correct and '\\-' for incorrect feedback.
- "example": "H5P content may be edited using a *browser:What type of program is Chrome?*. H5P content is *interactive\\+Correct! \\-Incorrect, try again!*"
+ "description": "- Droppable words are added with an asterisk (*) in front and behind the correct word/phrase.
- Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/). Use a backward slash in front to write a forward slash (\\/).
- You may add a textual tip, using a colon (:) in front of the tip.
- You may add feedback to be displayed when a task is completed. Use '\\+' for correct and '\\-' for incorrect feedback.
+ "example": "H5P content may be edited using a *browser:What type of program is Chrome?*. H5P content is *interactive/cool/great\\+Correct! \\-Incorrect, try again!*"
@@ -354,4 +354,4 @@
"importance": "low",
"common": true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/scripts/drag-text.js b/src/scripts/drag-text.js
index ea090ae..dd20ff4 100644
--- a/src/scripts/drag-text.js
+++ b/src/scripts/drag-text.js
@@ -796,7 +796,11 @@ H5P.DragText = (function ($, Question, ConfirmationDialog) {
if(self.isAnswerPart(part)) {
// is draggable/droppable
const solution = lex(part);
- self.createDraggable(solution.text);
+ Util.splitIgnoreEscaped(solution.text).forEach((answerOption) => {
+ self.createDraggable(answerOption);
+ });
self.createDroppable(solution.text, solution.tip, solution.correctFeedback, solution.incorrectFeedback);
else {
diff --git a/src/scripts/droppable.js b/src/scripts/droppable.js
index 4a2b6f3..3690c78 100644
--- a/src/scripts/droppable.js
+++ b/src/scripts/droppable.js
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+import Util from './util.js';
H5P.TextDroppable = (function ($) {
//CSS Main Containers:
//Special Sub-containers:
@@ -173,7 +175,9 @@ H5P.TextDroppable = (function ($) {
if (this.containedDraggable === null) {
return false;
- return this.containedDraggable.getAnswerText() === this.text;
+ return Util.splitIgnoreEscaped(this.text)
+ .includes(this.containedDraggable.getAnswerText());
diff --git a/src/scripts/util.js b/src/scripts/util.js
index 9946ff3..f36054c 100644
--- a/src/scripts/util.js
+++ b/src/scripts/util.js
@@ -106,11 +106,32 @@ var createElementWithTextPart = function(text) {
return el;
+ * Split a text string into an array of segments using a specified separator while allowing for escaped separators using an escape character.
+ * @param {string} text The text to be split into segments.
+ * @param {string} [separator] The separator character to split the text (default is '/').
+ * @param {string} [escapeChar] The escape character used to escape the separator (default is '\').
+ * @returns {string[]} An array of segments split from the text.
+ */
+const splitIgnoreEscaped = (text, separator = '/', escapeChar = '\\\\') => {
+ // escapeChar looks duplicated because it's used in regular expression
+ const unlikelyReplacement = `${H5P.createUUID()}-${H5P.createUUID()}`;
+ return text
+ .replace(new RegExp(`${escapeChar}${separator}`, 'g'), unlikelyReplacement)
+ .split(separator)
+ .map((splitSegment) => {
+ return splitSegment
+ .replace(new RegExp(unlikelyReplacement, 'g'), separator);
+ });
export default {
curry: curry,
cleanCharacter: cleanCharacter,
startsWith: startsWith,
endsWith: endsWith,
shuffle: shuffle,
- createElementWithTextPart: createElementWithTextPart
+ createElementWithTextPart: createElementWithTextPart,
+ splitIgnoreEscaped: splitIgnoreEscaped
diff --git a/upgrades.js b/upgrades.js
index 7a9a656..22e9ee7 100644
--- a/upgrades.js
+++ b/upgrades.js
@@ -53,6 +53,40 @@ H5PUpgrades['H5P.DragText'] = (function ($) {
extras.metadata.title = title.replace(/<[^>]*>?/g, '');
+ finished(null, parameters, extras);
+ },
+ 12: function (parameters, finished, extras) {
+ if (typeof parameters?.textField === 'string') {
+ const asteriskPositions = Array.from(parameters.textField)
+ .reduce((indexes, char, index) => {
+ return (char === '*') ?
+ [...indexes, index] :
+ indexes;
+ }, []);
+ let lookAtIndex = 0;
+ let textWithReplacement = '';
+ while (lookAtIndex < parameters.textField.length) {
+ const currentChar = parameters.textField[lookAtIndex];
+ let replacement = currentChar;
+ if (currentChar === '/') {
+ const nextAsteriskIndex = asteriskPositions
+ .findIndex((position) => position > lookAtIndex);
+ if (nextAsteriskIndex % 2 === 1) {
+ replacement = '\\/';
+ }
+ }
+ textWithReplacement = `${textWithReplacement}${replacement}`;
+ lookAtIndex++;
+ }
+ parameters.textField = textWithReplacement;
+ }
finished(null, parameters, extras);