The Users Organizations Zome manages user profiles, agent relationships, and profile status within the system. It consists of two parts:
- Integrity Zome: Defines entry and link types, validation rules
- Coordinator Zome: Implements business logic and external functions
pub struct User {
/// The full name of the user
pub name: String,
/// Display name for the user
pub nickname: String,
/// User's biographical information
pub bio: String,
/// Optional profile picture (serialized)
pub picture: Option<SerializedBytes>,
/// User type: 'advocate' or 'creator'
pub user_type: String,
/// User's skills
pub skills: Vec<String>,
/// Contact information
pub email: String,
pub phone: Option<String>,
/// Location details
pub time_zone: String,
pub location: String,
pub enum LinkTypes {
UserUpdates, // Links user profile updates
AllUsers, // Global user index
MyUser, // Agent to user profile link
UserStatus, // User to status link
UserAgents, // User to agent link
pub fn create_user(user: User) -> ExternResult<Record>
- Creates new user profile
- Verifies no existing profile for agent
- Creates necessary links:
- AllUsers link for global index
- MyUser link from agent to profile
- UserAgents link from profile to agent
- UserStatus link to initial status
- Returns created profile record
pub fn update_user(input: UpdateUserInput) -> ExternResult<Record>
- Updates existing user profile
- Verifies update permissions
- Creates update links
- Returns updated profile record
pub fn get_latest_user_record(original_action_hash: ActionHash) -> ExternResult<Option<Record>>
- Retrieves most recent profile record
- Follows update links
- Returns optional record
pub fn get_latest_user(original_action_hash: ActionHash) -> ExternResult<User>
- Retrieves most recent profile entry
- Returns user data or error
pub fn get_agent_user(author: AgentPubKey) -> ExternResult<Vec<Link>>
- Retrieves user profile links for agent
- Returns vector of MyUser links
pub fn get_user_agents(user_original_action_hash: ActionHash) -> ExternResult<Vec<AgentPubKey>>
- Retrieves agents associated with profile
- Returns vector of agent public keys
pub fn validate_user(user: User) -> ExternResult<ValidateCallbackResult>
- Validates user type ('advocate' or 'creator')
- Verifies picture format if present
- Validates email address format
pub fn validate_update_user(
_action: Update,
_user: User,
_original_action: EntryCreationAction,
_original_user: User,
) -> ExternResult<ValidateCallbackResult>
- Currently allows all valid updates
- Maintains base validation rules
pub fn validate_delete_user(
_action: Delete,
_original_action: EntryCreationAction,
_original_user: User,
) -> ExternResult<ValidateCallbackResult>
- Prevents profile deletion
- Returns Invalid result
- Profile creation limited to one per agent
- Profile updates restricted to profile owner
- Profile queries available to all users
- Profile deletion not allowed
- Status management
- Profile verification
- Administrative actions
- Organization membership
- Project participation
- Resource association
let user = User {
name: "John Doe".to_string(),
nickname: "JD".to_string(),
bio: "Holochain Developer".to_string(),
picture: None,
user_type: "creator".to_string(),
skills: vec!["Rust".to_string(), "Holochain".to_string()],
email: "[email protected]".to_string(),
phone: None,
time_zone: "UTC+0".to_string(),
location: "Global".to_string(),
let record = create_user(user)?;
let input = UpdateUserInput {
original_action_hash: original_hash,
previous_action_hash: previous_hash,
updated_user: updated_profile,
let new_record = update_user(input)?;
// Get agent's profile
let links = get_agent_user(agent_key)?;
if let Some(link) = links.first() {
let user = get_latest_user(;
// Get profile's agents
let agents = get_user_agents(profile_hash)?;