Euismod provides fully-typed n-dimensional array functionality to any array-like object.
A numpy-like set of array methods are provided by shapeless-like typeclasses.
For example:
import euismod._
// a very simple array-like - a list of lists
// an instance of the euismod.IsArray typeclass is already imported for lists of lists
val arrayLike2d = List(List("a", "b", "c"), List("d", "e", "f"))
println(arrayLike2d.shape) // (2, 3)
// and here's an instance of it.
val numbersOfFruitIIntendToBuy = ListOfListsWithIndices[Numbers, LocalDate, String](
values=List(List(0, 1, 0), List(1, 0, 2)),
List(LocalDate.of(2021,1,1), LocalDate.of(2020,1,2)),
List("Apple", "Orange", "Tomato, technically"),
// very similar: an array of arrays can be a 2-d array
case class ArrayOfArrayWithIndices[T <: UnitType, Idx0, Idx1](
values: Array[Array[T#ElemT]],
indices: (List[Idx0], List[Idx1]),
val gramsOfPowdersIAlsoWillBuy = ArrayOfArrayWithIndices[Grams, LocalDate, String](
values=Array(Array(100, 130, 150), Array(210, 0, 50)),
List(LocalDate.of(2021,1,1), LocalDate.of(2020,1,2)),
List("Sugar", "Salt", "Sumac"),
// consistent setter, getter and other functions are provided automatically
println(gramsOfPowdersIAlsoWillBuy.loc("2020-01-01", "Salt")) // 130, of course
val moarOranges = numbersOfFruitIIntendToBuy.setLoc(("2020-01-02", "Orange"), 30)
// addition is handled automatically...
val doubleThatFruitOrder = numbersOfFruitIIntendToBuy + numbersOfFruitIIntendToBuy
// but in a UnitType-aware way; the following will produce a compile error
val neverMixYourUnits = numbersOfFruitIIntendToBuy + gramsOfPowdersIAlsoWillBuy
// getting an element will return an array of one lesser dimension
val arr1d = numbersOfFruitIIntendToBuy.loc("Orange") // arr1d implements the Is1dIndexArr typeclass
// thanks to the marvels of typing, arithmetic between array types can be handled automatically
trait Euros extends UnitType { type ElemT = Double }
case class SingleIndexedList[T <: UnitType, Idx0](
values: List[T#ElemT],
indices: List[Idx0],
val eurosPerGram = SingleIndexedList[Euros, String](
values=List(0.01, 0.015, 0.02, 2400.0),
indices=List("Sugar", "Salt", "Sumac", "Radium"),
val totalCostOfMyPowders = gramsOfPowdersIAlsoWillBuy * eurosPerGram
How does this help humanity with its current problems? Glad you asked
- Array types can be hot-swapped, or used in a mixed fashion in the code.
- Strictly typing the arrays reduces the likelihood of error
- Retaining index and UnitType information for the arrays allows many common array operations (joins, merges, dot products) to be done with a trivially simple API