All notable changes to the 'vscode-anchor' extension will be documented in this file.
- release candidate v0.2.6 by @heyAyushh in #26
- setup one click environments with gitpod and github codespaces
- vscode-anchor extension is now also published to,
this means now it is microsoft vendor free and can be used in environments where ovsx is supported
- gitpod one click button in readme
- Consent to Install Solana
- vscode-anchor custom solana binaries path in settings
- anchor install and use installed version automatically
- Program Item default action was not working #22
- extension size has been reduced by 90%
Full Changelog:
- Support for Anchor Version Manager (avm)
- Scaffolding projects Improvements #12
- Test against local validator
- Install command now uses avm to install Anchor and Other versions.
- Edit buttons on views for programs and tests are now replaced with default name click to open file.
- Anchor tests were not visible in pane #13
- Added Help Commands to your favourite docs site.
- Analyze your code with Soteria, Cargo Audit, and clippy.
- Fixed Build Verifiable Command.
- Anchor cli commands to vscode.
- Install anchor cli if not found.
- Anchor container view with programs and tests.
- Initialised extension
- Scaffolded Structure
- pull_request_template
- (donate and contributions)