+(instancetype)sharedManager : Returns the default singleton instance.
@property BOOL enable : Use this to enable/disable managing distance between keyboard & textField/textView).
@property CGFloat keyboardDistanceFromTextField : Set Distance between keyboard & textField. Can't be less than zero. Default is 10.
@property BOOL preventShowingBottomBlankSpace : Prevent to show bottom blanck area when keyboard slide up the view. Default is YES. (#93).
@property BOOL enableAutoToolbar : Enable autoToolbar behaviour. If It is set to NO. You have to manually create UIToolbar for keyboard. Default is YES.
@property IQAutoToolbarManageBehaviour toolbarManageBehaviour : Setting toolbar behaviour to IQAutoToolbarBySubviews to manage previous/next according to UITextField's hierarchy in it's SuperView. Set it to IQAutoToolbarByTag to manage previous/next according to UITextField's tag property in increasing order. Default is IQAutoToolbarBySubviews.
@property BOOL shouldToolbarUsesTextFieldTintColor : If YES, then uses textField's tintColor property for IQToolbar, otherwise tintColor is black. Default is NO. (#27)
@property BOOL shouldShowTextFieldPlaceholder : If YES, then it add the textField's placeholder text on IQToolbar. Default is YES. (#27)
*@property UIFont placeholderFont : placeholder Font. Default is nil. (#27)
@property BOOL canAdjustTextView : Giving permission to modify TextView's frame. Adjust textView's frame when it is too big in height. Default is NO. (#30)
@property BOOL shouldFixTextViewClip : Adjust textView's contentInset to fix fix for iOS 7.0.x -(#Stackoverflow). Default is YES.
@property BOOL overrideKeyboardAppearance : Override the keyboardAppearance for all textField/textView. Default is NO.
@property UIKeyboardAppearance keyboardAppearance : If overrideKeyboardAppearance is YES, then all the textField keyboardAppearance is set using this property.
@property BOOL shouldResignOnTouchOutside : Resign textField if touched outside of UITextField/UITextView. (#14)
-(void)resignFirstResponder : Resigns currently first responder field.
@property BOOL shouldPlayInputClicks : If YES, then it plays inputClick sound on next/previous/done click. Default is NO.
@property BOOL shouldAdoptDefaultKeyboardAnimation : If YES, then uses keyboard default animation curve style to move view, otherwise uses UIViewAnimationOptionCurveEaseOut animation style. Default is YES.
Support Device Orientation.
Enable/Disable Keyboard Manager when needed with
boolean. -
Easiest integration.
AutoHandle UIToolbar as a accessoryInputView of textField/textView with
boolean. -
AutoHandle UIToolbar can be manged by superview's hierarchy or can be managed by tag property of textField/textView using
enum. -
Category for easily adding Next/Previous and Done button as Keyboard UIToolBar, even automatic withenableAutoToolbar
boolean. -
Enable/Disable Next/Previous buttons with Category methods, even automatic with
boolean. -
Set keyboard distance from textFields using
. -
Resign keyboard on touching outside using
. -
Manage UITextView's frame when it's hight is too large to fit on screen with
boolean. -
Can manage
. -
Can play input sound on Next/Previous/Done click.