Prefer 'version: bump major', but use this for breaking changes that don't bump major.
Should be cherry-picked to a different branch
Good for the current "goalie" to pick up
Reviewer can merge the PR once reviewed.
Omit this PR from changelog/release notes.
Issue is related to Refinery 2
Needs to be discussed with the team
This issue or pull request already exists
An issue that could be an on-ramp for a new contributor!
Seeking more eyes and hands.
Further information is requested.
Flagged for awareness from Honeycomb Telemetry Oncall
Waiting for response to changes requested.
Out of scope/alignment with the project, or issue is expected, intended behavior.
Changes the configuration (and therefore requires regeneration and updating of docs).
Requests for comments, discussions about possible enhancements.
The necessary chores to keep the dust off.
A PR that breaks backwards compatibility.
A PR that adds behavior, but is backwards-compatible.
A PR with release-worthy changes and is backwards-compatible.