#Hospital Prices data
In an effort to increase price transparency, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have publicly released a data set showing what hospitals charged and what Medicare paid for the 100 most common Medicare inpatient stays (Diagnostic Related Groups or DRGs) in 2011. And on June 3, 2013 CMS also released an outpatient data set, containing charges and Medicare payments for 30 select Ambulatory Payment Classification Codes (APCs), by facility.
- DRG: Diagnoses related group (reason for any given patient visit)
- ID: Provider ID for Hospital
- Name: Name of Hospital
- Street, City, State, Zip: Location
- Region: US Region
- TotalDischarges (int): Number of patients seen for DRG in this Hospital for the year
- AverageCoveredCharges (int): Average amount charged by hospital
- AverageTotalPayments (int): Average amount paid by Medicare
- type: Outpatient or Inpatient
- lat, lon: Geo coordinates (from Yahoo Maps API)
Many thanks to all who came out to the data jam and built some visualizations with us! We'll do this again.
[geo plots] (https://github.com/timabram/houston-june-datajam) in [R] with ggplot2 and ggmap (http://www.r-project.org/) from Tim, Aditi, Orion, Rocio, and team
an interactive diagnoses group explorer in d3js from Leann, Javier, & Micah
mapping onto bodies with Python Muxin, Neeraj, and team